YOUNG—Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... Medical Bulletin - Page 36by Colorado. University. School of medicine, University of Colorado - 1906Full view - About this book
| Charles Eucharist de Medicis Sajous - Medicine - 1892 - 552 pages
...$100, Net $140, Net 22s. 6i 21 fr. CO Leather, 5.00 " 5.50 " 28s. 30 fr. 30 YOUNG Synopsis of Human Anatomy. BEING A COMPLETE COMPEN-D OF ANATOMY, INCLUDING...VISCERA, AND NUMEROUS TABLES. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surrrery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania;... | |
| Peter Charles Remondino - California, Southern - 1892 - 222 pages
...Britain, 8s. 61 ; in France, 9 St. 35. YOUNG Synopsis of Human Anatomy. BEING A COMPLETE COMPEND OP ANATOMY, INCLUDING THE ANATOMY OF THE VISCERA, AND NUMEROUS TABLES. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania;... | |
| Peter Charles Remondino - 1892 - 224 pages
...States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, 8s. Gd, ; in France, 9 fr. 35. YOUNG Synopsis of Human Anatomy. BEING A COMPLETE COMPEND OF ANATOMY, INCLUDING THE ANATOMY OF THE YlSCERA, AND NUMEROUS TABLES. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant... | |
| Charles Bouchard - 1894 - 364 pages
...States and Canada, s-.'.uo, net; Great Britain, 11s. 6d.; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNG—Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... | |
| George Henry Rohé - Hygiene - 1894 - 606 pages
...S2.OO, net ; Great Britain, 11s. Gd.; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNG — Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Heing a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy...Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... | |
| George Henry Rohe - 1894 - 606 pages
...edges, and borders. Illustrated. Bound in Leather, with Side-Flap Net, '- .00 VOUMi— Synopsis of Human Anatomy. . Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Anatomy of the Viscera, and numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOCNO, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery in the University... | |
| Egbert Henry Grandin - 1894 - 290 pages
...Britain, II - 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNQ — Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compeud of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... | |
| Walter Porter Manton - 1894 - 288 pages
...Britain, lls. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNQ — Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Coiupend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic .Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... | |
| Charles Wesley Purdy - 1894 - 440 pages
...Britain, 11s. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNG — Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compcnd of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MI)., Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... | |
| John Ellis Jennings - Color blindness - 1895 - 160 pages
...and borders. Illustrated. Bound in Leather, with Side-Flap Net, 3.OO• YOUNG— Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Viscera, and numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania,... | |
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