YOUNG—Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... Medical Bulletin - Page 36by Colorado. University. School of medicine, University of Colorado - 1906Full view - About this book
| Robert Ultzmann - 1890 - 192 pages
...United States and Canada, net, $1.40; Great Britain, 6s. 6d.; France, 9 fr. 25. No. 3. SYNOPSIS OF HUMAN ANATOMY : being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNO, MD, Instructor in Orthopsedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania;... | |
| Ludwig Edinger - 1890 - 436 pages
...Philadelphia, Pa.. US A PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY-REFERENCE SERIES. -IsTo. 3.Synopsis of Human Anatomy: Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University... | |
| Nicholas Senn - Surgery - 1890 - 688 pages
...Pa., USA. JUST ISSUED. = PHYSICIANS1 AND STUDENTS' READY-REFERENCE SERIES. iTo. 3. Synopsis of Human Anatomy: Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. •T JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University... | |
| John Veitch Shoemaker - Beauty, Personal - 1890 - 510 pages
...Pa., USA: JTTJST ISSXJED.PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY-REFERENCE SERIES. IfcTo. 3. Synopsis of Human Anatomy: Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. JAMES K. YOUNG, MO, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University... | |
| George Betton Massey - 1890 - 306 pages
...States and Canada, 82.OO, net. Great Britain, 8s. 6d. France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNG — Synopsis of Human Anatomy : BEING A COMPLETE COMPEND OF ANATOMY, INCLUDING THE ANATOMY OF THE VISCERA, AKD NUMEROUS TABLES. By JAMES K. TOUNO, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator... | |
| Medicine - 1890 - 852 pages
...ending with the latest editorial in the University Medical Magazine, April, 1889. SYNOPSIS OF HUMAN ANATOMY : BEING A COMPLETE COMPEND OF ANATOMY, INCLUDING THE ANATOMY OF THE VlSCERA, AND NUMEROUS TABLES. By James K. Young, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant... | |
| P.C. Remondino, M.D. - 1891 - 400 pages
...Canada, post-paid, 82. OO, net ; Great Britain, lls. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNG— Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopsdic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania;... | |
| Thomas S. Sozinskey - Medicine - 1891 - 214 pages
...Canada, post-paid, 82.0O, net; Great Britain, lls. 6d. ; France, IS fr. 4O. YOUNG— Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania;... | |
| 1891 - 558 pages
...Philadelphia, Pa., VSA^ PHYSICIANS' AND STUDENTS' READY-REFERENCE SERIES. l:To. 3. Synopsis of Human Anatomy Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor In Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University... | |
| William Goodell - 1891 - 626 pages
...States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; in France, 9 ir. 35. YOUNG Synopsis of Human Anatomy. BEING A COMPLETE COMPEND OF ANATOMY, INCLUDING THE ANATOMY OF THE VlSCEKA, AND NUMEROUS TABLES. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant... | |
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