YOUNG—Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania,... Medical Bulletin - Page 36by Colorado. University. School of medicine, University of Colorado - 1906Full view - About this book
| Medicine - 1889 - 652 pages
...of works your attention and you will find that you have been missing a good thing. SYNOPSIS OF HUMAN ANATOMY. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By James K. Young, MD, Instructor of Orthopedic Surgery and Asst. Demonstrator of Surgery in the University of Pennslvania;... | |
| Medicine - 1905 - 592 pages
...judgment used in therapeutic recommendations will be found of great value to the general practitioner. Hand-book of Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of...Numerous Tables, by James K. Young, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Philadelphia Polyclinic; Clinical Professor of Orthopa?dic Surgery, Woman's Medical... | |
| Medicine - 1905 - 756 pages
...been conducted mainly on the plan followed in the two preceding editions. HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY. — A Complete Compend of Anatomy, Including the Anatomy...Numerous Tables, by JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Philadelphia Polyclinic; Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Woman's Medical... | |
| Medicine - 1889 - 74 pages
...excellent style of workmanship characteristic of Lea Bros. & Co. SYNOPSIS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, being a compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera and numerous tables, by JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopcedic Surgery, and Assistant Demonstrator of Siirgery in the University of Pa.... | |
| 1905 - 406 pages
...sensitive feelings. Yel they are not overdrawn, and the practitioner will recognize familiar incidents. Handbook of Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy,...Numerous Tables. By James K. Young, MD, professor of orthopedic surgery, Philadelphia Polyclinic; clinical professor of orthopedic surgeiy, Woman's Medical... | |
| 1905 - 660 pages
...Genital Organs. Anyone who is interested in teratology will be interested in a perusal of this book. HANDBOOK OF ANATOMY. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy,...Numerous Tables. By James K. Young, MD, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Philadelphia Polyclinic; Clinical Professor of Orthopedic Surgery. Woman's Medical... | |
| 1889 - 756 pages
...of Edinburgh, etc. Bristol : John Wright & Co., 1889. Pp. xix-379. Synopsis of Human Anatomy, behig a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including the Anatomy...Viscera, and numerous Tables. By James K. Young, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania,... | |
| 1892 - 550 pages
...production of the very best book of its clas*,— Pittsburgh Medical Review. (26) YOUNG Synopsis of Human Anatomy. BEING A COMPLETE COMPEND OF ANATOMY, INCLUDING...VISCERA, AND NUMEROUS TABLES. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania... | |
| John S. Stewart - 1888 - 246 pages
...Canada, post-paid, 82. 00, net; Great Britain, 11s. 6d. ; France, 12 fr. 4O. YOUNG— Synopsis of Human Anatomy. Being a Complete Compend of Anatomy, including...Viscera, and Numerous Tables. By JAMES K. YOUNG, MD, Instructor In Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Demonstrator of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania;... | |
| Medicine - 1889 - 600 pages
...plates in this total work are invaluable and the text is authoritative and reliable. SYNOPSIS OF HUMAN ANATOMY, being a complete compend of anatomy, including...Viscera and numerous tables. By James K. Young, MD, instructor in Orthopedic Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania. Muslin, 8vo., 3'.I2 pages ; price... | |
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