MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW, AND JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL MEDICINE. NEW SERIES. VOLUME NINETEEN. [BEING VOL. XXIII. of ANALYTICAL SERIES.) [1st of JULY to 30th of SEPTEMBER,] EDITED BY JAMES JOHNSON, M.D. HYSICIAN EXTRAORDINARY TO THE KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. &c. &c. " Nec tibi quid liceat sed quid fecisse decebit "Occurrat mentemque domat respectus honesti."-CLAUD. REPUBLISHED BY RICHARD & GEORGE S. WOOD, No. 261 PEARL-STREET. NEW-YORK. MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL REVIEW, No. XXXVII. JULY 1, 1833. REVIEWS. I. Views of the Process of Defecation, and their Application to Diseases of the II. ay on the Natural History, Origin, Composition, &c. of Mineral Waters, By Dr. GAIRDNER II. (bis.) Treatise on the Venereal Disease and its Varieties. By WILLIAM WALLACE, Esq. III. PERICARDITIS. 1. Louis' Memoirs and Researches, Anatomical and Pathological, &c. Clinique Medicale. Par M. ANDRAL. Second Edition IV. 1 28 38 earches on the Pathology and Treatment of some of the most important Dis eases of Women. By ROBERT LEE, M. D. V. DUPUYTREN'S Clinical Lectures at the Hôtel Dieu 58 68 VI, MAYO'S Outlines of Human Physiology VII. Treatise on Diseases of the Urethra. By Mr. PHILLIPS : VIII. - Black Death in the Fourteenth Century. By Dr. BABINGTON IX. -phic Illustrations of Abortion and the Diseases of Menstruation. By Dr. GRANVILLE X. MORBID ANATOMY. Anatomie Pathologique du Corps Humain. Par J. CRUVEILLHIER. M. D. of the Elementary Forms of Disease. By ROBT. CARSWELL, M. D. |