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To Vol. IV. of the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal,
FROM JULY 1847, ΤΟ ΜΑY 1848.

Address delivered in Med. College of Chloroform, a substitute for Sulphurie

Chemistry, Hanover square, by Gardi-
ner, 369

Air passages, treatment of diseases of, 69
Alabama, Medical History of, by Lewis,
151, 459, 318, 3

Alabama, proceedings of Medical Society
of. Mobile, 674

Alabama, review of Medical history of, by
William M. Boling, 601
Aneurism, compression in the treatment
of, 235

Anatomy, general and special, 91
Animals, their constituents and their
food, 103

Arsenic, Medical evidence in poisoning
by, 389
Artery, carotid, ligature of, 107

Asthma and pertussis, ether in, 266

Bartlett, on fevers of U. S., 759

Beck, on adulteration of Medicines, 757
Bischoff, on maturation and discharge of
ova, 757

Blood, speculations on coagulation of, 34

Ether, 794

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Boling, W. M. his review of Medical His- | Ether, the inhalation of, by a new appa-

tory of Alabama, 601

Breast, abscess in, by Velpeau, 667
Burrows, on cerebral circulation, connec-
tion between disease of heart and brain,
review of, 753

Calcus, extraction of from female, 47,

Carotid artery, ligature of, 107
Cerebrum, disordered circulation of, 753
Cerebro-spinal meningitis, Chester on,


Cenas, obstetrical memoranda by, 312
Cholera, nature of the secretions from the

alimentary mucous membrane in, 668
Cholera, its history, progress, &c., 768
Chester on cerebro-spinal menigitis, 314
Charleston, value of life among children
of, 270

City, health of, 405, 682, 535, 133, 272

Country, health of, 406, 542, 685, 135
275, 805

College of Physicians, transactions of, 88
Compression, use of in treating aneurism,

Convention, national medical, proceed
ings of, 231

ratus, 265

Ether, its use and value, in Surgical,
medical and obstetrical diseases, 256
Ether, inhalation of in obstetrics, 145,

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