CHAPTER I-OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (Parts 1 to 190) EDITORIAL NOTE: Cross reference to the Department of Defense Federal Acquisi- (nonprocurement) and governmentwide require- Drunk and drugged driving by DoD personnel Former spouse payments from retired pay Accession of chaplains for the military services Release of information from medical records ....... Provision of free public education for eligible chil- dren pursuant to section 6, Public Law 81-874 Eligibility requirements for education of minor de- Voluntary education programs in overseas areas Training simulators and devices Program to encourage public and community serv- Voluntary State tax withholding from retired pay Provision of early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, and special education children with dis- Acceptance of service of process; release of official Naturalization of aliens serving in the Armed Forces of the United States and of alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and ci- Standardized rates of subsistence allowance and commutation instead of uniforms for members of the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps Part Page 114 Reserve components common personnel data sys- 546 115 132 Assignment to and transfer between Reserve cat- 587 589 142 143 144 Copyrighted sound and video recordings ... 591 592 595 145 146 Cooperation with the Office of Special Counsel of 596 602 SUBCHAPTER D-REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO MILITARY JUSTICE 150 Courts of military review rules of practice and pro- Department of defense personnel security program 693 157 158 Dissemination of DoD technical information 695 of classified information in permanently valu- Productivity Enhancing Capital Investment (PECI) 784 165 Recoupment of nonrecurring consts on sales of U.S. items 788 172 Disposition of proceeds from DoD sales of surplus 839 185 186 Military support to civil authorities (MSCA) 849 860 SUBCHAPTERS I-K-[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER L-ENVIRONMENT 187 Environmental effects abroad of major Depart- 864 188 ......... Environmental effects in the United States of DoD 873 189 190 Mineral exploration and extraction on DoD lands |