The Chicago Medical Times, Volume 13

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1882 - Medicine

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Page 331 - Members of the Medical Society of the State of New York, and of the medical societies in affiliation therewith, may meet in consultation legally qualified practitioners of medicine. Emergencies may occur in which all restrictions should, in the judgment of the practitioner, yield to the demands of humanity.
Page 333 - Compliance with this request is an act of courtesy, •which should always be performed with the utmost consideration for the interest and character of the family physician, and when exercised for a short period, all the pecuniary obligations for such service should be awarded to him.
Page 331 - Equally derogatory to professional character is it for a physician to hold a patent for any surgical instrument or medicine, or to dispense a secret nostrum, whether it be the composition or exclusive property of himself or of others.
Page 333 - Of differences between physicians. § 1. Diversity of opinion and opposition of interest, may, in the medical as in other professions, sometimes occasion controversy and even contention. Whenever such cases unfortunately occur, and cannot be immediately terminated, they should be referred to the arbitration of a sufficient number of physicians, or a courtmedical.
Page 333 - ... exercise of this fraternal courtesy, without awarding to the physician who officiates the fees arising from the discharge of his professional duties. In obstetrical and important surgical cases, which give rise to unusual fatigue, anxiety and responsibility, it is just that the fees accruing therefrom should be awarded to the physician who officiates.
Page 333 - ... he should retire, except in case of emergency, or when he has been called from a considerable distance, in which latter case he may examine the patient, and give his opinion in writing and under seal, to be delivered to his associate.
Page 331 - ... others. For, if such nostrum be of real efficacy, any concealment regarding it is inconsistent with beneficence and professional liberality; and, if mystery alone give it value and importance, such craft implies either disgraceful ignorance, or fraudulent avarice. It is also reprehensible for physicians to give certificates attesting the efficacy of patent or secret medicines, or in any way to promote the use of them.
Page 237 - Washington. The operation was performed by Dr. Lamb. It was found that the ball, after fracturing the right eleventh rib, had passed through the spinal column in front of the spinal...
Page 237 - ... blood rupturing the peritoneum and nearly a pint escaping into the abdominal cavity. This hemorrhage is believed to have been the cause of the severe pain in the lower part of the chest complained of just before death. An abscess cavity, six inches by four...
Page 8 - The devil was sick, the devil a monk would be ; The devil was well, the devil a monk was he.

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