Building Code of Baltimore: Being Ordinance No. 155 of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, Approved July 6, 1908 |
Common terms and phrases
12 inches adjoining alley anchored apartment house apply approved arches Article auditorium blocks boiler brick carried cast iron ceiling cement mortar chimney columns conform connected construction covered crete diameter doors electric enclosed erected exits exterior walls fire fire-escapes fire-proof buildings flange flues foot frame building inches thick incombustible material ings Inspec inspection Inspector of Buildings Inspector of Plumbing joists less live loads lodging house ments metal notice ordinance oriel window owner partition party wall passageways penalty permit person piers piles pipes placed plates Portland cement pounds per square proscenium protected quired reinforced concrete rivets roof rooms Section sewer shaft side sidewalk skylights smoke pipe space spector square inch stairs stairways standpipes steel stone story street stresses struction supported tenement or apartment terra cotta fire-proofing tests theatre thereof thereto tie rods tion ventilated Virginia Pine water closet width wires wood wrought iron
Popular passages
Page 34 - A lodging-house shall be taken to mean and include any house or building, or portion thereof, in which persons are harbored or received, or lodged for hire for a single night, or for less than a week...
Page 247 - Behind every tenement house hereafter erected, there shall be a yard extending across the entire width of the lot and at every point open from the ground to the sky, unobstructed, except that open iron fire escapes may project not over four feet from the rear line of the house.
Page 181 - ... the register to rest upon the same; there shall be an open space of two inches on all sides of the register box, extending from the under side of the border to and through the ceiling below.
Page 127 - ... pounds per square inch the loss in strength may be neglected. The freezing and thawing process must not cause a loss in weight greater than 10...
Page 34 - tenement house ' is any house or building, or portion thereof, which is rented, leased, let or hired out, to be occupied or is occupied...
Page 38 - cellar " shall be taken to mean and include every basement or lower story of any building or house of which onehalf or more of the height from the floor to the ceiling is below the level of the street adjoining. The phrase
Page 124 - Tests shall be made in series of at least five, except that in the fire tests a series of two (four samples) are sufficient. Transverse tests shall be made on full-sized samples. Half samples may be used for the crushing, freezing and fire tests. The remaining samples are kept in reserve, in case unusual flaws, or exceptional or abnormal conditions make it necessary to discard certain of the tests. All samples must be marked for identification and comparison...
Page 128 - ... of the Bureau of Building Inspection may require full tests to be repeated on samples selected from the open market when, in his opinion, there is any doubt as to whether the product is up to the standard of these regulations, and the manufacturer must submit to the Bureau of Building Inspection, once in at least every four months, a certificate of tests showing that the average resistance of three specimens to cross breaking and crushing are not below the requirements of these regulations. Such...
Page 62 - Any column eccentrically loaded shall have the stresses caused by such eccentricity computed, and the combined stresses resulting from such eccentricity at any part of the column, added to all other stresses at that part, shall in no case exceed the working stresses stated in this Code.
Page 126 - F. for at least twelve hours. It is then removed and placed in water, where it must remain for at least one hour, the temperature of which is at least 150° F.