| Edmund Burke - Great Britain - 1889 - 556 pages
...honourable gentleman l who made the motion for the repeal ; in that crisis, when the whole trading interest of this empire, crammed into your lobbies, with a trembling and anxious expectation, waited, almost to a winter's return of light, their fate from your resolutions. When, at length, you had determined... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1775 - 64 pages
...pleafure, the fituation of the hon. gentlenman * who made the motion for the repeal ; in that crifis, when the whole trading intereft of this empire crammed into your lobbies, with a trembling and anxious expeftation, waited, almoft to a winter's return of light, their fate from your * General Conway. your... | |
| History - 1778 - 626 pages
...'anxious expectation, waited, almost io a winter's return of light, their fate, from your resolutions. When, at -length, you had determined in their' favour, and your ' 'doors, thrown upon, shewed them the figure of- their deliverer in the well-earned triumph of his important victory,... | |
| English literature - 1797 - 490 pages
...(the late Field-Mar/hal Conway) who made the motion for the repeal of the Stamp Aft. In that crifis, when the whole trading intereft of this Empire, crammed...determined in their favour, and your doors thrown open mewed them the figure of their deliverer in the well-earned triumph of his important viftory,... | |
| 1782 - 530 pages
...melancholy pleafure, the Gtuation of the hon. gentleman who made the motion for the repeal ; in that crifis when the whole trading intereft of this empire, crammed int,o your lobbies •with a trembling expectation* waited, almofl to a winter's return of light; their fate from your rcfoluiions. When at... | |
| History - 1791 - 632 pages
...Kon. gentleman * who made the motion for the repeal ; in that crifis, when the whole trading intsrcll of this empire, crammed into your lobbies, with a trembling and anxious expectation, waited, aljiroll to a winter's return of light, their fate from your refolutions. When, at length, you had... | |
| Edmund Burke - Great Britain - 1792 - 604 pages
...pleafure, the fituation of the honourable gentleman * who made the motion for the repeal ; in that crifis, when the whole trading intereft of this empire, crammed...anxious expectation, waited, almoft to a winter's return * General Conway. of light, their fate from your refolutions. When, at length, you had determined in... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1792 - 596 pages
...honourable gentleman * who made the motion for the repeal; in that crifis, when the whole trading inrereft of this empire, crammed into your lobbies, with a...anxious expectation, waited, almoft to a winter's return • * General Conway. of of light, their fate from your refolutions. When, at length, you had determined... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - Great Britain - 1792 - 612 pages
...f1tuation of the Honorable Gentleman (General Conway) who made the motion for the repeal ; in that crifis, when the whole trading intereft of this empire, crammed into your lobbies, with a trembling and anxious expecbtion, waited, almofl to a winter's return of light, their fate from your refolutions. When, at... | |
| English literature - 1797 - 496 pages
...who made the motion for the repeal ut the Stamp An. In that crilis, when the whole trading ¡ntereft of this Empire, crammed into your lobbies with a trembling and anxious expeflation, waited, almolt to a winter's return or light, their fate from your refolutions. When,... | |
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