prisoner committed to await action of grand jury, entitled to private consultation with 8 entitled to, in trial by court-martial.. 8 right of, to be present when jury view premises where crime committed... 8 keeper of, to return list of disorderly persons to court of sessions. 20 48 judges of, how removed. when grand jury to be drawn for.... misdescription of title of court.. 12 225, 226 228 may order additional grand jurors in certain cases. in certain counties may be summoned from bystanders 230 231 233 may order new grand jury, when 235 must appoint foreman 244 must charge grand jury. 248 must advise grand jury... 262 indictments must be presented to...... 272 may allow amendments of indictments, when. 293 (4) Courts of Sessions excepting New York. original criminal jurisdiction thereof. one in each county excepting Fulton and Hamilton.. jurisdiction limited... classified 11 37 37 38 jurisdiction defined. by whom held justice of sessions in, how appointed. 39 40, 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 persons giving security to keep peace 89 grand jury in sessions.. 226 may grant new trial in certain cases. 463 indictment in, may be removed when. 344 new trials only in cases enumerated in section 465. 463 may affirm or reverse conviction, order new trial or modify. 761 new trial to be had in sessions 768 jurisdiction, constitution and powers of.. Section 861 835 908, 909 915 923 936, 940 961 50-54 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 54 53, 597, 740 56-63 11 (6) Courts of Special Sessions excepting New York and Albany. not courts of record when Courts of Special Sessions except New York. conviction in court of, good though not informed of right to jury.... 58 electing to be tried in, waives objection to jurisdiction.. Courts of Special Sessions. 58 no jurisdiction of offenses committed on boundary line, etc., of counties 135 record must show court in session when sentence pronounced... 717, 721 must have jury of six jurisdiction may be increased by statute.. common-law right to jury... subpoena by court.. disobedience of, by witness. jurors punished for non-attendance when fees not allowed.... preliminary examination dispensed with. who must have custody of prisoner.. form of commitment..... by whom executed.... defendant may be admitted to bail bail, how and by whom taken... form of undertaking. when forfeited... forfeiture, how remitted. (b) In New York city. jurisdiction and powers of. proceedings in..... trial on defendant's request. jury demanded....... trial before court without jury Section. 701 701 701 702 702 706 706 706 729 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 64-67, 741-748 741 742 743 744 745 745 746 746 747 747 748 748 68-73 72 749-772 74 75-78 597 .. 740 12 23 111 132 justice of, is a magistrate... 147 may remove indictment for cause 346 may stay trial to apply for removal.. 347 court must indorse decision on papers presented. 348 must cause papers on stay to be filed 348 second application not allowed... 349 |