| Egbert Guernsey - Homeopathy - 1853 - 614 pages
...sufficient guide. DOSE.—Two drops, or six globules, in a tumbler of water and a tablespoonful given every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. In severe cases, particularly if there is a dryness or pain in the throat, or the swelling... | |
| Egbert Guernsey - 1857 - 740 pages
...sufficient guide. DOSE. — Two drops, or six globules, in a tumbler of water and a tablespoonful given every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. In severe cases, particularly if there is a dryness or pain in the throat, or the swelling... | |
| Egbert Guernsey - Homeopathy - 1862 - 768 pages
...sufficient guide. DOSE. — Two drops, or six globules, in a tumbler of water and a tablespoon ful given every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. In severe cases, particularly if there is a dryness or pain in the throat, or the swelling... | |
| Henry William Herbert - Horses - 1865 - 486 pages
...for Aconite. Arnica, if the disease is supposed to arise from mechanical injury. DOSE. — Six drops every one, two or three hours, according to the severity of the case. Opium, if the animal lies in a stupid state as if dead. DOSE. — The same as directed for Arnica.... | |
| John Adams Tarbell - 1866 - 392 pages
...SULPHUB. DOSE. — Ten globules dissolved in four table-spoonfuls of water, and a tea-spoonful given every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the pain. A discharge from the ear, which is usually the result of inflammation, may be treated by 1. PUXSATILLA!... | |
| John Adams Tarbell - Homeopathy - 1866 - 396 pages
...SULPHTTB. DOSE. — Ten globules dissolved in four table-spoonfuls of water, and a tea-spoonful given every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the pain. A discharge from the ear, which is usually the result of inflammation, may be treated by 1. FULSATILLA;... | |
| Edward John Waring - 1866 - 842 pages
...in the following formula: R. Cerevisiae Fermenti f|x, Camphor 3^8, Ether. Nit. f 3iv. M. Dose f^j, every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the symptoms. It has also been used with signal benefit by Mr. Bennett,' of Gateshead. 787. In Dysentery,... | |
| 1870 - 456 pages
...is half a drachm of the vinum ipecacuauhse in four ounces of water, a dessert-spoonful to be taken every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the cough. Children under five years old should only take a teaspoonful of the same mixture, but many children... | |
| Medicine - 1870 - 638 pages
...is half i\ drachm of the vinum ipecacuanhas in four ounces of water, a dessert- spoonful to be taken every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the cough. Children under five years old should only take a teaspoonful of the same mixture, but many children... | |
| Sydney Ringer - Therapeutics - 1871 - 506 pages
...when livid from obstructed breathing. Carbonate of ammonia, in three to five grain doses, administered every one, two, or three hours, according to the severity of the case, has been highly praised in scarlet fever. It was largely used by the late Dr. Peart, who, from the... | |
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