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Bradford, Naomi L., member, Board of Education, Denver, Colo., and
member, National Association for Neighborhood Schools__.

Brown, Rev. Harold O. J., Ph. D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School__.._

Charity, Ruth Harvey, chairperson, Virginia State Advisory Committee__

Cortés, Michael, director, Legislative Analysis, National Council of La

Raza, on behalf of Raúl Yzaguirre, national director, National Council of

La Raza__.

Days, Hon. Drew S., III, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Divi-
sion, Department of Justice, accompanied by Lani Guinier, Special
Assistant to Mr. Days; Gaylord Draper, Research Analyst, Civil Rights
Division and Karen Siegel, Office of Legislative Affairs, Department
of Justice__

Destro, Robert A., general counsel, Catholic League for Religious and
Civil Rights_--

Flemming. Dr. Arthur S., Chairman, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights,

accompanied by Murray Saltzman, Commissioner; Frankie Freeman,

Commissioner; Louis Nunez, Deputy Staff Director; Richard Baca,

General Counsel; and Lucy Edwards, Director, Congressional Liaison

Unit, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights__.

Granquist, Wayne G., Associate Director for Management and Regulatory

Policy, Office of Management and Budget, accompanied by William E.

Bonsteel, Management Improvement and Evaluation Division, Office of

Management and Budget--.

Jones, Dorothy S., acting cochairperson, Massachusetts State Advisory


Kaplan, Debby, Disability Rights Center, Inc--

King, Edward C., attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center--

Larson, E. Richard, American Civil Liberties Union___.

Lichtman, Judith L., executive director, Women's Legal Defense Fund,

accompanied by Ann Allen_____.




Mitchell, Clarence, chairman, Leadership Conference on Civil Rights,
accompanied by Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., general counsel__.
Nichols, Ted, chairman, Florida State Advisory Committee_.



Panetta, Hon. Leon E., a U.S. Representative in Congress from the State
of California_.


Pérez, Al, associate counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and
Educational Fund__.


Todorovich, Miro, coordinator, Committee on Academic Non-Discrimination Page
and Integrity--.


Truan, Hon. Carlos, member, State Senate, State of Texas, and member,
Texas State Advisory Committee----


Venema, Jim, president, National Association for Neighborhood Schools__ 125
Walberg, Herbert J., Research Professor of Urban Education, University
of Illinois_-

Walentynowicz, L. F., executive director, National Polish American Con-
gress, accompanied by Zdzislaw Dziekonski, executive assistant____
Wolfskill, Elizabeth, member, Pennsylvania State Advisory Committee__


Panetta, Hon. Leon E., a U.S. Representative in Congress from the State
of California____






Larson, E. Richard, American Civil Liberties Union_-_-

Pérez, Al, associate counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Edu-
cational Fund----

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Walentynowitz, L. F., executive director, National Polish American Con-
gress, accompanied by Zdzislaw Dzielowski, executive assistant_.
Sklenar, Jan B., president, Masaryk Chapter Detroit Czechoslovak Na-
tional Council of America___

Sternberger, Rabbi Richard S., The Religious Coalition for Abortion


Brown, Rev. Harold O. J., Ph. D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School_-

Destro, Robert A., general counsel, Catholic League for Religious and Civil


Todorovich, Miro, coordinator, Committee on Academic Non-Discrimina-
tion and Integrity--

1. S. 2300, a bill to extend the Commission on Civil Rights for 5 years,

to authorize appropriations for the Commission, to effect certain

technical changes to comply with other changes in the law, and for

other purposes--

2. Brief summaries of 38 of approximately 190 publications released by

the Civil Rights Commission during the past 5 years--

3. Proposed substitute language for sec. 3(a) of S. 2300 requested by

Senator Bayh, and submitted by the U.S. Commission on Civil


4. Information requested by Senator Bayh and subsequently submitted

by the Commission in regard to costs if the Commission's jurisdic-

tion were expanded to include discrimination on the basis of age and


5. Reply subsequently submitted by the Commission to a request by

Senator Scott for a list of Federal agencies with civil rights re-


6. Reply submitted by Hon. Drew S. Days III, to a request from Senator

Bayh as to Mr. Day's opinion of the effect Massachusetts Board of

Retirement v. Murgia would have on sec. 3(a) of S. 2300 as far as

age discrimination is concerned

7. Agencies with civil rights responsibilities.

8. Biographical sketch of Leon E. Panetta, a Representative in Congress
from California.

9. H.R. 10501, a bill to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1957 to require

the constitution of advisory committees within each of the several


10. Letter of February 14, 1978, subsequently submitted by Charles

Stephen Ralston, first assistant counsel, NAACP Legal Defense

and Educational Fund, Inc., at the request of Senator Bayh....
11. Letter of February 8, 1978, subsequently submitted by E. Richard
Larson, National Staff Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union
at the request of Senator Bayh..

12. U.S. Commission on Civil R ghts, staff memorandum, to John Buggs,

staff director, from Frank Knorr, Director, Voting Rights Project,

August 30, 1974.

13. List of Texas counties showing major violations of the one-person,

one-vote principle

14. Letter to Mr. John Buggs, Staff Director, U.S. Commission on Civil

Rights, from Vilma S. Martinez, president and general counsel,

MÄLDEF, June 22, 1977__.

15. Letter to Vilma S. Martinez, president and general counsel, MALDEF,

from John A. Buggs, Staff Director, U.S. Commission on Civil


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17. Letter of February 13, 1978, subsequently submitted by Edward C.
King, directing attorney, National Senior Citizens Law Center, at
the request of Senator Bayh...

18. Letter from Omar D. Blair, president, School District No. 1, city and

county of Denver, Colo., Board of Education, to Hon. Birch Bayh,

February 1, 1978..


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*Copies of these exhibits may be found in the subcommittee's files.

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