JOHN MEDOLE, PRINTER, 193 Pearl Street, N. Y. SCHOOL, COF MEDICINE AND RUBLIC HEALTH WEBRARY 17 UL 119941 INDEX TO VOL. III. Page A New Hospital for Incurables.. 318 Abscess of Forearm consequent on Punctured Wound of Thumb.. 77 Air, Currents of, in the Treatment of Wounds and Ulcers. 152 Organic.. 392 Alcohol in Whooping Cough.. 231 Aphonia, Functional Nervous, Treated by the Application of a Galvanic Current to the Vocal Cords. .314 Atelectasis of Lung with Heart Disease. 219 Atomized Fluids in the Treatment of Diseases of the Respiratory Passages..401 Atropia in Epilepsy...... 231 Baronetcy Conferred on Dr. Thomas Watson. 399 Baths.. 309 Cancer, Syphilis and Neuralgia, Treatment of, by Iodoform Caries and Fistula treated by Villate's Fluid Catamenia, Retained, from Imperforate Hymen. 229 152 466 from Formation of Adventitious Membranes. 467 from Adhesive Inflammation of the Os Uteri. 467 Charcoal, Vegetable.. 230 Childbirth, Mortality in, as Affected by the Age of the Mother. Cholera, Use of Dilute Sulphuric Acid in, as a Prophylactic. 305 Chorea, Treatment of, by the Calabar Bean. .230 Cinchona and Iron, Wine and Syrup of.. 302 Clavicle, Extirpation of Acromial End of Left, with the Entire Scapula. .142 Clinical Inquiries into the Influence of the Nervous System on the Produc- Contributions for the Medical Volume to be published by the Sanitary Com- Da Costa, J. M., M.D., on Inhalations of Atomized Fluids 401 81 110 Ascertaining and Expressing the Degree of Acuteness of Vision.. Diseases of Children, The Vis Medicatrix Naturæ in.. 394 Dyer, Ezra, M.D., on Fracture of the Lens from Death by Violent Hanging..416 Echeverria, M. Gonzalez, M.D., on Reflex Paralysis 1,89 Emphysema, General, Complicating Pertussis. 458 Encephaloid Mass in Lungs, Death from Rupture of. 44 Encephaloid Tumor of Femur-Amputation at Hip Joint. 156 Entropion and Trichiasis of Upper Lid-Their Radical Treatment, &c. Fracture of the Lower Jaw-Treatment of, by Interdental Splints. 433 Page Fracture of Thigh, Compound-Treated without Amputation. 76 Furuncle of Face, Complicated with Phlebitis.. 141 Galvanism in the Treatment of Nervous and Functional Aphonia. 314 Glycerine as a Menstruum for Vaccine Lymph 307 Goitre and Enlarged Spleen-Treatment of, by Biniodide of Mercury. 232 Gunning, Thomas B., on Treatment of Fracture of the Lower Jaw by Inter- Gunshot Wound of Skull-Remarkable Recovery. 78 Health, Public, Effect of Milk or Meat from Diseased Animals upon. Hildreth, Joseph S., M.D., on Entropion and Trichiasis of Upper Lid 30 156 Hogebloom. Chas. L., M.D., on the Application of a Compressing Membrane to the Stethoscope.... 287 Holt's Method of Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra. Inhalations in the Treatment of Diseases of the Respiratory Passages, par- ticularly as Effected by the Use of Atomized Fluids..... 401 230 Injections, Subcutaneous, in the Treatment of Sciatica.. Lens, Fracture of the, of One Eye, and of the Anterior Capsules of both Lying-in Women, Mortality of, in the Parisian Hospitals. Mercury, Biniodide, Use of, in Treatment of Goitre and Enlarged Spleen. 232 Milk, Medicated.. 236 Monster, Notice of.. 399 Mortality among Lying-in Women in the Parisian Hospitals. .....468 |