Second Edition Improved, Crown 8vo. price 3s. 6d. "Under Government:" AN OFFICIAL KEY то THE CIVIL SERVICE OF THE CROWN, AND GUIDE FOR CANDIDATES SEEKING APPOINTMENTS. BY J. C. PARKINSON, ACCOUNTANT AND COMPTROLLER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, INLAND REVENUE, SOMERSET HOUSE. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS: "A work from an official hand, describing the general duties of each department, the rates of pay, the competitive examinations, and other standing rules."-Times. "With this help it will be hard if the reader cannot make choice of a post commensurate with his ambition, and confidence in his powers."-Daily News. "Will be very welcome to all who seek employment Under Government'; it will clearly show them the advantages and disadvantages of each office, the needful qualifications, and in whose gift the nominations are."-Examiner. "—Literary Gazette. "The best of its class that has been issued."-Athenæum. "A valuable book of reference, and one much wanted.""The work is what it professes to be-a Guide to the Civil Service of the Crownand what was attempted has been achieved."-Illustrated London News. "A little volume compiled with great care and accuracy, and containing a greater amount of information relative to the public service than has ever appeared in a collected form."-Shipping Gazette. "What 'Burke' is to the Peerage, and 'Dod' to the politician, this useful compilation, 'Under Government' will henceforth be to our Civil Service. All Candidates for Civil employment under the Crown may now consult their 'Parkinson,' with a certainty of finding in it information on which they may rely; while those who have already passed that Rubicon may ascertain from it their precise position, and their chances of promotion."-Notes and Queries. "A useful little book."-Punch. "Giving all the information necessary, and hitherto fruitlessly sought after by persons wishing for appointments. The necessary examinations, the classified salaries, periodical rates of progressive increase, the varying prospects of promotion, length of holiday granted, &c., in all the different public offices, are here to be found compiled most accurately, and in the handiest shape."-Illustrated Times. "Mr. Parkinson is an authority on his subject. Candidates for Government offices will find his book a most useful, because a most reliable one."-Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper. "The information contained in this concise volume is not to be met with elsewhere, and altogether the work is invaluable to the aspirant class for whom it is prepared."Daily Telegraph. "An authentic and invaluable guide to all candidates for Government employ."Illustrated News of the World. "An accurate and well-arranged handbook to the Civil Service."-Standard. BELL AND DALDY, 186 FLEET STREET. Government Examinations: BEING A Companion to "Under Government,” AND A KEY TO THE CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. BY J. C. PARKINSON, ACCOUNTANT AND COMPTROLLER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, INLAND REVENUE, PREFACE. THIS work on the Civil Service Examinations not only gives more recent information than has been yet published, but for the first time supplies facts which are not contained in the Reports of the Commissioners. The materials from which it has been compiled are of a varied and occasionally of an original character. I have not contented myself with mere references to the latest blue-books, but have made diligent inquiries of such members of the Civil Service as have been recently examined, and have thus been enabled to give minute particulars with fidelity and completeness. Since the publication of the last Report of the Commissioners, several changes have been made in the prescribed standards of qualification. In the list of qualifications given at page 1 these alterations have been made, and the entire work is corrected up to the present time. The Forms and Circular Letters, now first printed collectively, are verbatim copies of those used in recent examinations; a 2 the Introductory Observations and the Hints to Candidates are founded, to a great extent, on the Reports of the Commissioners; and the Examination Papers are compiled from the same source. Although the book is issued mainly for the use of those who seek entrance into the Civil Service, I am not without a hope that it will be occasionally referred to by other classes it aims at illustrating an important change in our administrative system-a change which has been nearly five years in active operation, but is yet, by the general public, but imperfectly understood. J. C. PARKINSON. Somerset House, 21 December, 1859. |