The Early Writings of Montaigne: And Other PapersMacmillan, 1904 - 218 pages |
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¹ Essais admiration Apologie autres Bacon Boétie Boétie's death bonnes Bordeaux Brach brother c'est character charming château de Montaigne chose conseiller d'une damoiselle Dean Church dedication dedicatory letter desired died Dieu edition enfans Estienne expression Eyquem father feeling Foix France French friendship Gournay Guienne Henry VI homme honour interest Italy Joachim du Bellay King King of Navarre l'homme La Boétie Lansac later Latin learned lived livre Louppes maison malady Médoc Mesmes Michel de Montaigne mind Mlle Monsieur Montaigne says Montaigne wrote Montaigne's mort mother n'est nature naturelle noble passage Paul de Foix pères peut phrase Pierre pleasure Plutarch poems qu'elle qu'il regard remarks Rome Sainte-Beuve Sebon Seigneur sieur de Montaigne soul speaks taigne taigne's talk things Thou thought tion Tolstoi Toulouse tout translation uncle vols wife words writes written
Popular passages
Page 20 - Tis for mine: For me kind nature wakes her genial power, Suckles each herb, and spreads out every flower; Annual for me, the grape, the rose renew The juice nectareous, and the balmy dew...
Page 25 - Oh Thou, who didst with pitfall and with gin Beset the Road I was to wander in, Thou wilt not with Predestined Evil round Enmesh, and then impute my Fall to Sin!
Page 15 - Quel monstre est ce , que cette goutte de semence , de quoy nous sommes produicts, porte en soy les impressions, non de la forme corporelle seulement , mais des pensements et des inclinations de nos peres ? cette goutte d'eau , où loge elle ce nombre infiny de formes...
Page 13 - II ya le nom et la chose ; le nom, c'est une voix qui remerque et signifie la chose ; le nom, ce n'est pas une partie de la chose ny de la substance, c'est une pièce estrangere joincte à la chose, et hors d'elle.
Page 188 - ... whate'er thou wilt, swift-footed Time, To the wide world and all her fading sweets; But I forbid thee one most heinous crime: O! carve not with thy hours my love's fair brow, Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen; Him in thy course untainted do allow For beauty's pattern to succeeding men. Yet, do thy worst, old Time: despite thy wrong, My love shall in my verse ever live young.
Page 21 - Qui luy a persuadé que ce branle admirable de la voûte céleste, la lumière éternelle de ces flambeaux roulans si fièrement sur sa teste, les mouvemens espouvantables de cette mer infinie, soyent establis et se continuent tant de siècles pour sa commodité et pour son service?
Page 81 - The rivets were not found that join'd us first That does not reach us yet : we were so mixt, As meeting streams, both to our selves were lost ; We were one mass ; we could not give or take, But from the same ; for he was I, I he.
Page 81 - I was his soul; he lived not but in me; We were so closed within each other's breasts, The rivets were not found that joined us first. That does not reach us yet: we were so mixed, As meeting streams, both to ourselves were lost; 95 86 resolve, relax. We were one mass; we could not give or take, But from the same; for he was I, I he.