The Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal, Volume 19E.S. Gaillard, 1876 - Medicine |
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Common terms and phrases
abdomen abscess acid action amputations appearance applied Association bladder blood body bowels calomel carbolic acid cause cavity cervix chancre chancroid chloroform color condition considerable convulsions cure death diagnosis dilated disease doses drug effect electricity ergot erysipelas examination experience extended extract fact faradic fatal favorable fever fluid gelseminum given glands grains hæmorrhage Hospital inches incision increased inflammation injection irritation Journal labor lungs matter Medical medicine membrane ment mercury minutes months mucous mucous membrane muscles myalgia nature nerve nervous observed occurred operation organs ounce pain paralysis patient physician pneumonia poison practice present Profession Professor prostitution pulse quinine relieved remarkable remedy respiration result scrofula skin Society stomach stricture suffering surgeon surgery Surgical symptoms syphilis temperature tion tissue treatment tumor typhoid typhoid fever typhus ulcers urethra urine uterine uterus vessels vomiting weeks wound yellow fever
Popular passages
Page 474 - Each State, county, and district medical society, entitled to representation, shall have the privilege of sending to the Association one delegate for every ten of its regular resident members, and one for every additional fraction of more than half that number...
Page 229 - WOMEN. BY T. GAILLARD THOMAS, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children...
Page 475 - Papers appropriate to the several sections in order to secure consideration and action, must be sent to the Secretary of the appropriate section at least one month before the meeting which is to act upon them. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to whom such papers are sent, to examine them with care, and, with the advice of the Chairman of his section, to determine the time and order of their presentation, and give due notice of the same.
Page 442 - ... suffer such publications to be made; to invite Laymen to be present at operations, to boast of cures and remedies, to adduce certificates of skill and success, or to perform 44 any other similar acts. These are the ordinary practices of empirics, and are highly reprehensible in a regular physician.
Page 587 - ... of not less than thirty (30) days nor more than six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Page 121 - Organs, including Syphilis. Designed as a Manual for Students and Practitioners. With Engravings and Cases. BY WH VAN BUREN, AM, MD, Professor of...
Page 223 - Paper. — Gently warm the greased or spotted part of the book or paper, and then press upon it pieces of blotting-paper, one after another, so as to absorb as much of the grease as possible. Have ready some fine clear essential oil of turpentine heated almost to a boiling state, warm the greased leaf a little, and then, with a soft clean brush, apply the heated turpentine to both sides of the spotted part.
Page 475 - ... and of all others who, being members in good standing of any State or local medical society entitled to representation in this body, shall, after being vouched* for by at least three members, be elected to membership by a vote of...
Page 357 - What has clinical therapeutics established permanently and indisputably? Scarcely anything beyond the primary facts that quinia will arrest an intermittent, that salts will purge, and that opium will quiet pain and lull to sleep.
Page 134 - HE clasps the crag with hooked hands ; Close to the sun in lonely lands, Ringed with the azure world, he stands. The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls ; He watches from his mountain walls, And like a thunderbolt he falls.