Minneapolis Homœopathic Magazine, Volume 4Minneapolis Pharmacy Company, 1895 - Homeopathy |
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Common terms and phrases
313 MEDICAL BLOCK 608 Nicollet Ave 608 Nicollet Avenue ALDRICH allopathic American Institute anti-toxin antiseptic antitoxin attendance AURIST BABENDRIER cancer cause cervix Chicago chronic Clinical cold constipation cough cure curette D. W. HORNING diphtheria Diseases of Children dose drug EDITOR electricity Elkhart Endicott Arcade experience Fergus Falls fever GYNECOLOGY Hahnemann HARVEY DALE HOMEOPATHIC MAGAZINE Homeopathic Treatment HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL Hospital iodoform Journal in writing malignant MASONIC TEMPLE Materia Medica Medical Century Medical College Medical Society medicine meeting mention this Journal method MINN Minneapolis Pharmacy Minnesota nervous Newport NOSE OBSTETRICS Office Hours opathic operation OSCAR K pain paper pathic pathology patient Paul physicians practice practitioner present President Prof profession remedy removed Samuel Hahnemann says scarlet fever Send ten cents serum SUPPOSITORIES surgeon surgical symptoms Syndicate Block therapeutic throat tion tissue tumor uterus vital forces Wisconsin writing advertisers York
Popular passages
Page 174 - ONLY chair in which all the movements known to modern surgical and gynaecological work are combined, together with new and valuable features. It is simple in mechanism, strong in construction, beautiful in design and easily understood and operated. Send for Catalogue.
Page 172 - Dentists', and Druggists' Locations and Property bought, sold, rented, and exchanged. Partnerships arranged; assistants and substitutes provided. Business strictly confidential. Medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific books supplied at lowest rates. Send ten cents for MONTHLY BULLETIN containing terms, locations, and list of books. All inquiries promptly answered. Address, HA MUMAW, MD, Klkhart, Indiana.
Page 85 - Dentists' and Druggists' Locations and property bought, sold, rented and exchanged. Partnerships arranged. Assistants and substitutes provided. Business strictly confidential. Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific books supplied at lowest rates. Send ten cents for Monthly Bulletin containing terms, locations, and list of books. All inquiries promptly answered. Address HA MUMAW, MI)., Elkhart, Ind.
Page 50 - ... are especially associated. In short, the design of the book is, while not neglecting the specialist, to bring the general practitioner into direct communication with those who are advancing the science of medicine, so he may be furnished with all that is worthy of preservation, as reliable aids in his daily work. Illustrations in black and colors will be consistently used wherever helpful in elucidating the text.
Page 50 - INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL ANNUAL, being the fourteenth yearly issue of this eminently useful work. Since the first issue of this one volume reference work, each year has witnessed marked improvements ; and the prospectus of the forthcoming volume gives promise that it will surpass any of its predecessors. It will be the conjoint authorship of forty distinguished specialists, selected from the most eminent physicians and surgeons of America, England and the Continent.
Page 67 - Hospitality, and one on Entertainment; the chairman of each of these committees being appointed by the president of the Meissen, who should have due regard in making these appointments to the locality where the Institute should hold its next session, and that each chairman of these committees should invite to her aid such ladies to assist her in the work, as in her judgment should be necessary. It was agreed that the Meissen should have no affiliation with the Institute of Homoeopathy, neither should...
Page 174 - YALE" SURGICAL CHAIR. The ONLY chair in which all the movements known to modern surgical and gynaecological work are combined, together with new and valuable features. It is simple in mechanism, strong in construct ion, beautiful in design and easily understood and operated.
Page 18 - Department to adopt the rule, that no person who has suffered from diphtheria shall be considered free from contagion until it has been shown by bacteriological examination, made after the disappearance of the membrane from the throat, that the throat secretions no longer contain the diphtheria bacilli, and that until such examinations have shown such absence all cases in boarding-houses, hotels, and tenementhouses must remain isolated and under observation.
Page 18 - ... diphtheria shall be considered free from contagion until it has been shown by bacteriological examination, made after the disappearance of the membrane from the throat that the throat secretions no longer contain the diphtheria bacilli, and that until such examinations have shown such [absence all cases in boarding-houses, hotels, and tenement-houses must remain isolated and under observation. Disinfection of the premises, therefore, will not be performed by the department until examination has...
Page 108 - In the transactions of the Antiseptic Club the thoughtful physician will find much to awaken his curiosity and interest; from the organization of the club, the various papers read and discussed, the testimonials considered, the cases submitted, the hypoderm, and finally the dental clinic at its rooms, all will be found redundant with effervescent exuberance. Charles Lamb says, "A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.