ROMAIN ROLLAND JEAN-CHRISTOPHE, $1.75 net The set 4 leather, boxed $10.00 net SOME MUSICIANS OF FORMER DAYS, $1.50 net BEETHOVEN. With supplementary analysis of his works by A. Eaglefield Hull, $1.50 net HANDEL, $1.50 net THE FOURTEENTH OF July and DANTON. Two Plays for a People's Theatre. Translated by Barrett H. Clark, $1.50 THE PEOPLE'S THEATRE. Translated by Barrett H. Clark, $1.35 BARRETT H. CLARK THE CONTINENTAL DRAMA OF TODAY: OUTLINES THE BRITISH AND AMERICAN DRAMA OF TODAY: HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY NEW YORK CITY Translated from the French of ROMAIN ROLLAND Author of Jean-Christophe, the plays The Fourteenth of July BY BARRETT H. CLARK Translator of Sardou's Patrie, Three Modern Plays from the Drama of To-day, etc. NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY 1918 242, R.75 1918 cop. 3 COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY THE QUINN & BODEN CO. PRESS RAHWAY, N. J. gift TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE BEFORE the manuscript of this translation was sent to press it was forwarded to M. Rolland for his approval. As neither my publisher nor I knew the whereabouts of M. Rolland and as we had merely heard that he had left France not long after the publication of his war pamphlet Au-dessus de la Mêlée and was residing in a sort of exile, we were by no means sure that the typoscript or our letters would reach him. But we tried, sending them in care of his Paris publisher. M. Rolland was finally located, and we began a correspondence from which I shall use certain parts to illustrate this brief preface. In my original preface to the present volume I had referred to M. Rolland's having retired from public life and being temporarily crushed, but the first letter I received convinced me beyond a doubt that he was far from it. He would never consent to the publication of any translation of his works without first seeing that it rendered faithfully the spirit of the original. He did not care even to discuss terms, and he added, by way of proof of his commercial disinterestedness, that the proceeds of the Nobel Prize, of which he was the recipient not long ago, and which amounted to over $40,000, he had spent in works of charity. |