ufus affumebant And afterwards, Durante obfidione, librum confcribunt & edunt, Reftitutionem ipfi vocant: boc in libro tradunt inter alia, regnum Chrifti futurum effe ejufmodi ante fupremum judicii diem, ut pii & electi regnent, impiis omnino deletis ubique: tradunt etiam licere populo magiftratum abrogare: item, etfi nullum habuerunt Apoftoli mandatum ufurpanda jurifdictionis, tamen eos, qui nunc funt, Ecclefiæ miniftros debere fibi fumere jus gladii, perque vim conftituere novam rempublican: ad hæc, neminem, qui non revera fit Chriftianus, in Ecclefia tolerandum effe: tum & illud, non poffe quenquam fieri falvum, nifi facultates omnes in commune deferat, nihilque proprium poffideat Lutherum etiam & Pontificem Romanum aiunt effe falfos Prophetas, Lutherum tamen deteriorem: fed & matrimonium corum, qui vera fide non funt illuftrati, pollutum & impurum, ac pro fcortatione vel adulterio potius habendum effe dicunt. Touching the Truth of the Propofition. See Dr. Whitby on A&ts 3. 44. and 4. 32. The Second Propofition is fo largely and frequently proved by the practical Writers, that I need make no particular Reference. The The THIRTY NINTH ARTICLE. A Of a Chriftian Mans Oath. S we confess, that vain and rash swearing is forbidden chriftian men by our Lord Jefus Chrift, and James his apoftle: So we judge, that chriftian religion doth not probibit, but that a man may fwear, when the magi ftrate requireth, in a caufe of faith and charity, fo it be done according to the prophets teaching, in justice, judgment, and truth. This Article contains Two Propofitions. 1. We confefs, that vain or rafh Swearing is forbidden Chriftian Men by our Lord Jefus Chrift, and James his Apoftle. 2. We judge, that Chriftian Religion doth not prohibit, but that a Man may Swear, when the Magiftrate requires, in a Cause of Faith and Charity, so it be done according to the Prophets teaching, in Justice, Judgment and Truth. See Dr. Whitby on Matth. 5. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. and on James 5. 11. The Text of the Prophet referr'd to, is, Jer. 4. 2. |