The THIRTY SEVENTH ARTICLE. T Of the Civil Magiftrates. HE Queen's Majesty bath the chief Power in this realm of England, and other her Dominions, unto whom the chief government of all eftates of this realm, whether they be Ecclefiaftical or Civil, in all Caufes doth appertain, and is not, nor ought to be subject to any foreign jurifdiction. Where we attribute to the Queen's Majesty the chief government, by which titles we understand the minds of fome flanderous folks to be offended: we give not to our Princes the miniftring either of God's word, or of the facraments, the which thing the injunctions alfo lately fet forth by Elizabeth our Queen do most plainly testify: but that only prerogative which we fee to have been given always to all godly Princes in boly Scriptures by God himself; that is, that they should rule all eftates and degrees committed to their charge by God, whether they be Ecclefiaftical or Temporal, and restrain with the Civil fword the stubborn and evil doers. The Bishop of Rome hath no jurifdiction in this realm of England. The laws of the realm may punish Chriftian men with death for beinous and grievous offences. It is lawful for Chriftian men, at the commandment of the Magiftrate, to wear weapons, and ferve in the Wars. - This Article contains Six Propofitions. 1. The Queen's Majefty has the chief Power in this Realm of England, and other her Dominions, unto whom the chief Goverment of all Eftates of this Realm, whether they be Eccle fiaftical fiaftical or Civil, in all Caufes doth appertain. 2. The Queen's Majefty is not, nor ought to be fubject to any Forein Jurifdiction. 3. Where we attribute to the Queen's Majefty the chief Goverment, by which Titles we underftand the Minds of fome flanderous Folks to be offended; we give not to our Princes the Miniftring either of God's Word, or of the Sacraments, the which thing the Injunctions also set forth by Elizabeth our Queen do moft plainly teftify but that only Prerogative, which we fee to have been given always to all godly Princes in the Holy Scriptures by God himself, that is, that they fhould rule all Estates and Degrees, committed to their Charge by God, whether they be Ecclefiaftical or Temporal, and reftrain with the Civil Sword the tubborn and evil Doers. 4. The Bishop of Rome has no Jurifdiction in this Realm of England. S. The Laws of the Realm may punish Chriftian Men with Death for heinous and grievous Of, fences. 6. It is lawful for Chriftian Men, at the Commandment of the Magiftrate, to wear Weapons, and ferve in the Wars. i ว. The First Propofition. See the Difcourfe of the Independency of the Church on the State, Chap. The Second Propofition. There is no Plea for any Forein Jurifdiction, but what is made in favor of the Pope's ufurp'd Authority; of which fee Propofition.. the f The Third Propofition is an Explication of the First, and the fame Reference will ferve. Only, because Queen Elizabeth's then late Injunctions are mentioned, as containing the fame Doctrin, I think it neceffary to fubjoin that Paffage of the faid Injunctions, which is referr'd to. An Admonition to fimple men, deceaued by malicious. The Queenes Maieftie being infourmed that in certayne places of this Realme, fundry of her natiue Subiectes, being called to Ecclefiaftical ministerie in the Churche, be by finifter perfuafion and peruerfe conftruction, induced to finde Some fcruple in the fourme of an othe, which by an act of the last Parliament is prefcribed to be required of diuers perfons, for the recognition of their allegiance to her maiestie, which certaynely neither was euer meant, ne by any equitie of wordes or good fenfe can be thereof gathered: woulde that all ber louyng Subiectes should understand, that nothing was, is, or hal be meant or intended by the fame othe, to haue any other duetie, allegiaunce, or bonde required by the fame othe, then was acknowledged to be due to the most noble kynges of famous memorie kyng Henry the eygbt her Maiefties father, or kyng Edward the fixth her Maiefties brother. And further ber Maieftie forbiddeth al maner ber fubiectes, to geue eare or credite to fuch peruerfe and malicious perfons, which moft finifterly and maliciously labour to notifie to her louing fubiectes, howe by the wordes of the fayde othe, it may be collected that the Kynges or Queenes of this Realme, poffeffours of the crowne, may chalenge authoritie and power of minifterie of diuine offices in the Churche, wherein her fayde fubiectes be much abused by fuche euyll difpofed perfons, For certaynely her Maieftie neyther doth, ne euer will chalenge any other authoritie, then that was chalenged and lately used by the fayde noble kynges of famous memorie, king Henry the eighth and king Edward the fixth, which is and was of auncient tyme due to the Imperial crown of this Realme: that is, vnder God to hane the foueraintie and rule ouer all maner perfons borne within thefe her Realmes, dominions, and countreys, of what estate, eyther ecclefiaftical or tempor all foeuer they be, fo as no other forrayne power fhall or ought to haue, any fuperioritie ouer them. And yf any person that hath conceaved any other fenfe of the fourme of the fayde othe, fhall accept the fame othe with this interpretation, fenfe, or meanyng,her Maieftie is well pleafed to accept euery fuche in that behalfe as her good and obedient fubiectes, and fhall acquite them of all maner penalties conteyned in the fayde act, agaynft fuche as Thall peremptorily or obftinately refufe to take the fame othe, The Fourth Propofition. The Foundation of the Pope's claiming a Jurifdiction in England, is his ufurped Supremacy, which is difproved in the Twenty firft Chapter of the Second Part of the Confutation of Popery. The Fifth and Sixth Propofitions. See the First Fourteen Sections of the Seventeenth Question of Turretin's Locus Undecimus. The Of Chriftian Mens Goods, which are not common. T HE riches and goods of Chriftians are not common, as touching the right, title, and poffeffion of the fame, as certain Anabaptifts do falfly boast. Notwithstanding, every man ought of fuch things as he poffeffeth, liberally to give alms to the poor, according to his ability. This Article contains Two Propofitions. I. - The Riches and Goods of Chriftians are not common, as touching the Right, Title and Poffeffion of the fame, as certain Anabaptists 'do falfly boaft: 2. Every Man ought of fuch Things as he poffef feth, liberally to give Alms to the Poor, accor ding to his Ability. The First Propofition. That certain Anabaptifts did then boaft, that the Goods of Chriftians were common, we learn from Sleidan, who in his Tenth Book of Commentaries bas thefe Words, Ad hoc tempus primi nominis apud ipfos (Anabaptiftas) Propheta, nam boc fibi nomen ufurpant, Joannes Matthæus, mandabat, ut quod quifque haberet auri & argenti, rei mobilis, id omne deferret in medium, capitis propofita pana, & in hunc ufum publica fuit conftituta domus. Hac edicti feveritate populus valde attonitus obtemperabat: nec integrum erat cuiquam fallere aut partem aliquam defraudare: nam puelle quædam due vaticinantes, quod commiffum effet fraudis, denunciabant. Neque vero fua tantum illi conferebant, fed eorum etiam quos ejecerant, facultates in fuos ufus |