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General Preface to the Second Volume. As for the Epiftle to the Hebrews, the Author of which is not yet agreed on, See Dr. Whitby's Preface to that Epiftle.

That the Matters of Fact related in the New Teftament

are true.

Secondly, The Matters of Fact related in the Books of the New Teftament are unquestionably true. See the Fifteenth Chapter of the Second Part of the firft Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chri ftian Religion. From whence it follows, First, That our Savior, his Apoftles, and the Primitive Chriftians, did certainly work Miracles in Confirma→ tion of their Doctrin, and were endued by God with diverfe Supernatural Gifts. As for the nature of Miracles, fee the Fourteenth Propofition of Dr. Clarke's Difcourfe, from the Beginning of it down to the Paragraph which begins thus, Secondly, The Divine Authority of the Chriftian. Revelation, &c. in the Margin of which Paragraph are these Words, Of the fulfilling the Prophefies, as an Evidence of our Savior's Divine Commiffion. And that our Savior, his Apoftles, and the Primitive Christians did actually work Miracles, and were endued by God with diverse Supernatural Gifts, fee the Thirteenth and Sixteenth Chapters of the Second Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion; the Tenth Section of Dr. Whitby's General Preface to his First Volume of Annotations, down to that Paragraph which begins with In Answer to what, &c. and the Twelfth and Thirteenth Sections of the fame; and his General Preface to his Second Volume, from the Beginning of the Second, to the end of the Sixth Section; and alfo from the Beginning of the Eighth, to the End of the Fifteenth Section. Secondly,

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That our Savior did most certainly rife from the Dead. See Bishop Pearfon on the Fifth Article, beginning at He rofe again. See alfo the Fourteenth Chapter of the Second Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reafonablenefs and Certainty of the Chrifian Religion, the Twenty eighth Chapter of the Second Volume of the fame Book, and the Eleventh Section of Dr. Whitby's General Preface to his First Volume of Annotations.

That our Savior and his Apoftles from, and inspir'd by, Almighty God.

were Teachers fent

Thirdly, Our Savior and his Apoftles were Teachers fent from, and infpir'd by, Almighty God; and confequently the Holy Scriptures are of Divine Authority, and the Chriftian Religion is undoubtedly true. See the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Propofitions of Dr. Clarke's Difcourfe; the Eighteenth Chapter of the Second Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion; the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Propofitions of Dr. Clarke's Difcourfe, the firft Eight Sections of Dr. Whitby's General Preface to his First Volume of Annotations, and the Fourth Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Cer tainty of the Chriftian Religion.


And because the Scriptures of the Of the Scriptures Old Teftament are alfo to be reof the Old Tefta- ceiv'd by Chriftians, therefore the divine Authority of them must be eftablifh'd. See the Eleventh and First Chapters of the Second Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion, and alfo from the beginning of the Third, to the end of the Tenth Chapter of the fame Book.


of the Canon and Integrity of the


That the Canon of Scripture receiv'd by our Church is perfect, fee the Seventh and Ninth Queftions of Turretin's Locus Secundus, and the Fourth Chapter of the Second Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion. And that our Copies of the Bible are uncorrupt, fee the Tenth Question of Turretin's Locus Secundus, and the Fifth Chapter of the Second Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion.

of the Objections

Concerning the Objections made by the Deifts, fee the Tenth Section of the Deifts. of Dr. Whitby's General Preface to his First Volume of Annotations, from In answer to what, &c. to the end of it; and the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Eleventh, Thirty firft, Thirty third, Thirty fourth, Thirty fifth, and Thirty fixth Chapters of the Second Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion. Secondly, We come now to the Controverfies with the Jews. They acknowledge the divine Authority of the Old Teftament, which contains many Prophefies concerning the Meffiah. Our Business therefore is to prove, that the Bleffed Jefus is that Meffiah, who was in the Old Teftament prophefied of. And this is done,

Secondly, With porhefis of the respect to the HyJews.

That our Savior

and his Apoftles were Teachers fent from, and infpir'd by, Almighty God.

First, By fhewing that the Bleffed fefus and his Apoftles were Teachers fent from, and infpir'd by, Almighty God. To this End you may use the fame Arguments which have been mention'd as proper to be offer'd to a Deift. Now if the Bleffed Jefus B 3


and his Apostles were Teachers fent from, and infpir'd by, Almighty God; then our Savior muft be that Meffiah, who was prophefied of in the Old Teftament. Because both himself and his Apoftles do declare, that he is that Meffiah; and God moft evidently teftified the fame by raising him from the Dead, and enabling him and his Apoftles to work innumerable Miracles, and exercife diverfe fupernatural Gifts of the Holy Ghoft, in Confirmation of that very Declaration.

That our Savior is the Meffiah promifed in the Old Teftament.

Secondly, By proving from the Scriptures of the Old Teftament, that the Bleffed Jefus is that Meffiah whom they speak of. See the Twelfth Chapter of the Second Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonable nefs and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion, the Sixteenth Chapter of the Second Volume of the fame Book, the Ninth Section of Dr. Whitby's General Preface to his First Volume of Annotations, and Bishop Pearfon on the Second Article, from And in Jefus Chrift, down to His only Son, To which add the Twenty feventh and Twenty eighth Chapters of the Third Book of Limborch's Syftem.

Thirdly, With reSpect to the Hypothe fis of the Mahome


Thirdly, For the Controverfies with the Mahometans read the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Chapters of the Third Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion. Now the Religion of a Mahometan being fuppos'd to have been prov'd falfe, the Truth of Chriftianity is demonftrated to him after the fame Manner as to a Deift.


Fourthly, The fame may be faid of the Pagans or Heathens, the Falfhood of whofe. Religion is fhewn in the Third, Fourth and

Fourthly,With refis of the Pagans. Spect to the Hypothe

Fifth Chapters of the Third Part of the First Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion.

You proceed now to the great Doctrins of Christianity.

You premife what Bifhop Pearson has Of Faith. written concerning Faith, in his Expofition of the Firft Article, from the Beginning down to I believe in God.

You then confider the great Point Of the Trinity. of the Trinity. See the fame Bishop Pearfon on the First Article, beginning at I believe in God, down to the End. Read alfo what the fame Author has written on the Second Article, from His only Son, to the End of it. For what relates to our Savior's being the Chrift, you flip over it now; because you have already perus'd it, when you examin'd the Truth of our Holy Religi-. on with respect to the Jewish Hypothefis: And what relates to the Name Jefus, you will foon meet with. Wherefore you go on immediately to the fame Bishop's Expofition of the Eighth Article. But I would advise you to fubjoin the First and the Six and twentieth Chapters of the Second Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion..

Concerning the Incarnation, fee Bifhop Pearfon on the Third Article,

Of the Incarnation. and the Twenty third Chapter of the Second Volume of Dr. Jenkin's Reasonableness and Certainty of the Chriftian Religion,

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