REVISION OF THE FEDERAL CRIMINAL CODE 57-920 O Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary Clark, Ramsey, former Attorney General of the United States, testimony Cleary, John J., executive director, Federal Defenders of San Diego, Inc., on Coleman, Dr. Lee, on behalf of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights....... 1698 Curtis, Dennis, professor and director, clinical studies program, Yale University Law School... Prepared statement Prepared statement. Dahlin, Roland E., Federal public defender, Southern District of Texas. Davis, Rendell A., executive director, the Pennsylvania Prison Society, letter Dunn, James R., Federal public defender, Central District of California. Dunn, Thomas X., general counsel, Building and Trades Department, AFL- Prepared statement Edgar, Harold, professor, Columbia University Law School Foote, Caleb, professor of law, University of California, letter to Hon. Robert Freeman, George C., Esq., on behalf of the American Bar Association, testi- Gainer, Ronald L., Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Page 1549 1559 1452 1466 603 1452 1466 383 399 422 1452 603 440 36, 38, 41 Gilbert, Rev. Richard S., member, board of directors, Unitarian-Universalist Prepared statement Goldberg-Ambrose, Carole E., professor, University of California at Los Angeles School of Law, on behalf of the National Committee Against Repressive Legislation. 1794 1804 339 Prepared statement 353 Supplemental statement 362 Gottfredson, Don M., dean, Rutgers University Graduate School of Criminal 559 Prepared statement 577 Letter to Hon. Robert F. Drinan, August 28, 1979 (Appendix to testimony of Don M. Gottfredson and Andrew von Hirsch).. 603 Green, Mark, director, Public Citizens' Congress Watch 312 Prepared statement 319 Greenhalgh, William, professor, Georgetown University Law Center, on behalf of the American Bar Association. Hall, Hon. Sam B. Jr., Member of Congress from the State of Texas, opening statement.. Hambrick, Marion W., Jr., Assistant Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Department of Justice Hanrahan, Kathleen, research associate, Graduate School of Criminal Justice, Harvey, Hon. Alexander II, U.S. District Judge for the District of Maryland, 2 1869 1879 Department of Justice memorandum discussing issues presented by the August 24, 1979, working draft of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice.... Hoffman, Peter B., Research Director, U.S. Parole Commission: 206 Testimony 1647 Letter to Hon. Robert F. Drinan, August 28, 1979 (Appendix to testimony of Don M. Gottfredson and Andrew von Hirsch)....... 603 Hoffman, Hon. Walter E., senior U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, on behalf of the Judicial Conference of the United States Hruska, Hon. Roman L., former U.S. Senator from the State of Nebraska.. Prepared statement 1612 4 25 International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffers, Warehousemen & Helpers of America.......... Judicial Conference of the United States. Justice, United States Department of. Landau, David, on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union.. Prepared statement Page 383 1598 30, 91 917 Loganbill, Fred, on behalf of the National Interreligious Service Board for Lenck, William M., Chief Counsel, Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. 945 1869 1689 1696 Lungren, Hon. Dan, Member of Congress from the State of California, opening statement.. 3 403 Prepared statement 416 1611 1647 Prepared statement 1663 Lynn, Rev. Barry W., on behalf of the National Interreligious Task Force on MacBride, Hon. Thomas, U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Cali- Maltz, Michael D., associate professor, department of criminal justice, depart- Marek, Edward F., Federal public defender, Northern District of Ohio............. Maresca, Charles, on behalf of the National Interreligious Service Board for Messinger, Sheldon L., professor of law, University of California, Berkeley, Metzner, Hon. Charles M., U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of 603 1452 1466 1689 1696 603 Miller, Jerome, president, National Center on Institutions and Alternatives..... Mikva, Hon. Abner, Member of Congress from the State of Illinois, opening National Prison Project of the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Public Citizens' Congress Watch...... Quigley, John, professor, Ohio State University College of Law Prepared statement Letter to Hon. John Conyers, Jr., February 26, 1980. Rector, Milton, G., president, National Council on Crime and Delinquency Riley, John J., associate general counsel, Associated Builders & Contractors, Robinson, Laurie, assistant director, Criminal Justice Section, American Bar Rothman, David, professor of history, Columbia University, letter to Hon. Sawyer, Hon. Harold S., Member of Congress from the State of Michigan, Schmidt, Benno, Jr., professor, Columbia University Law School 603 557 1647 312 1570 1578 1593 265 279 366 58, 440 603 22222 |