which they muft defpair to hear from courtiers and favourites, from minions and parafites, is a bold leveller of diftinctions in the courts of powerful monarchs. Genius is the parent of truth and courage; and thefe, united, dread no oppofition. The Tuscan language is greatly admired for its elegance, and the meaneft inhabitants of Florence speak a dialect which the rest of Italy are proud to imitate. The ftyle of Cellini, though plain and familiar, is vigorous and energetick. He poffeffes, to an uncommon degree, ftrength of expreffion, and rapidity of fancy. Dr. Nugent feems to have carefully ftudied his author, and to have tranflated him with ease and freedom, as well as truth and fidelity. * Dr. Nugent's Tranflation was published in 1771, 2 vols. 8vo. by T. Davies. This article, which was first inserted in Dr. Johnfon's works by Sir John Hawkins, I am unwilling to disturb, although it has very little of the Doctor's manner. It is not noticed by Mr. Bofwell in his "Chronological Catalogue," of Dr. Johnfon's Profe Works. C. A VIEW OF THE CONTROVERSY BETWEEN Monf. CROUSAZ and Mr. WARBURTON, ON THE SUBJECT OF Mr. POPE'S ESSAY on MAN. In a LETTER to the EDITOR of the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, vol. xiii. 1743. Mr. URBAN, 'T would not be found useless in the learned world, if in written controverfies as in oral difputations, a moderator could be selected, who might in some degree fuperintend the debate, restrain all needlefs excurfions, reprefs all perfonal reflections, and at laft recapitulate the arguments on each fide; and who, though he should not affume the province of deciding the question, might at leaft exhibit it in its true ftate. This reflection arofe in my mind upon the confideration of Mr. Croufaz's Commentary on the Effay on Man, and Mr. Warburton's Answer to it. The importance of the fubject, the reputation and abilities of the controvertifts, and perhaps the ardour with which each has endeavoured to fupport his caufe, have made an attempt of this kind neceffary for the information of the greatest number of Mr. Pope's readers. Among the duties of a moderator, I have mentioned that of recalling the difputants to the fubject, and cutting off the excrefcences of a debate, which Mr. Croufaz will not fuffer to be long unemployed, and the repreffion of perfonal invectives which have not been very carefully avoided on either part; and are lefs excufable, because it has not been proved, that either the poet, or his commentator, wrote with any other design than that of promoting happiness by cultivating reafon and piety. Mr. Warburton has indeed fo much depreffèd the character of his adverfary, that before I confider the controverfy between them, I think it neceffary to exhibit fome fpecimens of Mr. Croufaz's fentiments, by which it will probably be fhewn, that he is far from deferving either indignation or contempt; that his notions are juft, though they are fometimes introduced without neceffity; and defended when they are not opposed; and that his abilities and parts are fuch as may entitle him to reverence from thofe who think his criticisms fuperfluous. In page 35 of the English tranflation, he exhibits an obfervation which every writer ought to imprefs upon his mind, and which may afford a fufficient apology for his commentary. On the notion of a ruling paffion he offers this remark: 'Nothing fo much hinders men from 'obtaining a complete victory over their ruling 'paffion, paffion, as that all the advantages gained in their days of retreat, by just and fober reflections, whether 'ftruck out by their own minds, or borrowed from good books, or from the converfation of men of merit, are destroyed in a few moments by a free 'intercourfe and acquaintance with libertines; and thus the work is always to be begun anew. A 'gamefter refolves to leave off play, by which he 'finds his health impaired, his family ruined, and 'his paffions inflamed; in this refolution he perfifts a few days, but foon yields to an invitation, which 'will give his prevailing inclination an opportunity ' of reviving in all its force. The cafe is the fame ' with other men: but is reason to be charged with thefe calamities and follies, or rather the man who refuses to liften to its voice in oppofition to impertinent folicitations?" On the means recommended for the attainment of happiness, he obferves, that the abilities which our Maker has given us, and the internal and ' external advantages with which he has invested us, are of two very different kinds; thofe of one kind are bestowed in common upon us and the brute creation, but the other exalt us far above other animals. To difregard any of thefe gifts 'would be ingratitude; but to neglect those of greater excellence, to go no farther than the grofs 'fatisfactions of fenfe, and the functions of mere 'animal life, would be a far greater crime. We are 'formed by our Creator capable of acquiring knowledge, and regulating our conduct by reasonable 'rules; it is therefore our duty to cultivate our un'derstandings, 6 a derstandings, and exalt our virtues. We need but make the experiment to find, that the greatest pleasures will arife from fuch endeavours. "It is trifling to allege, in oppofition to this truth, that knowledge cannot be acquired, nor virtue purfued, without toil and efforts, and that all efforts produce fatigue. God requires nothing: difproportioned to the powers he has given, and in the exercife of thofe powers confifts the highest fatisfaction. Toil and wearinefs are the effects of vanity: when a man has formed a defign of excelling others in merit, he is difquieted by their advances, ⚫ and leaves nothing unattempted, that he may ftep before them: this occafions a thoufand unreafonable emotions, which juftly bring their punishment along with them. $ But let a man study and labour to cultivate and improve his abilities in the eye of his Maker, and ❝ with the prospect of his approbation; let him attentively reflect on the infinite value of that approbation, and the highest encomiums that men can beftow will vanifh into nothing at the comparifon. When we live in this manner, we find that we live for a great and glorious end. ४ When this is our frame of mind, we find it no longer difficult to restrain ourselves in the gratifications of eating and drinking, the moft grofs enjoy⚫ments of fenfe. We take what is neceffary to pre* ferve health and vigour, but are not to give ourfelves up to pleasures that weaken the attention, and dull the understanding.' VOL. II. S And |