21, COLLEGE-GREEN, LONGMAN, REES, AND CO., AND SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL, LONDON; SMITH AND SON, GLASGOW. 1833. ART. I.-Notes on Malignant Cholera, as it appeared in Dublin. By SIMON M'Cor, late one of the Resident Medical Officers of the Grange Gorman-lane Cholera Hospital. (Continued from Vol. II. page 375.) I HAVE endeavoured to observe something like arrangement in transcribing my notes for the press, but being taken originally without any, and want of sufficient time at present, frustrates my intention; I may therefore be excused throwing in one or two observations, somewhat out of place, before I come to the treatment of cholera. The endemic accession of the disease, and its return after an almost total subsidence, have been alike sudden; one or two straggling cases are first observed, like the advanced guard of an army before the main body appears. In its commencement, wherever I witnessed it, the first cases that occurred were of the VOL. III. NO. 7. B |