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Antiseptic. Astringent. Curative.

One each night, introduced into the vagina well up to the uterus, gives prompt and permanent relief in all forms of Vaginal Catarrhs, whether specific or non-specific. Antiseptic Sphenoids possess the very necessary physical qualities of ready disintegration and solubility, without which success is never assured. For Hemorrhoids and Sphincter Troubles, cover with petrolatum to facilitate insertion.

We feel confident if we can induce you to try Antiseptic Sphenoids, the goal of our ambition is complete and success will reward you for your trouble. Send for Free Sample and Literature.

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No remedy yet introduced to the profession covers so large a field of usefulness as ECTHOL.

It is indicated in all breaking down tendencies of the fluids, tissues and corpuscles, as it antagonizes and corrects all gangrenous and malignant conditions.

Wherever there is dyscrasia of the secretions, or where blood poisoning or tissue disintegration exists, ECTHOL is the indicated remedy. In other words, it is anti-purulent.

It is, therefore, indicated in typhoid or other morbific fevers, erysipelas, diphtheria, carbuncles, boils, gangrenous wounds, ulcers, abscesses, and all other cachectic conditions of the system.

It is also the best remedy for the stings of insects, bites of snakes, for blotches, pimples, etc.

In addition to its internal administration, it should be freely and frequently applied to external sores of every description. It should also be used as a mouth wash and gargle in ulcerated or putrid conditions of the mouth and throat.

ECTHOL is neither alterative nor antiseptic in the sense in which those words are usually understood. It is anti-purulent, anti-morbific-a corrector of the depraved condition of the fluids and tissues.

DIRECTIONS.-Ecthol should be administered internally IN ALL CASES, in doses of one teaspoonful four times a day, or as often as every two hours in very bad cases, and when used for external ailments, it should ALSO be freely applied to the affected parts.



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Spasmodic Obstruction of Bowel.

Intestinal obstruction treated by the hypodermic injection of large doses of atropine is reported by Dr. Batch. In each of the three cases in which it was used, purgative medication has been ineffectual, the abdomen was tender and much distended, and stercoraceous vomiting had occurred. The dose of atropine administered was one-twelfth of a grain. A single injection sufficed for the relief of one patient, while another required two before the lost function was restored with simultaneous disappearance of the distressing and alarming symptoms. In the third case, the treatment failed for the reason, as demonstrated at the subsequent laparatomy, that the obstruction was due to a band of fibrous tissue, beneath which the intestine had been caught and strangulated. Although this condition had lasted some time, as proven by the marked constriction rings at the ends of the incarcerated portion of the bowel, and although that portion was purple when first seen, severance of the fibrous band was followed almost imme

diately by restoration of color and function, and the prompt recovery of the patient without a single untoward symptom. To this happy result the doctor believes that the atropine largely contributed.-Merck's Archives.


Sulphur is a most excellent remedy in chlorosis, and especially in the beginning of the treatment. The patient complains of cramping pain in the abdomen, fainting, very sensitive to open air, and the limbs "go to sleep." Constant drowsiness during the day, the digestion is enfeebled, and accompanied by fullness and pressure in the stomach. It starts the lymphatics to work and paves the way for some other remedy.-Med. Visitor.

Unequalled in Epilepsy.

Dr. F. Baum, Kansas City, Kan., writes: I know nothing to equal Peacock's Brōmides for epilepsy, nervous excitement, or any trouble depending on reflex irritations.







Given with Antipyretics TO PREVENT Cardiac Depression.

Specially indicated for the cardiac nervousness caused by the use of alcohol, coffee, tea or tobacco.

Each Pillet represents one one-hundredth of a grain of Cactinathe active proximate principle of Cactus Mexicana.

DOSE.-One Pillet every hour, or less often, as indicated.



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