STREET LAMPS For Lighting Towns, Streets and Alleys. PUT ONE IN FRONT OF YOUR DOOR. DOCTOR-Don't have your patients hunting for you in the dark. Put a Lamp in front of you: office. WILL PAINT YOUR NAME ON IT FREE. You can't examine an eye, ear or throat with a poor lamp or by the light of the moon. We will furnish you an Office Lamp of 75 candle power that will only cost ONE CENT A NIGHT. 1015 Chestnut Street, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. DOCTOR, Have You Tried Salo-Sedatus in dred diseases of the throat. and air passages. It takes time to prove the value of a remedy; CRESOLENE has twenty-one years behind it and the assurance of a vigorous and growing demand, beside the personal acknowledgment of many physicians that it is the best remedy, particularly for Whooping Cough and Croup ever introduced. The application of CRESOLENE is simplicity itself, The Vaporizer acts from five to six hours without attention. The patient simply breathes the medicated air of the room. The treatment being by inhalation does away with the necessity of waking the patient, which, in itself, is of sufficient importance to warrant giving it a trial. CRESOLENE may be used in connection with any other treatment, and is used with success in the treatment of Diphthe ria. Scarlet Fever and Measles. CRESOLENE is a product of coal tar, of much greater antiseptic power than carbolic acid. Send for descriptive booklet, containing physicians' testimonials and price list, Notice. Physlelans will be allowed a liberal discount, express pald on first order, and money back if not satisfied. Vapo-Cresolene Co., 180 Fulton St.. New York. La Grippe? Send for FREE SAMPLES Address Salo-Sedatus Chemical Co., 603 Holland Building, 211 N. 7th St., =:= ST. LOUIS, MOJ In Writing to Advertisers, Mention Medical Brief. A Electricity, faradic, galvanic and static. Our static machine is one of the largest and most modern manufactured. Massage, manual, Swedish and mechanical. Calisthenics, therapeutic gymnastics, and trained nurses. The institution is also provided with solar arcade, for rest cure. Diet, scientifically regulated. Mineral drinking water, absolutely pure, from a flowing well 187 feet deep. Ventilation and heating the most modern, throughout the buildings. A corps of experienced physicians and nurses in attendance. To the doctors we extend every fraternal consideration. Any doctor wishing to bring a patient to our institution is invited to do so, and we will place in his hands every facility and privilege which the institution affords; or we will consult with him, agree upon the course of treatment, and maintain his identity and interest in the case to the end. All communications should be addressed to D. R. SUMMY, M. D., Supt.. This School is for Physicians, and is equipped with the most modern up-to-date apparatus. All the rudimentary physics will be profusely illustrated and made plain even to the uninitiated in electro-therapy. NO MAIL COURSE WILL BE GIVEN and NO DEGREES WILL BE CONFERRED, but a handsomely engraved certificate of attendance can be obtained if desired after the completion of the course. The courses will be of two weeks' duration, and consists of both clinical and didactic instructions. A two weeks' course will make you selfdependent. Write for further information, terms and printed matter. MODERN INSTITUTION for the treat- Every room in the buildings abso lutely aseptic. Decorations, furniture, fixtures, new. Each bed-room furnished with finest bed. Ideal spiral springs and the best quality of curled hair mattresses, made in the institution, under our own supervision. No odors, the purest of air. The floors of the entire Sanitarium are pol1shed quartered oak, strewn with rugs, rendering them perfectly noiseless. Incandescent electric lights, electric callbells, hydraulic elevators. The finest bath-rooms, fitted up according to latest methods. Baths of every description, including the Electric, or Radiant Heat Baths," (Kellogg's); with every facility for accurately ascertaining the pressure used, ranging from ten to thirty-five pounds, by the gauge; the temperature applied by the thermometer; and duration by a proper clock, with trained attendants. ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. FACULTY. Franklin H. Martin, M. D. Electricity in Gynecology. (INCORPORATED.) W. Franklin Coleman, M. D., M. R. C. S. (Eng.) Nose and Throat. C. 8. Neiswanger, Ph. G., M. D. General Electro-Therapeutics. Electro-Physics, Radiography and X-Ray May Cushman Rice, M. D. Demonstrator of Epilation and Minor ILLINOIS SCHOOL OF ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS, 1302-3 Champlain Bldg., Chicago, Ill. WHISKEY HABIT C CURED BY THE..... This Treatment is not a substitute, but an HAIR VS. SURGERY. DE MIRACLE, No. 1: To remove hair preparatory to surgical operation. DE MIRACLE, No. 2: To remove hair from scalp and lacerated wounds. DE MIRACLE: To remove superfluous hair. Money refunded if De Miracle does not give entire satisfaction. Sent post paid on receipt of $1.00. Descriptive Literature sent on request. 19 East Fifteenth St.. DE MIRACLE CO., NEW YORK, U.S.A. ANTINARCOTIN antidote. It rapidly finds its way into the circulation, and by being AN ANTIDOTE TO THE POISON in the system it swiftly eradicates all trace of it from the system. It performs the cure without pain or bad effects; it affords GOOD, SOOTHING, DREAMLESS SLEEP, leaving the patient in a vigorous and robust condition. For full information address G. H. ROOSE, Manager Antinarcotin Sanitarium, SUCCESSOR TO NARCOTISM HOSPITAL, 3016 Lucas Ave., St. Louis, Mo. MORPHINE Easy, permanent, home cure. Absolutely | TRIAL FREE. Read this letter from a Berlin Remedy Co., Gentlemen: I am surprised as well as gratified with your treatment. It has in my practice effected complete and New York Physician: permanent cures, entirely doing away with the craving for narcotics. I had for years attempted to accomplish this by other methods, al of which were unqualified failures. I un. hesitatingly pronounce your remedy a great success.-E. W. Brown, M. D., 246 W. 15 St., New York. Confidential Correspondence Invited, especially from Physicians. BERLIN REMEDY CO., 2 E. 42 St., N. Y. A Good Doctor wants This Tailor must know just what a Doctor should wear How to cut it-How to make it. This Tailor must be prompt and honest. This Tailor should have originality enough to get out of the ruts." For forty years we've been tailors and for twelve years have studied how to be "A Good Tailor for a Good Doctor." We think the best goods ever made for Doctors is our Special Black Llama Thibet-made from the wool of the Black Llama-it is absolutely fadeless. The goods is soft, pliable, sanitary. It wears better than other materials because the wool has lost none of its original strength or lustre. We sell thousands of Doctors' Suits-sell them at a low price-not a cheap pricewe're not in the "cheap" class. But such goods as we make are cheaper than the cheapest. A flag of this goods went from head without fading a partidis. Made to your measure, with best Tailoring and Trimmings, a Sack Sult costs $18.00, a Walking Coat Suit $20.50, a Prince Albert Frock Suit $24.00, Overcoat $18.00. These prices are delivered free to your own door. We pay all express charges and promptly refund your money for any cause. Write to us and send Your Name, P. O. Address, and we will send you a sample free, with full particulars, Instructions for self- E. O. Chompson's Sons, London to Australia at them 1338 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. I had a patient, M., Aet. 80, Valvular heart lesion. Prominent symptoms. Sleeplessness and pericardial pain at night. I tried all the ordinary sedatives and hypnotics without avail. Prescribed Papine in drachm doses. The result was marvelous. He was enabled to sleep the entire night without the least disturbance. F. DAY FERMAN, Ph. G., M. D. Good Hope, Ohio, Feb. 6, 1897. The Ecthol that you sent me did wonders in a case of abscess of the foot, with prolonged suppuration and loss of substance. I had tried to heal it by cauterizing with nitrate of silver, by washing with sublimate, and by dry dressings with iodoform gauze; but the disorder continued. After cleaning the region with sterilized water, I wrapped the wound in aseptic gauze soaked in pure Ecthol, and at the same time I administered four tablespoonfuls a day internally. The patient also continued at intervals to soak the dressing from outside with Ecthol without removing it, so that it should always be moist. Five days afterwards I removed the dressing to see the result. Suppuration was almost stopped, and fresh granulations showed that healing was beginning. I then continued the treatment, and my patient now walks without pain and is recovering. This is an excellent result, and I beg that you will send me another bottle, so that I can always have some on hand. Your preparations keep their promises, and I am quite willing that you should publish the results they give in my practice. DR. CONVERS, Privy Councillor. La Javie, Basses Alpes, France, August 18, 1900. |