OIL CHAMBER Our Hypodermic Syringes all have the new patent THE WESTERN SUPPLY CO. N. B.-Pistons of old style Syringes replaced with our CLINTON W PRICE $1.50 TAKES THE PLACE OF THE EXPENSIVE COMPRESSED AIR APPARATUS. How do you like this Issue? INSOMNIA China's favorite punishment of criminals is the continuous prevention of sleep. After seven or eight days of this excruciating torture the victim becomes either a maniac or a corpse. Thousands of afflicted men and women are praying daily for the touch of "Nature's sweet restorer." It is the recognized remedy par excellence for all maladies and disorders. Daniel's Concentrated Tincture a preparation of the May Pop or Passion Flower, possesses the virtue of In the various diseases concomitant to nerve derangement (as the Physician will infer) Daniel's Passiflora acts speedily and effectively. Samplies supplied, Physicians prepaying express charges. Write for literature. Laboratory of JNO. B. DANIEL, Atlanta, Ga. The New Animal Therapy. AND The Roberts-Lymph Compound The Roberts-Hawley Lymphs. FORMULA. Following ingredients taken from 6 months old goats: contents of lymphatic glands, ducts, etc.; extracts from lymphatic glands, cerebrum, medulla, cord and testicles; also semen from 2-year-old bulls' testicles. All ingredients taken before or immediately after death, and kept indefinitely in an active condition. The "extracts" are really solutions of the structures named. Used in certain chronic diseases, especially functional and organic diseases of nervous system, chronic articular rheumatism, and other chronic diseases characterized by infiltration or degeneration, atrophy, overgrowth of connective tissue and retarded nutrition. The bactericidal properties of the Lymph render it very efficient in the treatment of tuberculosis, chronic suppuration, ulceration, etc. Statistics, Journal of the American Animal Therapy Association, and other literature may be obtained from the Medical Director of the Association. JOSEPH R. HAWLEY, M. D., 3421 South Park Ave., Chicago, Ills.' 280 BUSINESS CHANCES BUSINESS NOTICES. Business Chances. PROPERTY, PRACTICES, ETC. FOR SALE. Notices will be placed under this head on receipt of five cents a word each insertion. Money must accompany the notice. For Sale.-At great sacrifice, 26 room sanitarium, magnificent location, Eastern Pennsylvania. Satisfactory reason. Bargain of a life time. Address, SANITARIUM, care MEDICAL BRIEF. For Sale, Cheap.-A small lot, with house, stable, orchard, and small fruits. Fine location for practice. Central Pennsylvania. For particulars, address S. A. MILLIKEN, M. D.. Pinos Altos, N. M. For Sale.-Fine location, office and residence (averaging $2,100 annually for ten years), for price of property. One-half cash, baiance on time. Lock Box 15, Smithville, Ohio. For Sale Cheap.-Unopposed practice, German neighborhood, Illinois; worth $1,500. 907 HOLLAND BUILDING, St. Louis, Mo. For Sale, Medical Practice.-$200.. Good opening. Write for particulars. Medlers don't write. W. H. SELBY, M. D., Renick, Mo. Wanted.-A partner to take charge of a Gold Cure Institute. Address, GOLD, MEDICAL BRIEF. Wanted.-To buy practice with property, in Ohio or West Virginia. Address, "S.", care BRIEF. Wanted. To buy property and practice in town of 800 to 2,500. Box 88, Dewey, Ill. Catarrhal Jaundice. Dr. Thos. F. Sterling, Valley Mills, W. Va., says: Chionia is a most effective agent in catarrhal jaundice, since it creates the peristaltic action without weakening the system. In fact, I find it gives vigor and tone to the portal circulation. Doctor cure at Morphine, Whiskey home Opium, Cocaine, Cloraland Cigarette Habits. RUPTURES and PILES cured permanently by the injection method, painless and easy; you get the formulas. Nothing secret. : : Stamps for information. P.O. Box E. R. ESPIE, M. D., Potter bille, Mich. 110 DOCTOR, YOU WANT THIS! "The General Practitioner as a Specialist." By J. D. ALBRIGHT, M. D., POTTSVILLE, PA. A book for the wide-awake, energetic physician. A guide to success in well paying specialties. Something new and unique. A treatise on the treatment of Opium, Morphine, Liquor, Cocaine and other addictions, Hernia by the injection method, Goitre, Rectal Diseases, and an exposition of a number of systems sold to the profes sion. Full and detailed formulæ of the Marvelle Anti. Narcotic Specifics, Universal Hernial Fluid, etc. Bound in cloth, octavo size, and sold only under an agreement of secrecy. Address the author for further particulars. Business Notices. Notices will be placed under this heading on receipt of ten cents a word, each insertion. Money must accompany the notice. A Scientific Explanation and application of Suggestive Therapeutics, Medical Electricity and Osteopathy. The last two subjects are especially valuable. Our price for this course of over Fifty Lectures is $20.00. Remit before March 15, 1901, and get the complete set for $15.00. Address G. BATTELLE HAMILTON, A. M., Ph. D., M. D., President American Institute of Medical Psychology, San Francisco, Cal. 200 Medical Practices For Sale.-List mailed free. Practices and drug stores bought and sold. Assistants and partners provided. Address THE MEDICAL ECHO, Lynn, Mass. United States Dispensatory.-First and second editions wanted. State price and condition. DR. H. M. WHELPLEY 2342 Albion Place, St. Louis, Mo. Morphine, liquor and kindred nerve diseases a specialty. Booklet free, giving plan of treatment.PATTERSON HOME SANITARIUM, Grand Rapids, Mich. Reduces Tonsils permanently, cures sore throats almost magically. Send 25 cents for large sample bottle. LION MEDICINE Co., Decatur, Ill. 50 Buyers for Medical Practices.-No charge made those wishing to buy established practices. NATIONAL PHYSICIANS' AGENCY, Lima, Ohio. Impotence.-A positive cure for sexual debility. Ask for literature. KENSINGTON PHARMACAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. Gall Stone Colic.-A positive treatment. Sample free. $1.00 per ounce. J. W. DAVIS, M, D., Lansing, Iowa. Alcohol and Opium Habits.-Safe, reliable. By mail, $2.00. Address, W. DAVIS, M. D., Lansing, Iowa. "THE ALLISON** PHYSICIANS' Tables, CATALOGUE FREE. W. D. ALLISON CO., Mfrs., 102 E. South St., INDIANAPOLIS, IND WHY Don't make your you TABLETS and save 200 p. c. on their cost? You can make 100 a THE Any size up to in. diam. F. J. STOKES MCH. CO. 900B Thompson St., Philadelphia, Pa. La Grippe-- Right Now. 2 3 Right now is the time when Grip and Rheumatism command much attention from nearly all practitioners; and right now is the time when we wish to persuade all practitioners who do not know about LINONINE and KERR'S SALINE SOLVENT to put those remedies to the test of a practical trial-that's why we make these offers: Three Offers. We will send you, carriage paid, two 16 oz. bottles of Linonine, selling for $1.00 each, if you will send us $1.00, an we will guarantee to return your money if you meet with any disappointment. We will send you carriage paid, two full sized bottles of Kerr's Saline Solvent, selling for 75 cents each, if you will send us $1.00, and we will agree to return your money if you are not perfectly satisfied with the results you get. We will send you, carriage paid, two 16 oz. bottles of Linonine, selling for $1.00 each, and two full sized bottles of Kerr's Saline Solvent, selling for 75 cents each, if you will send us $1.50. returning your money if you notify us that the results you get are disappointing. Write Us Right Now. We've made those three offers to more than one-hundred thousand doctors, and from the large number of them who have accepted the offer we have not received a single complaint of disappointment, but we have received many most cordial commendations. Right now is the time to write us. You'll not find any disappointment. Advertized only to the profession. Danbury Pharmacal Company, Danbury, Conn., U. S. A. This Pump is the first perfect instrument of the kind. It is highly endorsed by every physician who has tested it. It has an automatic valve, allowing the patient to produce any degree of tension that may be desired, thus allowing the milk to flow freely, without any pain. It is especially adapted to cases of inverted nipple. SENT BY MAIL. PRICE, 75 CENTS. MANUFACTURED BY BLACK MANUFACTURING CO. 1015 CHESTNUT STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. In Writing to Advertisers, Mention Medical Brief. |