plenty of butter, fruit, etc. A good rub down with alcohol to strengthen the skin would be helpful.-ED. Anemia. QUESTION-One morning, on rising, patient's left arm was so sore she was unable to use it, and by twelve it pained and ached severely. For a week it was troublesome, and she scarcely slept at all. At the end of a week it began to get better, but seems very weak, and she fears another attack. Also has very painful menstruation. Often cramps, and can not sit up for two days. Has been teaching school ten years. Usually teaches six months out of the year, and when at home clerks in store. Has lost flesh lately. and does not have very good health, generally. Is on her feet most of the time when in the school room and store. Patient is twenty-four years old, and single. M. Sig. One to times daily after meals. 1 ounce. 11⁄2 ounce. 3 ounces. 4 ounces. two teaspoonfuls three (Continued on page 270.) DR. MARTIN E. TABER of DALLAS, TEXAS, says: "I have used MACKENZOL with very satisfactory re- The success and merit of R. F. SCHWEICKHARDT, Chemists, Write for interesting pamphlet. Modern External Support-Does The Natural The best remedy for prolapsus of womb and all ailments due to dis placements of internal organs. Adjustable to fit all figures. Simple in construction. Endorsed by every physician who has used it. Dr. Alexander J. C. Skene, of Brooklyn, commending this Brace, says: "I have found in my own practice that the use of external support has all the advantages claimed for it." Ninety-eight per cent of its wearers pleased. Thousands of them write like this: Lake Zurich, Ill., June 12, 1900. "I have to thank your Brace for my restoration to health. My womb was down and out; I was in great pain all the time: the feeling was as if everything inside of me was coming down: I would get very nervous and have terrible headaches; would have to lie down for hours at a time. Your Brace cured me. "MRS. EMMA GIVENS." Send for Illustrated booklet with full Information and physicians discounts. Address THE NATURAL BODY BRACE CO., Box 11, Salina, Kansas. EVERY PREGNANT WOMAN SHOULD HAVE THIS BRACE. 269 Our Capsules are the best. Made of the finest French gelatine, hand moulded, hand filled. Pharmaceutically correct 10 m. The Physicians find them reliable and the Druggist profitable. The box has a slip wrapper, a blank cover, and is ready to be dispensed. They are a little more expensive than inferfor grades because they contain only pure medicines. Van Buren & Keyes, in their treatise, say they are the best. Dundas Dick began the manufacture in America of Soft Elastic Capsules in 1865. NEW BUTTER PROCESS. After years of experiments and thousands of dollars of expense, have at last discovered a process whereby I can take one pound of butter and one pound (or pint) of fresh milk, and make two pounds of nice, sweet butter, without the use of any ingredients. This butter has a nice, sweet and refreshing taste, and can be used for table and cooking purposes with a great saving, and at the same time giving better satisfaction. I will send in full all particulars how to make this butter for TWO DOLLARS. Patent applied for. Agents writing to me enclose stamp. Address, H. E. HOWARD, M. D., Box 24, Kenton, Ohio Also one Pil. Quin. Dad three times daily. Rub the arm and upper spine well with chloroform liniment morning and night. Get the fresh air daily, and a little more diversion.-ED. staggering gait, etc. All this without regard to size of dose. Numerous cases of sulphonal poisoning are on record, and we do not see how the physician can feel justified in using a drug so dangerous. -ED. Otitis. Hypnotics. QUESTION:What do you think of the hypnotic properties of sulphonal? N. Y. J. E. S., M. D. ANSWER:-We do not consider sulphonal either desirable or reliable as a hypnotic. It is low and uncertain in its action. You can never tell how it will affect a given person. Its hypnotic effect has been delayed as long as twenty hours. It sometimes causes delirium, with nausea and vomiting. It is frequently followed by such unpleasant effects as dizziness, languor, exhaustion, depression, QUESTION-Please give treatment for otitis, and oblige. Mo. L. A., M. D. ANSWER:-Wash out the ear morning and evening with equal parts Hydrozone, Listerine, and water. If there is catarrh, weaken the solution, and spray nose and throat also. When foaming ceases, dry out the ear with absorbent cotton, and insufflate gently a powder of equal parts pulverized boracic acid and oxide of zinc. Give half teaspoonful doses of Iodia after meals. Paint mastoid region, and cheek with tincture capsicum.-ED. SYRUPUS ROBORANS. 1-128 grain Strychnine to teaspoonful. The pharmaceutical skill displayed in making this favorite compound more stable and agreeable deserves the approbation of the profession. Syrupus Roborans as a Tonic During Convalescence has no Equal. As a nerve stimulant and restorative in wasting and debilitating diseases, as a constructive agent in Insomnia, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Bronchial Asthma, Marasmus, Strumous Diseases and General Debility, this compound has no superior. Owing to the solubility of the salts, addition can be made of Fowler's Solution, Syrup Iod. Iron, Iod. Potass., etc., giving the advantages of those remedies without interfering with the stability of the preparations. SYRUPUS ROBORANS is a perfect solution, and will keep in any climate. DR. W. O. ROBERTS says: "In cases convalescing from La Grippe' Syrupus Roborans has no equal." MESSRS. ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Ky. GENTLEMEN:-The excellence of your preparations-"SYRUPUS ROBORANS" and "PEPTIC ESSENCE COMP."-cannot be questioned. I use both in my practice, and have always been pleased with the effect of each. Respectfully, J. M. MATHEWS, A. M., M. D., Prof. of Surg. and Diseases of Rectum, Hosp. Coll. of Med.; ex-Pres. Am. Med. Ass'n and Miss. Valley Med. Ass'n; Pres. Ky. State Board of Health. PETER'S PEPTIC ESSENCE COMP. A POWERFUL DIGESTIVE FLUID IN PALATABLE FORM. Please note that Essence and Elixir Pepsin contain only Pepsin, while in Peter's Peptic Essence Comp. we have all the digestive ferments. These are preserved in solution with C. P. Glycerine in a manner retaining their full therapeutic value, which is exerted in and beyond the stomach. It is a Stomachic Tonic, and relieves Indigestion, Flatulency, and has the remarkable property of arresting vomiting during pregnancy. It is a remedy of great value in Gastralgia, Enteralgia, Cholera Infantum, and intestinal derangements, especially those of an inflammatory character. For nursing mothers and teething children it has no superior. Besides mere digestive properties, Pepsin and Pancreatine have powerful soothing and seda tive effects, and are, therefore, indicated in all gastric and intestinal derangements, and especially in inflamma. tory conditions. It is perfectly miscible with any appropriate medium. In certain cases the addition of Tr. Nus Vomica gives much satisfaction. Please write for Peter's Peptic Essence Comp. and you will not be disappointed. These preparations are held strictly in the hands of the medical profession, never having been advertised as popular remedies, nor put up with wrappers and circulars expatiating on the use of the Hypophosphites or Digestives, thus educating the public in the use of these valuable compounds. Samples Sent upon Application. Express Charges at Your Expense. ARTHUR PETER & CO., Louisville, Kentucky. MEDICAL BOOK BARGAINS. Don't fail to send for Complete Catalogue of second This list of nearly 1,000 different titles is an 65 Randolph Street. E. H. COLEGROVE, Over 100,000 in use all -CHICAGO, ILL. H. P. ELECTRIC POCKET LIGHT. over the world. Lights MARSHALL'S CONVERTIBLE BUGGY CASE No. 32 instantly upon pressure of the thumb. Gives bright light and burns while pressure is maintained. Absolutely safe around explosives. Size, 1 in. diam. by 9 in. long. Weight, 1 lb. As ordinarily used, last 100 PATENTED. changes into Saddle Bag (is both in one). Finest, best durable leather finish outside and in (lined). Contents: 14 1-oz. rubber 18 6-dr. cork S.-total 32 bottles, with spaces between rows for powder papers, 2 sundry spaces, one under each líd, 7x24x24. Delivered, privilege of examination, C. Ö. D., bal. 88.50, or express paid. 89.00 if you remit 81.00 earn and other Drug Addicts IN FOUR TO EIGHT DAYS. est fee. We sell Saddle Bags low as $4.75. 24 bottles with 2 I do, and get from $100 to $300 from each case. S-Spaces, $5.50. Best Leader Buggy Case, 26 3-dr., 26 6-dr., 4 8-oz. bottles in springs, 1 sundry space, $4.75. Address E. B. MARSHALL, DR. B. C. THOMPSON, 622 Mermod & Jaccard Bldg. 5625 Jackson Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO. SENG INDICATED IN CHICAGO, ILL. STOMACH DERANGEMENTS. SENG Increases the flow of the digestive juices, thereby causing the stomach to do its own work, without the aid of artificial digestants. DOSE: One or more teaspoonfuls three times a day. C. M. RILEY, M. D., Analytical and Consulting Chemist, 30th and Chestnut Sts.; Prof. of Chemistry, Barnes Med. College. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 6, 1900. DAD CHEMICAL COMPANY, New York City. Gentlemen:-I have made a careful analysis of a sample of "Dad's Quinine Pills," bought from a druggist in this city, and find them to be of full and uniform weight, covered by a quickly soluble coating, and containing a very pure and readily soluble salt of Quinine. Yours respectfully, C. M. RILEY, M. D. "All Right." I have used Pil. Quin. Dad and find them all right, this respecting their superiority over inferior commercial quinine. J. KOHL, M. D. Belleville, Ill. DETROIT, MICH., Dec. 4, 1900. DAD CHEMICAL Co., New York, N. Y. Gentlemen:-Have made a chemical analysis of product known as Dad's Quinine Pills, bought in open market, and find them to contain a very pure salt of Quinine, free from the presence of any other alkaloid of cinchona. Yours truly, DR. A. K. NORTHROP, Lect. Materia Medica, Mich. College of Med. and Surgery. Another Personal Test. Your pills were received and used by myself. I was quite busy at the time, and, unfortunately, contracted a severe cold while out on one of my trips. In my pocket happened to be a box of Pil. Quin. Dad. I commenced using them at once, but, I am sorry to say, they did not reach far enough, so that I had to "splice" on from another source. They are pleasant to take, and while taking them I did not feel the unpleasant effect on my nerves that I usually do when taking ordinary quinine. E. P. G. HOLDERNESS, M. D. Chenoa, Ill. In Writing to Advertisers, Mention Medical Brief. |