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One each night, introduced into the vagina well up to the uterus, gives prompt and permanent relief in all forms of Vaginal Catarrhs, whether specific or non-specific. Antiseptic Sphenoids possess the very necessary physical qualities of ready disintegration and solubility, without which success is never assured. For Hemorrhoids and Sphincter Troubles, cover with petrolatum to facilitate insertion.

We feel confident if we can induce you to try Antiseptic Sphenoids, the goal of our ambition is complete and success will reward you for your trouble. Send for Free Sample and Literature.

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Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Benson (The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette) records a typical case of diabetes mellitus in a railroad employe aged fortyeight years. The patient had been ailing for some time, and was under treatment for gastritis. For six months he had been failing in flesh and strength, and at the time when treatment was inaugurated was voiding about sixteen pints of urine, specific gravity 1060, and containing a large quantity of sugar. Lithiated Hydrangia was prescribed in teaspoonful doses every four hours, and a diet restricted to gluten bread, fish, poultry, eggs, spinach, cabbage, string beans, milk and fish bouillon. As a result, he improved rapidly. His urine gradually became practically normal in every particular. At the end of the third week of treatment only a trace of sugar was found. The patient returned to his work, but continued using only the anti-diabetic diet. Occasionally, when strongly tempted, he indulged in the ordinary dining car bill of fare, and always suffered the consequences. In such event, he


promptly returned to the course of medical treatment prescribed, and was always benefited. When the report was made, he was as fleshy and strong as ever, but was still using only gluten bread, and occasionally taking a short course of Lithiated Hydrangea.


When this results from gonorrhea, it can be relieved in a few days by the internal use of sulphate of soda enough to move the bowels well each day, and then give from ten to fifteen grains of sodium salicylate three times a day. It will begin to improve in about two days, and in one or two weeks it will be entirely relieved. During this time, however, it is best to wear a suspensory sack.-Sana

tive Medicine.


Dr. A. M. Lee, Carbondale, Ill., regards Seng as a most excellent tonic given alone, and also in combination with the different potash and iron preparations.

"Nothing succeeds like success.
"Nothing cures Cystitis like


MORE FACTS: Thousands of doctors say


"It is the remedy for irritable bladder in the aged." "It never fails in nocturnal incontinence of urine in children.'

"It reduces hypertrophy of the prostate gland."

New Orleans.

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New York.




of the Medical Profession is directed to this remarkable Curative Preparation, as it has been endorsed by THOUSANDS OF THE LEADING PHYSICIANS OF THE UNITED STATES, who are using it in their daily practice.

COLDEN'S LIQUID BEEF TONIC is invaluable in all forms of Wasting Diseases and in cases of convalescence from severe illness. It can also be depended upon with positive certainty of success for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Malarial Fever, Incipient Consumption, General Debility, etc.


Is a reliable Food Medicine; rapidly finds its way into the circulation ; arrests Decomposition of the Vital Tissues, and is agreeable to the most delicate stomach. To the physician, it is of incalculable value, as it gives the patient assurance of return to perfect health. Sold by Druggists generally.

The CHARLES N. CRITTENTON CO., General Agents, Nos. 115 and 117 Fulton Street, NEW YORK.

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For gonorrhœa and all forms of urethritis. It replaces copaiba, cubebs, and other remedies, without producing eructations, offensive odor or diarrhoea. The discharge is reduced to a slight oozing in forty-eight hours. It cures the most obstinate cases of cystitis and inflammation of the neck of the bladder.

Dr. Posner stated before the Berlin Medical Society: "The best form was the French preparation known as Santal-Midy.”—Medical Record.

Bantal-Midy is distilled from the best Mysore sandal-wood, and is dispensed in small, spherical capsules of 20 centigrammes.

Dose: 6 to 12 capsules daily. Original bottles contain 40 capsules.


Treatment of Influenza.

Dr. Bartholow writes that his practice is to administer at the beginning of the local inflammation, one-sixth of a grain (adult dose) of one of the salts of pilocarpin. Pilocarpin sets up a brief stage of dryness immediately followed by increased secretion, and presently the mucous glands, the salivary and cutaneous sweat glands, pour forth an abundant secretion. A sufficient dose of pilocarpin, administered at the right time, will often abort an acute catarrh or common cold. One dose should be given about two or three hours before retiring for the night, so that the process of salivation and sweating is ended before sleep begins.

On the second day, duboisin should be given, from 1-300 to 1-200 of a grain, for it is not desirable to induce its full physiologic effect. This quantity given once or twice in twenty-four hours will cause some dryness of the throat and nasal and faucial mucous membrane and slight dilatation of the pupil. It is important to maintain only a moderate degree of impression by duboisin; beyond that the result will be disagreeable without contributing anything to the curative action. -Medical Summary.

Peroxide of Hydrogen in Hirsuties.

Dr. L. Duncan Bulkeley (Jour. A. M. A.) says that the bleaching properties of peroxide have long been used for changing the color of the hair, and advantage may be taken of this in connection with the growth of superfluous hair on the face of women. In a very considerable number of cases, he has employed it where the hair was too fine to admit of removal by electrolysis, and yet where it was very perceptible and troublesome. Especially on the upper lips of girls, this condition is often the source of much distress. Here the slight downy mustache will be composed of innumerable fine hairs, perhaps with a few stronger ones at the ends, and it is quite impracticable in the early stages to practice electrolysis. Here the free and repeated use of the peroxide will produce a very material improvement in the appearance in a very short time. By blanching the hairs, a mous


tache which was very striking will hardly be noticeable at a short distance. another advantage in the use of the peroxide in hirsuties is a certain retarding influence which it exerts on the growth of the hair. This he has noticed in a number of instances for the past two or three years, much to the delight of some patients. In applying the peroxide to such cases, it is often well to begin by diluting it one-half with water, and increasing the strength gradually, for when a strong specimen is applied to the healthy skin, it will sometimes cause a desquamation which is extremely unpleasant to the patient.-Indiana Lancet.

Rhus Aromatica in Enuresis.

The best single remedy I know of to treat successfully nearly all cases of incontinence of urine is rhus aromatica, in doses of five drops to twenty drops, repeated three or four times a day in water or milk; the doses are adapted to age. There are many valueless makes of rhus aromatica on the market, and some that were once good have become worthless by being old. After a bottle of rhus has been opened, it soon becomes weak, then valueless by age. When the article is good, it very seldom fails. There are a number of other remedies that have done well, but they fail five times as often as rhus aromatica in curing this disease. This medicament is more successful in the cases of children and young persons than in adults, yet I have cured several grown people of enuresis with it. In some cases the dose needs repeating every two hours for the first week (ten to fifteen drops), then four times a day.-Jos. ADOLPHUS, M. D.

Hepatic Torpor.

Dr. J. A. Gilliss, Baltimore, Md., says: Whenever the stomach and liver fail to act properly, and there is fulness in the colon, Chionia is the remedy par excellence. Through the use of Chionia, the tongue quickly clears, and the secretions are restored to a healthy condition. It is a valuable tonic in hepatic torpor, and is a preparation that is valuable to any practitioner.


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H. D. FYLER, The Chicago School of Psychology,




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