VI. ON MRS. CORBET, Who died of a cancer in her breast '. Here rests a woman, good without pretence, Blest with plain reason, and with sober sense : No conquest she, but o'er herself, desir'd ; No arts essay'd, but not to be admir'd. Passion and pride... Poétique anglaise - Page 309by Albin Joseph U. Hennet - 1806Full view - About this book
![]( | Select epitaphs, William Toldervy - 1755 - 492 pages
...Conqucft fhe, hut o'er herfelf defir'd ; No Arts efljiy'd, but not to h»e admir'd. Paffion .-in J Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue: only is our own ; So unaffefted, fo composed a Mind, , So firm, yet foft, fo ftrong, yet fo refio'd,: Heav'n as its pureft... | |
![]( | John Hackett - Epitaphs - 1757 - 306 pages
...Senfelr No Conquefts fhe, but o'er herfelf defir'd, No Arts eflay'd,. but not to be admir'd., Paiiioa and Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own. So unaffected, fo compos'da Mind ; So firm,. yet foft ; fo fttong, yet fo refin'd ; Heav'n, as iis pureft Grold, by... | |
![]( | Alexander Pope - English literature - 1757 - 246 pages
...Senfe : No Conquefts fhe, but o'er herfelf, defir'd, No Arts eflay'd, but not to be admir'd. Paffion and Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own. So unaffefted, fp compos'da mind ; So firm, yet foft ; fo ftrong, yet fo refin'd ; Heav'n, as its pureft... | |
![]( | Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1774 - 374 pages
...Senfe: c-No Conquefls She, but o'er herfelf defir'd ; ' No Arts effay'd, but not to be admir'd. Paffion and Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own. So unaffected, fo compos'da Mind, So firm, yet foft, fo ftrong, yet fo refm'd, Heav'n, as its pureft Gold, by Tortures... | |
![]( | Alexander Pope - 1778 - 448 pages
...Senfe No Conquefts fhe, but o'er herfelf, defir'd, No Arts effay'd, but not to be admir'i, Paffion and Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own. So unaffeaed, fo compos'da mind ; So firm, yetfoft; fo ftrong, yet fo refin'd ; Heav'n, as its pureftgold,... | |
![]( | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 392 pages
...Senfe : No Conquefts me, but o'er herfelf, defir'd, No Arts eflay'd, but not to be admir'd. Paffion and Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own. So unaffefted, fo compos'da mind ; So firm, yet foft ; fo ftrong, yet fo refin'd ; Heaven, as its pureft... | |
![]( | English poets - 1790 - 398 pages
...Senfe : No Conquefts (he, but o'er herfelf, defir'd, No Arts eflay'd, but not to be admir'd. Paffion and Pride were to her Soul unknown, Convinc'd that Virtue only is our own. So unaiTefted, fo compos'da mind; So firm, yet foft ; fo ftrong, yet fo refin'd; Heaven, as its pureft... | |
![]( | English poetry - 1796 - 500 pages
...pretence, Bless'd with plain reason and with sober sense : No conquest she but o'er herself desir'd, No arts essay'd but not to be admir'd. Passion and pride were to her soul unknown, 5 Convinc'd that virtue only is our own. So unaffected, so compos'da mind, So firm, yet soft, so strong,... | |
![]( | Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1800 - 714 pages
...pretence, Blest with plain reason, and wit!) sober sense : No conquest she, but o'er herself desir'd ; No arts essay'd, but not to be admir'd. .Passion and...compos'da mind, So firm, yet soft, so strong, yet so rsfin'd, Heaven, as its purest -gold, by tortures try'd ; The saint sustain'd it, but the woman dy'd.... | |
![]( | English essays - 1803 - 220 pages
...with sober sense ; No conquests she ; but o'er herself desir'd, No arts essay'd, but not to be admirM. Passion and pride were to her soul unknown, Convinc'd...mind, So firm, yet soft, so strong, yet so refin'd, Heav'n as its purest gold, by tortures try'd, The saint sustain'd it, but the woman dy'd. I have always... | |
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