May take affidavits. in each year, exhibiting the number of convicts then S920. The clerks of the several prisons in this state, or in their absence, the wardens are hereby authorized and required to take affidavits, in all matters of accounts against their respective prisons, and also in relation to fees of sheriffs in bringing convicts to either of the prisons. See Laws of 1854, ch. 240, § 8, as amended Laws of 1855, ch. 552, § 13. Keepers must obey directions of warden CHAPTER VII. THE KEEPERS. SECTION 921. Keepers must obey directions of warden. 922. Must preserve proper discipline. 923. Store keeper at Sing Sing must take charge of goods pur chased. 924. Must make out monthly statement for inspector in charge. 925. Must compare bills taken for goods purchased. 926. Must keep account of goods sold by the warden, &c. 927. General duties of kitchen keeper. 928. Kitchen keepers at Auburn and Clinton must act as store keepers. 929. Duties of hospital and hall keepers. S921. The principal keeper and assistant keepers of each prison must obey and carry into effect all such orders and directions as they may receive from the warden, as to the management and discipline of the prison, not inconsistent with the laws of this state, and the general regulations prescribed by the inspectors. See Laws of 1854, ch. 240, § 3; Laws of 1855, ch. 552, 9. The substance of the former of these statutes is stated in the note to section 847. The latter statute is as follows: "Whenever the number of convicts in the Clinton prison shall exceed three hundred, a principal keeper shall be appointed for such prison, and from the time such appointment is made, the salary of the agent and S922. The principal keeper and assistant keepers, in each prison, must preserve proper order and discipline among the convicts under their respective charge; and take care that they are diligently employed in the labor or business assigned them. They must also, when having the charge of convicts employed upon contracts or otherwise, keep a correct, daily, account of the labor of each convict so employed, in the manner that shall be prescribed by the warden, and make reports to him of the same, at such periods as he shall require; which reports. must, in all cases, be attested by the affidavit of the keeper, that the account fairly and justly sets forth the labor performed on such contract or otherwise, during the period charged in such account. Laws of 1847, ch. 460, § 58, as amended Laws of Must preper dis serve pro cipline. keeper at Sing take charge purchased. Sing must of goods 5923. The store keeper at Sing Sing must take Store charge of all goods, provisions, and other articles, purchased or designed for the use of the prison, and enter the same in books to be kept by him for that purpose, and note all discrepancies, if any, which arise between the goods received and the bill accompanying such articles. Such goods, when received, must be kept in some safe place under his charge, and no goods shall be delivered by him, except on a requisition from the kitchen keeper, or warden, or principal keeper, or, at the Sing Sing prison, from the matron of the female department, or in his, her, or their absence, the person acting as such. Such requisition must, in all cases, be in writing, and by him placed on file, and in addition thereto, the articles named in Must make out monthly statement for inspector in charge. Must compare bills taken for goods pur. chased. Must keep account of such requisition must be entered in his books, which books must state what the articles were, the quantity delivered, and on whose order they were delivered, and to what shop or place sent. This and the next three sections are taken from Laws of 1855, ch. 552, § 4. $924. The store keeper must, at the end of each month, make out a correct statement, giving the amount and kind of each article received, the amounts and kinds of goods delivered on requisitions, and to whom delivered, and the quantity of each kind of property then on hand, with the value thereof at that time; which statement, when made up, must be delivered to the inspector in charge, and by him examined; and if found correct, he shall so certify thereon. Such statement and certificate must then be delivered to the warden, and by him forwarded to the comptroller, with his monthly estimate and shall form a part thereof. S925. The store keeper must take the duplicate bills for all goods and other articles purchased by the warden for the use of the prison, and compare them carefully with the originals. If he finds that they agree and that the goods delivered to him also agree with the bills, he must enter them in a book to be furnished by the warden for that purpose. S926. The store keeper must keep a perfect, just goods sold and true account of all goods sold by the warden or other officers of the prison, belonging to the prison. by the warden, &c. General duties of kitchen keeper. S927. The kitchen keeper, at each prison, must take the charge and care of the kitchen of the prison, and of the preparation of food for the convicts. He must enter in a book to be kept for the purpose, all articles received to be cooked, and must, at the end of each month, state, in a report which he must submit to the inspectors, what amount has been received, what amount has been consumed, whether any of such articles remain on hand, and what they are. See Laws of 1855, ch. 552, § 4. S928. The kitchen keepers at the Auburn and Clinton prisons must also perform, at their respective prisons, the duties imposed upon the store keeper of the Sing Sing prison. All provisions of law which treat of the duties of store keeper at Sing Sing, apply in the same manner to the kitchen keepers of Auburn and Clinton prisons, in all respects. S929. Such of the keepers as may be designated by the warden, to act as hospital and hall keepers, must examine and enter all goods coming into the hospital, and to the halls or galleries; make requisitions for all goods required by them, through the warden or principal keeper; and enter in books, to be kept for that purpose, all articles so received or sent away from their respective departments. Laws of 1847, ch. 460, § 66, subd. 3, as amended CHAPTER VIII. THE PHYSICIANS. SECTION 930. Physician must attend constantly at the prison. 931. Must take charge of hospital. 932. Must attend the sick. 933. Must examine the cells of convicts weekly. 934. Must make a monthly report to the inspectors, of patients in hospital. 935. And of sick convicts not received into the hospital. 936. Must examine the provisions furnished. 937. Must keep a daily record of admissions to the hospital. 938. Must make a yearly report to the inspectors. 939. Inspectors may require physicians at Sing Sing and Clinton to reside in the prison. Kitchen keepers at Auburn and Clinton store keep must act as ers. Duties of hospital and hall. keepers. must attend constantly son. at the pri S930. The physician must attend daily, during Physician the proper business hours, at the prison, and hold himself, at all times, in readiness to discharge his duties as such physician, unless, by the direction of Must take charge of hospital. Must attend the sick. Must exam ine the cells weekly. an inspector, or of the warden of the prison, he is otherwise engaged in transacting business on account of the prison. See Laws of 1862, ch. 403, § 1. S931. The physician of each prison must take charge of the hospital of the prison. This section and the seven which follow are taken from Laws of 1847, ch. 460, § 63. S932. The physician must attend, at all times, to the wants of the sick convicts, whether in the hospital or in their cells. S933. The physician must examine, weekly, the of convicts cells of the convicts for the purpose of ascertaining whether they are kept in a proper state of cleanliness and ventilation, and report the same, weekly, to the warden. Must make a monthly report to the inspectors of patients S934. The physician must report, monthly, to the inspectors the number of patients received into the hospital during the month, stating their in hospital. respective ages, color, disease, and occupations in And of sick Must examine the prison, the quality and kind of medicines administered during the month, the number of those discharged, their condition when discharged, the time they shall have remained in the hospital, and the number of deaths, stating the cause of such deaths. S935. The physician must report, in like manner, the number of sick convicts not received into the hospital, for whom he shall have prescribed during the last month, and the quantity and kind of the medicines so prescribed, and the number of days during which such convicts, in consequence of sickness, shall have been relieved from labor. S 936. The physician must examine, daily, into provisions the quality and state of the provisions delivered to the prisoners. And whenever he has reason to be furnished. |