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43. On Diphtheria, and its Treatment. Dr. William Marshall
44. Case of Pneumonia; Enlarged Kidneys. Dr Henry Kennedy ·
45 On Caseous Broncho-Pneumonia (Pulmonary Phthisis). Dr. E. Aufrecht
46. On the Expectant Treatment in Pneumonia. Dr. Le Bouf
47. Treatment of Hæmoptysis. Dr. Dyce Duckworth
48. On Local Inflammations in Certain defined Conditions as Causes of Pulmonary
Phthisis. Dr. Andrew Clark
49. Treatment of Pulmonary Consumption. Dr. James Turnbull.
(c) Concerning the Circulatory System.
50. Specimens of Malformation of the Heart. Dr. Thomas Peacock
51. On the Classifications of Cardiac Perforations. Prof. Alvarenga
52 On Cyanosis. Prof. Rokitansky
53. Autopsy of a Case of Cyanosis. Dr. W. H. Sheehy.
54. Cyanosis Neonatorum. Dr. Charles D. Meigs.
55. Experiments on the Phenomena of which the White Blood Corpuscles and the
Walls of Capillary Vessels are the Seat during Inflammation.
(d) Concerning the Alimentary System.
56. Treatment of Aphthæ. Dr. Eustace Smith
57. The Coating of the Tongue. Dr. J. M. Da Costa
58. Ulcero-Membranous Angina. Dr. J M. Da Costa .
59. On Mucus Disease. Mr. Walter Whitehead
M. Chas.
62. Treatment of Acute Indigestion. Dr. Thomas King Chambers
63. On the Symptoms of Salivary or Amylaceous Dyspepsia. Dr. Coutaret
64. On Functional Dyspepsia. Dr. George P. Andrews.
Dr. Walter Moron
65. On the Diagnosis of Diseases of the Stomach and Esophagus. Dr. Samuel Wilks
66. On the Treatment of Gastric Affections which occur during Pulmonary Phthisis.
M. Peter
67. Specimen of Phlegmonous Gastritis.
68. Case of Perforation of the Intestine. Dr. Samuel Gordon
70. Jaundice from Mental Emotion. Dr. Wilks
71. On Hepatic Colic. Dr. Senac
72. Notes of a Case of Biliary Fistula. Dr. G. H. Philipson'
73. On Hepatic Fistula. M. Siguerolles
(e) Concerning the Genito-Urinary System.
74. Bright's Disease. Dr. Samuel Wilks
75. Case of Acute Renal Dropsy. Dr Henry Thompson.
76. On the Origin of Diabetes, with some New Experiments regarding the Glycogenic
Function of the Liver. Dr. W. T. Lusk. .
(f) Concerning the Cutaneous System.
77. Anæsthetic Properties of Carbolic Acid.
Mr. Erasmus Wilson
78. Tinea Circinata of the Hand. Dr. Tilbury Fox
79. Eczema: Its Nature and Treatment Dr. Tilbury Fox
80. Unusual Form of Eczema Labialis. Dr. Tilbury Foc
81. On Bromidrosis. Mr. Edgar A. Browne
82. On Cutaneous Eruptions after Operations and during the Course of Surgical Sep-
87. The Case of a Man who had a Vesicular Eruption on the Abdomen, which Dis-
charged at times great Quantities of a Chylous Fluid. Dr. William Roberts
Dr. Alex. Davidson
88. On the Vegetable Parasites of the Skin.
89. Treatment of Syphilis. Dr. J. M' Call Anderson
90. Poisoning by Strychnia Successfully Treated by Bromide of Potassium. Dr.
Charles B. Gillespie
91. Chloral as an Antidote to Strychnia. Dr. J. H. Bennett
92. Blood-Pictures. Dr. John Day
93. Case of Suicidal Hanging. Dr. Packard
123. On the Preparation of Conium and their Doses. Dr. Henry Dodgson
94. On Vaccination
95. The Value and Safety of Arm to-Arm Vaccination as a Protection against
Smallpox. Dr. A. B. Steele
96. On Animal Vaccination; a new source of Vaccine Lymph. Dr. P. M. Braid.
97. Some New Remedies-Nitrite of Amyl, the Ethylates of Sodium and Potassium
and the Triethylic and Trymethylic Ethers. Dr. Benjamin W. Richardson
98. On Instruments; Ancient and Modern. Mr James Barnes
99. Respiratory Therapeutics
100. The Bromides; their Physiological Effects and Therapeutic Uses. Dr. L. C.
101. Bromide of Potassium in Saccharine Diabetes.
Dr. Austin Flint.
102. Bromide of Potassium in Sick-headache. Dr. L. P. Yandell.
103. On the Electrolytic Treatment of Hydatid Tumors of the Liver. Dr. C. Hilton
Fagge, and Mr. Arthur E. Durham
104. On the Action of Carbolic Acid in Variola. M. Isambert
105. On Chloride of Aluminium. Mr. Edward Lund
106. On the Value of Iodide of Potassium in the Treatment of Syphilitic Skin Dis-
eases. Dr. J. M' Call Anderson.
107. On the Influence of Iodide of Potassium over Salts of Mercury in presence of
the various Organic Substances in the Animal Economy. Mr. George E.
108. Iodine as a Topical Application to Wounds, &c. Dr. James Stirton
109. On the Action of Alkalines upon the Organism. MM. Rabuteau and Constant
110. On Disinfectants. Dr. F. de Ranse.
111. On the Sulpho-Carbolates, and the Antiseptic Method in Medicine. Dr. A.
Earnest Sansom
112. Therapeutical Uses of Electricity. Dr. J. Russell Reynolds
113. Comparative Value of the Galvanic and Faradic Currents. Dr. A. D. Rockwell
114. Electrolysis in Bronchocele and other Tumors. Dr. Adolphe Wahltuch
115. On the Value of the Different Methods of Electrization.
116. On Hydrate of Chloral. Dr. Martin Oxley
117. Hydrate of Chloral in Pertussis. Dr. Charles Murchison
118. Ill Effects of Chloral; Clinical Remarks. Dr. Habershon
119. On the Influence exerted by Chloral on the Pain of Parturition. Mr. E. Lambert
120. Action of Hydrate of Chloral in Paralysis of the Insane and other forms of In-
sanity. Dr. William Macleod
121. Acetic Ether as an Anaesthetic. Dr. Horatio C. Wood
122. The true Normal Amylic Alcohol
124. Apomorphia
125. On the Physiological and Therapeutical Actions of Conium and its Alkaloid.
MM. Martin Damourette and Pelvet
126. On the Use of Arsenic in Certain Painful Affections of the Stomach and Bowels
Dr. Arthur Leared
127. Arsenic in Irritative Dyspepsia. Dr. J. C. Thorogood
128. On Nitrate of Silver in Conjunctivitis. Dr. Henry W. Williams
129. Local Applications to Burns. Dr. A. D. Binkerd.
130. A New and Most Useful Eye-salve in Granular Lids" and all Cases of Chronic
Ophthalmia. Dr. John Williams
131. The Use of Quinine in the Diseases of Childhood. Dr. C. Bing
132. On Sulphate of Quinine in the Treatment of Spontaneous Erysipelas of the Face.
Dr. Perroud.
133. On Mercury in the Treatment of Syphilis. M. Gubler
134 Bichloride of Mercury in the Treatment of Nervous Affections. Dr. Samuel
Dr. Alexander Davidson
139. On the Employment of Creasote in the Treatment of Typhoid Fever. M.
137. On the Use of Vinum Aloes in Ulceration. Mr. Henry Frederick Nathan
138. The Beneficial Effects of Combining Tonics with Aperients in Obstinate Consti-
pation. Dr. David Bell
140. Veratrum Viride in Dysentery. Dr. A. M. Rogland
141. On the Application of the Laryngoscope. Dr. J. M. Da Costa
142. Epileptic Chorea of the Right Arm. Dr. Thomas Laycock
143. Syphilitic Insanity. Dr. H. Grainger Stewart
144. The Use of the Thermometer in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Insanity. Dr.
T. S. Clouston
145. Table for the Examination of Urinary Calculi. Dr. J. Campbell Brown.
146. On the Action of Belladonna in Arresting Nocturnal Incontinence of Urine. Mr.
J. Burney Leo
147. On the Influence of Section of the Cervical Pneumogastrics upon the Action of
Emetics and Catharties. Dr. Horatio C. Wood, Jun.
148. Clinical Lectures on some Stray Subjects of Hospital Surgery. Mr. Frederick
C. Skey
149. On Simple Dressings by Continuous Bathing. M. Leon Le Fort
150. Chilblains and Chapped Hands
152. On the Results of Capital Operations before and after the Employment of
Anæsthetics. Prof. Ed. Simonin
151. On the Suppression of Pain after Operations. M. C. Sedillot.
153. On Arterial Transfusion. Prof. Hueter and Dr. Albanese
154. On the Torsion of Arteries as a Hæmostatic Method. Mr. John D. Hill
155. On Skin Grafting. Mr. George D. Pollock
156. On Skin Transplantation. Mr. George Lawson
of Skin.
157. The Treatment of Ulcers and other Granulating Surfaces by Transplantation
158. On the Treatment of Ulcers by Transplantation of Skin. Mr. N. C. Dobson
159. On Epidermic Transplantation. M. Marc Sée
160. On the Removal of Subcutaneous Tumors without Hemorrhage or Loss of Skin.
Mr. Henry Lee
161. On Osseous Regeneration after Sub-periosteal Articular Resections. M. Ollier 173
162. Case of Tetanus. Dr. George H. B. Macleod
163. On Tetanus. Dr. David W. Yandell
164. On Bullet-Wounds. Prof. Billroth
165. On the Reduction of Dislocations. Dr. Warren Greene
166. On a Rare Disease of the Joints. Dr. Samuel Jackson
167. The Treatment of Enlarged Lymphatic Glands. Mr. Furneaux Jordan
168. On Hospital Gangrene. Dr. William R. E. Smart
169. On the Treatment of Ulcerated Neoplasms by Gastric Juice. Dr. A. Menzel
170. On the Laws which Preside over the Development of Syphilis. M. Fournier
171. On the Particular Mode of Transmission of Syphilis from the Nurse and Child
in Sucking. Dr. A. Dron
172. The Treatment of Syphilis by Repeated Inoculations of Matter derived from
Venereal Sores: so-called Syphilization. Dr. Freeman J. Bumstead
173. On the Early Stages of Syphilis as affecting the Skin. Mr. Edgar A. Browne
174. A Practical Treatise on Acupressure. Dr. Joseph C. Hutchison
(a) Concerning the Head and Neck.
175. On a New Method of Effectually Remedying the Defect of Hare-lip. Dr. Wil-
liam Stokes, Jun.
176. On two Cases of Excision of Tonsil, followed by Hemorrhage. Dr. Wharton
P. Hood
177. Case of Blood Tumor of the Head. Dr. George H. B. Macleod
178. A Case of Removal of a Penny which had been impacted for Six Years in the
Larynx. Dr. John Cameron
179. On Primary Cancer of the Larynx.
180. A Case of Broken Neck, Spinal Cord almost severed at Level of Third Inter-
vertebral Cartilage. Dr. J. Fayrer
181. Two Cases of Stricture of the Esophagus. Dr. Morell Mackenzie
182. Optic Neuritis. Mr. Brudenell Carter
183. Notes on the Treatment of Ulcers of the Cornea and Nebula. Mr. T. Shadford
184. On Albuminuric Retinitis. Dr. Argyle Robertson
185. On Palpebral Granulations. Dr. Hilarion
186. On the Treatment of Cicatricial Ectropion by Palpebral Occlusion. Dr. Mirault 198
187. On the Methods of Treatment to be adopted in the various Lesions of the
Lachrymal Apparatus. Mr. Thomas Bickerton
188. On Irrigation of the Membrana Tympani with Tepid Water. M. Prat
189. On the Cause of the Special Gravity of Anthrax and Boils of the Face. M. G.
190. Recollections of Work in an Ambulance. M. William MacCormac
191. On the Diagnosis of Fracture of the Cranium. Dr. H. Le Debreder
192. Tumor of the Bones of the Skull. Dr. L. R. Thomson, and Dr. A. G. Miller 201
193. Partial Excision of the Tongue. Dr. George H. B McLeod
194. Cases of Traumatic Facial Paralysis. Prof. Erb
(b) Concerning the Trunk.
195. Partial Removal of the Breast for Scirrhus. Mr. Luther Holden
196. Case of Aneurism of the Aorta. Mr. Christopher Heath
197 Report of a Case of Extirpation of the Kidney. Prof. Simon
198. Case of Fatal Injury to the Kidney in a Subject Possessing only one Kidney.
Mr. James Taylor
199. Case of Fracture of the Anterior Superior Spinous Process of the Ilium by
Muscular Contraction. Dr. S. Joy, and Dr. J. Wallace McWhinnie
200. Remarks on the Treatment of Recent Irreducible Herniæ. Mr. C. Holthouse
201. Improved Operation for Fistula in Ano. Mr. Weeden Cooke
202. Method by which After-treatment in Operation for Fistula in Ano is rendered
Unnecessary. Dr. J. J. Chisholm
203. On the Treatment of Hydrocele of the Tunica Vaginalis by Injection of Warm
Water. Prof. Albanese
204. On the Employment of Perchloride of Iron and of Manganese in Cases of
Necrosis, Fistulous Tracts, and Hydrocele. Prof. Giosué Marcacci
206. The Abortive Treatment of Urethritis. "Dr. Alex. W. Stein.
207. On Internal Urethrotomy. Sir Henry Thompson
208. On External Urethrotomy. Sir Henry Thompson
209. Treatment of Impermeable Stricture of the Urethra by External Perineal
Urethrotomy. Mr. William Stokes
210. On the Treatment of Strictures of the Urethra by the Introduction of Horse-
hair and Perforated Bougies. Dr. Mitscherlich
211. An Analysis of One Hundred and Forty Cases of Urinary Stricture. Mr. John
D. Hill.
212. A Case of Amputation of an Inverted Uterus. Dr. Wilde
213. On the Effects of Congenitally Small Urinary Meatus in the Male. Mr. Forneaux
214. On Twenty Cases of Stone in the Bladder. Mr. W. F. Teevan
215. On the Cure of the Chronic Perforating Ulcer of the Bladder by the Formation
of an Artificial Vesico-vaginal Fistula, as Practised by the late Sir J. Y.
Simpson. Mr. Lawson Tait
216. Elephantiasis of Scrotum and Leg, treated by Removal of the Tumor and Liga-
ture of the Femoral Artery. Dr. J. Fayrer
217. A Case of Large Serpiginous Phagedænic Chancre cured by a Provoked Attack
of Erysipelas. M. Desprès
218. On the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Venereal Buboes. Prof. Zeissl
(c) Concerning the Upper Extremity.
221. Removal of a Tumor of the Lower Part of the Humerus. Sir William Fergus-
son, Bart.
222. Excision of the Shoulder-Joint. Mr. Reginald Harrison
219. Specimen of Dislocation of the Wrist. Mr. James E. Adams
220. Observation on Fractures of the Sternal Extremity of the Clavicle. Dr. Robert
W. Smith
(d) Concerning the Lower Extremity.
223. Case of Femoral Aneurism Cured by Rapid Pressure. Mr. John Russell
224. Popliteal Aneurism; Failure of Flexion and Compression; Incision of the Sac,
and Ligature of the Artery. Mr. Henry Smith
225. Successful Ligature of the Superficial Femoral Artery on Lister's Plan. Dr.
C. J. Gibb
226. On Inguinal Phlebitis consecutive to Compression of the Femoral Artery in the
Fold of the Groin. M. Henri Petit
227. On the Subcutaneous Division of the Neck of the Thigh-bone, as compared with
other Operations for rectifying Extreme Distortions at the Hip-joint with
Bony Anchylosis. Mr. William Adams
228. Excision of the Hip-joint-Clinical Remarks. Mr. Wood
229. Caries of Condyle of Femur-Suppuration of Knee-joint-Amputation above
the Condyles of the Femur, with Teale's flaps-Recovery. Mr. Hulke
230. Supra-Condyloid Fracture of Femur with Protrusion of Bone and Effusion of
Blood and Air into Knee-joint-Recovery, with Perfect Movement of the
Articulation. M. Le Fort
231. Acute Inflammation of Knee-joint-Amputation, with Teale's flaps, above the
Femoral Condyles-Recovery. Mr. Shaw and Mr. Hulke
232. Periostitis and Caries of Tibia-Suppuration of Knee-joint-Amputation above
the Condyles of the Femur, with Teale's flaps-Recovery. Mr. Shaw and
Mr. Hulke
233. On Supra-Condyloid Amputation of the Thigh. Dr. Wm. Stokes, jun.
234. Dislocation of Hip into the Thyroid Foramen-Reduction with Aid of Pulleys,
after Failure by Manipulation. Mr. De Morgan
235. On a Case of Dislocation of the Hip-joint Downwards and Inwards, reduced by
Manipulation. Mr. Joseph Lister
236. Case of Spontaneous Fracture of the Femur. Mr. Arthur Durham.
237. A case of Syphilitic Gummatous Tumor occurring Fifty-five Years after the
Commencement of the Infection. M. Alfred Fournier
238. Myxomatous Tumor in the Calf-Operation-Recovery. Mr. Christopher Heath 238
239. A Case in which two Diarthrodial Cartilages had been United by Means of True
Cartilage. M. Panas
240. On the Treatment of Rupture of the Ligamentum Patellæ by Elevation and
Immobility of the Lower Limb upon an inclined Plane. Dr. Sistach
(a) Concerning Pregnancy and Parturition.
241. Mechanism of Production and Face Presentation. Dr. J. Matthews Duncan.
242. Remarkable Case of Complex Labor. Dr. Thomas Moore Madden
243. State of the Pulse immediately before and immediately after Parturition.
244. Pregnancy without Menstruation. Dr. James Young
245. Case of Extra-uterine Pregnancy. Dr. J. Hall Davis
246. Acute Leucocythemia in Connection with Pregnancy. Dr. R. Paterson
247. The Stethoscope as a Means of Ascertaining the Sex of the Child. Dr. James
248. Uterine Hemorrhage. Dr. Robert Barnes
249. Diet of Parturient Women. Dr. Hugh Miller
250. On the Application of Long Forceps. Dr. Robert Barnes
251. A Case of Induction of Premature Labor by Means of the Uterine Douche.
Mr. W. Whalley.
252. On the Influence of Constitutional Syphilis upon Pregnancy. Dr. Weber
257. On the Symptoms and Diagnosis of Membranous Dysmenorrhoea. MM. Huchard
and Labadie-Lagrave
258. Principles of Treatment at the Change of Life.
259. Uterine Hydatids supposed to be the Change of Life.
260. Styptic Colloid in Ulceration of the Os Uteri. Dr. Wynne
261. On Uterine Pathology at the Change of Life and after the Menopause. Dr. E.J. Tilt 260
262. A Case of Coccyodynia. Dr. W. R. Fox
263. Indian Hemp in Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrhoea. Dr. Alexander Silver
264. On a New Instrument for Securing the Pedicle in the Operation of Ovariotomy.
Dr. Graily Hewitt
253. On Placenta Prævia.
Dr. T. Gaillard Thomas
254. On Tumors of the Pelvis Obstructing Delivery. Dr. Edward Copeman
255. Puerperal Convulsions. Dr. Hall Davis.
265. New Operation of Embryotomy by the Wire Ecraseur. Dr. Robert Barnes
266. On Air in the Vagina. Dr. Rasch
267. On a Form of Functional Hemiplegia seen in Child-bearing Women. Dr.
Clifford Allbutt
268. Case of Absence of the Vagina. Dr. Pallen
269. Lardaceous Disease of the Kidney Consequent on Abscess of the Ovary.
William H. Dickinson
270. On the Determination of the Length of the Pedicle in Ovarian Disease. M. Tixier
271. On Peri-uterine or Pelvic Hæmatocele. Dr. F. Kuchenmeister
272. Treatment of Irritable Uterus.
273. On the Connection between Inflammatory Conditions of the Uterus and its Dis-
placements. Dr. Henry Bennett
274. On Strangulation of the Uterus. Dr. Graily Hewitt
275. On Acute Inversion of the Uterus. Mr. Thomas More Madden
276. The Histories of Four Cases of Chronic Inversion of the Uterus. Dr. Thomas
Gaillard Thomas
278. On Temperature Deviations in the Diseases of Children. Mr. William Squire 274
279. On Tubercular Meningitis. Dr. Vogel
280. Intussusceptio in an Infant Cured by Inflation of the Bowel. Dr. Wilks
281. Vomiting and Purging in Cholera Infantum. Dr. B. M. Wible
282. On the Treatment of Chronic Hydrocephalus. Dr. W. Howship Dickinson
283. Antiphlogistic Treatment in Diseases of Children. Dr. A. Jacobi .