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Abernethy, anecdote of, 262.
Abortion, case of, 532.

Acupressure, remarks on, 160.

Ague, novel prescription for, 48.

Air, effects of breathing compressed, 264.
Albumen in urine a favorable symptom, 420.
Albuminuria, aqua calcis in, 105; letters on, 208, 306, 548;
new test for, 83; sambucis canadensis in, 314.
Alveolar abscess, 128.

American Medical Association, Library of the, 384;
meetings of the, 145, 157, 574.

American Ophthalmological Society, reports of, 279.
American vs. European Medical Science, 133, 181, 189.
American Otological Society, report of, 278.

Anæsthetic, a new,


Anatomy, first lecturer on, in this country, 48.

Anderson, Dr. Wendell A., tines of fork in ear, 29.

Aneurism, cases of, 16, 21, 22, 57, 69, 299, 401, 423, 473.
Anus, fissure of, cause of pain in, 180; treatment of, 204.
Anthracite coal, dangers of, 42.

Aphasia, treatment of, 11.

Antiseptic surgery, remarks on, 155.

Arm, complete amputation of, by machinery, 208.
Armies, comparative mortality in, from wounds
disease, 312.

Arsenic in skin diseases. 132.

Artificial leech, description of, 406.

Arteries, partial closure by innocuous ligature, 33.

Artificial respiration, 378.

Asia Minor, medicine and surgery in, 27, 73.

Asthma, bromide of potassium in, 128.

Atropine in opium poisoning, 266, 420.

Auricle, rupture of the, 451.



Calabar bean, remarks on, 178, 315.

Calculus, perforating the bladder, 492; diathesis, highly
developed, 30.

Callan, Dr. P. A., hospitals of Madeira, 235.
Camphor, dangers of large doses of, 72, 420; as pre-
ventive of oxidation, 200.

Canada Medical Association, meeting of the, 359.
Cancer, new cure for, 385, 428; of stomach, general,
without vomiting, 387; Virchow's views of, 481.
Carbolic acid, remarks on, 140, 295.

Cardiac neuralgia, treatment of, 12.

Caro, Dr. Salvatore, bromide of potassium in infantile
diarrhoea, 195; chloral, 499.

Carotids, ligation of common and internal, 194.

Catarrh, senile, cannabis indica in, 107.

Catheter, flexible, escape of in bladder, 529.

Cattle, review of work on diseases of, 543.

Cerebellum, abscess of, 186.

Cerebro-spinal, remarkable case of, 97.

and Cervical vertebræ, fracture of, 188.

Bramblett, Dr. W. H., ligation of carotids, 194.

Bright's disease, remarks on, 178, 231, 271, 420, 505.
Brockway, Dr. A. Norton, a recovery from tetanus, 390.
Bromide potassium, for infants, 83, 257; in typhus, 343.
Bronchitis, capillary, oxygen in, 171.

Brown, Dr. James L., interesting case of obstructed
labor. 457.

Brown-Séquard, Dr., review of work by, 40.

Buck, Dr. A. H., trichinosis, 7.

Buck. Dr. Gurdon, acupressure, 162; aneurism, 401, 473;

wound of heart, 209; suture pin conductor, 211;

hernia, 217; removal of flexible catheter from blad-
der, 529.

Budd, Dr. B. L., remarks on diseases of cervix, 63.


Chloroform, death from, in child six years old, 112; new

effect of, 48.

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[blocks in formation]


Idiocy, what the general practitioner must know
of it, 427.

Ileus by injections of tobacco, 371.

Infants, review of works on diseases of, 38.

Infra orbital sarcoma, 375.

Insanity, increase of among the poor, 119.
Intemperance and opium-eating, remarks

editor, 517.

Erysipelas, anatomy of skin in, 200; and quotidian inter- Intermittent fever, treated by sulphites, 3.

mittent, 77.

Eustachian tube in swallowing, 102.

Experience, medical, 37.

External version, 250.

Eye, review on works, 81, 230, 566.

Eyelid, cutaneous horn from the, 67.


Iris, cyst of, 208, 424.

Itch, abuse of sulphur in, 176.


on by

Jacobs, Dr. A., chloral, 433; surgery of cervix uteri, 65.

Janeway, Dr. E. J., gangrene of lung and waxy tumor

of liver, 188; aneurism, 423.

Japan, medical notes of, 193, 313.

Jaw, lower, caries of, from irregular dentition, 498.

Female pelvis, causes and treatment of diseases of, 290. Jenner, Dr., anecdote of, 430.

Femur, consolidation of fracture of neck of, 84.

Fevers, notice of work on, 42.

Finnell, Dr. T. C., post-mortem, case of, 260.

Flint. Dr. A., notice of work by, 39; prognosis of Bright's
disease, 231.

Food, seat of instinct to take, 467.

Forceps, use of the, remarks on, 61, 66, 228.
Fork, portion of tines of, in ear, 29.

Fownes, Geo., notice of chemistry of, 303.

Funis, line around, a sign of retarded birth, 132; in
knot, and child born alive, 137.

[blocks in formation]

Joints, suppurating, the first to open, 431.

Jones, Dr. Joseph, mollites ossium, 25; remarkable
case of spinal disease, 97.



Labor, interesting case of obstruction of by fibrous tu-
mor, 457; premature as a prophylactic, 499.
Lactation four years after weaning, 333; by woman after
sixty, 131.

Laramie Valley, climate of, 381.

Laryngoscope, review of work on, 62.

Leaming, Dr. James R., on pleuritis, 447.

Larynx, clinical history of surgical affections of, 218,
244, 291, 265.

Lee, Dr. C. C., femoral hernia, 342; tumor of uterus, sup-
posed to be ovarian, 495.

Lente, Dr. F. D., hypodermic injection of ergot, 411;
hernia of tunica vaginalis, 362.

Lewis, Dr. W. B., sulphites of soda in urine.

Ligature, antiseptic, 104.

Lister's antiseptic treatment, remarks on, 52.

Little, Dr. James L., rare cases of hernia, 361.

Liver, waxy tumor of, 188.

Locomotor ataxy, lecture on. 532.

London and Paris, state of science in, 485.

Longevity and the causes of death, 118.

Loomis, Dr. A. L., diverticula of colon, 497.

Lung, in penetrating wounds of chest, 412; amputation

of diseased, 214.

Lupus erythematosus, 314.


Mackenzie, Dr. M., review of work by, 62.

Madeira, hospitals of, 235.

Magnesia, sulphite, reactions of, in urine, 98.

Malt liquors, remarks on, 241.

Mammæ, cysto-fibro sarcomatous tumor of, 356.
March, Dr. Alden, obituary notice of, 236.
Marriage, philosophy of, review of work on, 399.
Mattocks, Dr. Brewer, climate of Minnesota, 121.
Measles, complications of, 208; pathognomonic symptom
of, 491.

Medical charities, abuse of, remarks on by editor, 277.

Medical freshmen, remarks on by editor, 397.

Medical Society of the County of New York, reports of,
19, 63, 160, 231, 401, 428, 449, 498, 522, 548, 569.
Medical Society of State of New York, meeting of, 553;
remarks on by editor, 565.

Medullary sarcoma of antrum, 209.

Menstruation in different races, 214; early, a case
of, 237.

Metritis, chronic, in relation to malignant disease of the
uterus, 475; remarks on, 425.

Meyer, Dr. M., review of work by, 326.

Minnesota, climate of, 121; medical legislation in, 86.
Miasmatic fever, treatment of, 488.
Mineral waters as therapeutic agents.

Morbus coxarius, remarks, 189, 490.
Mollites ossium, case of, 25.

Monstrosity, rare case of, 166.

Morris, Dr. S. F., unusual dislocation of patella, 123.

Morse, Dr. V., refilling of prescriptions, 362.

[blocks in formation]

Pancreatic juice, experiments on, 466.
Paris, letters from, 44, 114, 280, 306, 548.
Pardee, Dr. C. L., on danger of nasal douche, 530.
Paris-green, cases of poisoning by, 16, 70.
Parturition, the complications of, 114; adhesive strap
bandage after, 562.

Paste, a, without fermentation, 419.
Patella, unusual dislocation of, 123; vertical dislocation
of, 176; treatment of fracture of, 176.
Pathological Society of New York, how it originated, 15.
Pavy, Dr. F. W., review of work by, 304.

Peaslee, Dr. E. R., dropsy of Fallopian tube, 67; surgery
of cervix, 63.

Pedicle, Dr. Emmet's method of securing, 457, 504.

Penis, a false, 556.

Pennsylvania Hospital reports, review of, 38.

People, education of, on medical topics, 13, 229.

Pepsin. its physiological and therapeutical action, 100,

124, 354, 508.

Murdock, Dr. G. Willson, gelatine as a single article of Peritonitis from suture in the gut, 374.

food, 429.

Muscarin, a new remedy, 559.

Mushrooms, alcohol in poisoning from, 128.
Myringomycosis, 452.

Myxoma of cheek, 186.


Naval medical service, 210.

Naval staff rank, 253, 478, 469, 541.

Neck, congenital fistula of, 195.

Neftel, Dr. W. B., carcinoma, case of, 17, 289; ætiology
of vaginismus, 70; erysipelas and quotidian fever,
77; lectures by, 416, 438, 461, 511.

Nervous diseases, study of, in Germany, 380.
Neuralgia, treatment of, 28, 169, 388.
Newman, Dr. R., fract. of skull, 186.

New York, emanations from inhabitants of, 432.

New York Academy of Medicine, meetings of, 403, 425,

447, 475.

New York Hospital, remarks on the removal of the, 205;
reports of, 7.

New York Medical Journal Association, meetings of, 327,

351, 379, 402. 427, 477, 501, 524, 545.

New York Pathological Society, reports of, 15, 66, 112,
137, 186, 208, 234, 356, 377, 454, 474, 498, 519, 547,


Niemeyer, Felix von, review of work by, 398.
Nipples, sore, ointment for, 180.

Nocturnal enuresis, treatment of, 395.

Pertusis, syrup of codeïa, in, 102.
Pertusis, treatment of, 102, 490.

Peters, Dr. Jno. C., acupressure, 160; arterial sedatives,


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Protracted gestation, case of, 235.

Prout, Dr. J. S., modification of Snellin's eyelid forceps,


Puerperal convulsions, by transfusion, 33.
Puerperal eclampsia, 489.

Pulse-beats by electricity, 323.

Pupil, dilatation of, from abscess of neck, 252.
Pyæmia, nature and etiology of, 334.

[blocks in formation]

Sarcoma, Virchow on, 481.

Sassafras, oil of, influence on tobacco, 492.

Sayre, Dr. L. A., review of work by, 255.
Scapula, excision of, 36.

Scarlatina, treatment of, 271, 563.

Scarlet fever, prevention of, 300; treatment of, 156.

Schoeppe, Dr., the case of, 400.

Strabismus, new operation for, 12.

Stumps, advantages of rectangular, 371.

Subclavian aneurism, galvano-puncture in, 293, 454.
Sulphites, the, as anthelmintics, 202; in intermittent
fever, 3.

Sunstroke, lecture on, 221; treatment of, 130, 296.
Suppositories, Tilt's, 296.

Suture-pin conductor, 211.

Sydenham's admonition to doctors, 432.

Synovitis treated by carbolic acid, 394.

Syphilis, hypodermic injection in, 339; treatment of in
females, 32.

[blocks in formation]

Tetanus, remarks on, 351; recoveries from, 390, 487.

Thebaud, Dr. J. S., instrument for rupture of sphinc-

ter ani, 94.

Thomas, Dr. T. G., labor as prophylactic, 499.
Thompson, Dr. B. S., on malt liquors, 241.

Thompson, Dr. J. W., resection of long bones, 172.
Thompson, Sir H., notice of work by, 136.
Thoracentesis, advantages of, 297.
Thyroid body, cystic tumor of, 498.
Tilt, Dr. E. J., notice of work on, 63

Tobacco, consumption of, 287; controversy of, 167.
Toe-nail, ingrowing, simple treatment for, 444.
Transfusion, a successful case of, 337.

Trichinosis, cases of, 7; lecture on, by Prof. Dalton, 79.
Tumor of elbow and amputation of arm, report of com-
mittee on case of, 424.

Turpentine in erysipelas, 104.

Schmid, Dr. H. Ernest, medical notes of Japan, 193, 313. Typhus, cod-liver oil in, 57.
Scirrhus, ulcerated, of breast, cured, 385.
Sclerosis without aphasia, 1.

Seguin, Dr. E., on idiocy, 427.

Shiff, Dr., electricity, 43.

Shrady, Dr. George F., articles by, 13, 37, 61, 85, 109,
110, 134, 157, 205, 229, 253, 277, 301, 325, 349, 373,
397, 421, 445, 493, 517, 565.

Skene, Dr. A. J. F., a new uterine sound, 141.

Skin, review of works on, 159, 327.

Skull, fracture of base of, symptoms of, 179; recovery
from extensive saw wound of, 346.
Small-pox, the first inoculation for, 48.

Smith, Dr. A. H., artificial leech, 406; oxygen in bron-
chitis, 171; wounds of chest, 412.

Smith, Dr. G. M., delirium tremens, 5; on sunstroke, 221.

Smith, Dr. Hanbury, mineral waters, 403.

Smith, Dr. J. Lewis, cases by, 17, 376; review of work
by, 38.

Snelling, Dr. F. G., relaxation of pelvic symphyses in
pregnancy, &c., 501.

Snellin's eyelid forceps, modification of, 284.

Soul and intellect, relation to brain, 74.

Southack, Dr. J. W., death of, 576.

Sphincter ani, instrument for rupture of, 94.

Spina bifida, injection in, 84.

Spinal irritation, remarks on, 569.

Spleen, new action of, 538.

Sternberg, Dr. Geo. M., on transfusion, 22.


Urethra, stricture, operation for, 203.
Umbilical hernia, operation for, 165.
Urine, sulphites of soda in, 30.
Uterine sound, a new, 141.

Uterine disease, one of the causes of, 228.

Uterus, diseases of, and treatment, 180, 227, 468; extir-
pation of, for complete prolapse, 204, 371; direction
of axis of, 251, 276; rupture of, 186, 259; tumor
of, mistaken for ovarian, 496.



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