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Subtitle A-Federal Procurement Regulations System

The Office of the Federal Register published the following document at 50 FR 26987, July 1, 1985.

EDITORIAL NOTE: On September 19, 1983 (48 FR 42103), a joint document issued by the General Services Administration, the Department of Defense and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, established a new Federal Acquisition Regulation in Title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The general Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) published on that date is codified at Chapter 1 of Title 48. Chapters 2 through 49 of Title 48 were reserved and established for individual agency implementations and supplementations of the FAR. The FAR in Chapter 1 together with the agency regulations in Chapters 2 to 49 comprise the Federal Acquisition Regulations System that went into effect on April 1, 1984.

The FAR system replaced both the Federal Procurement Regulations System (FPRS) for civilian contracts (41 CFR Subtitle A, Chapters 1 to 49) and the Defense Acquisition Regulations (DAR) for defense contracts (32 CFR Chapter 1, Parts 1 to 39). While the new FAR regulations in Title 48 replaced the Title 32 DAR and Title 41 FPR regulations as of April 1, 1984, both the DAR and FPR provisions continue to apply to those contracts which preceded the effective date of the FAR.

The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) normally reissues its CFR revisions of both Title 32 and Title 41 volumes as of July of each year. Because of numerous amendments published to both the DAR and FPR during the July 1, 1983 to July 1, 1984 CFR revision cycle, the Office of the Federal Register issued full text revisions as of July 1, 1984, for each of the CFR volumes containing DAR or FPR regulations.

These 14 CFR volumes are:


(Part 1-39), volume I

(Part 1-39), volume II

(Part 1-39), volume III


Chapter 1, (Parts 1-1 to 1-10)

Chapter 1, (Part 1-11 to Appendix)—
Chapter 2

Chapters 3 to Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapters 10 to 17

Chapter 18:

Volume I (Parts 1-5)

Volume II (Parts 6-19)

Volume III (Parts 20-52 and Appendix) Chapter 19 to Chapter 100

These CFR volumes represent the final codified versions of the former procurement systems which continue to apply to those contracts entered into prior to the adoption of the FAR. Because the former FPR and DAR regulations do not apply to contracts entered into subsequent to the effectiveness of the FAR on April 1, 1984, it is unlikely that there will be any further amendments to these regulations. Since July 1, 1984 there has been only one amendment published in the FEDERAL REGISTER which affected the former FPR or DAR regulations. This amendment was not a substantive amendment; it was a clarifying statement to a Labor Department procurement regulation in 41 CFR 29-70.103 (see 49 FR 38108, Sept. 27, 1984).

The FPR and DAR regulations issued in the July 1, 1984 CFR editions are substantively unchanged. The Office of the Federal Register normally does not reissue CFR volumes when there have been no amendments issued to a particular volume during the revision cycle. A cover is usually issued and sent to CFR subscribers indicating that the last edition should be retained. The Superintendent of Documents, Governnment Printing Office continues to sell the "old" edition until supplies are exhausted.

Since the 1984 FPR and DAR regulations were printed in the 14 volumes listed above, OFR will not reprint the full text of these regulations in the July 1, 1985 CFR revisions. Users should retain the 1984 edition of these volumes. The 1985 revision of Titles 32 and 41 will contain only text of those parts not affected by the FAR and a note referring the reader to the 1984 edition for the text of the FPR (41 CFR Chapters 1 to 49) and DAR (32 CFR Parts 1 to 39).

Subtitle B-Other Provisions Relating to Public Contracts




50-201 General regulations .....


Minimum wage determinations

50-203 Rules of practice..............

50-204 Safety and health standards for Federal supply contracts.....


50-205 Enforcement of safety and health standards by State officers and employees .............

50-206 The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act interpretations


50-210 Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations









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