| Bibliography - 1739 - 480 pages
...between thefe two there is a Clofe, and while Things continue in Order, a moft interejling Connection. " True Faith, true Policy united ran-; * " That was but Love of God, and this of Man. Now Religion fuffering no Change, nor Depravation, when Man firft entered into civil Society, but continuing... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1736 - 64 pages
...the fame : 140 That No /// could fear in God; and underftood A Sovereign Being, but a Sovereign Good. True Faith, true Policy, united ran, That was but Love of God, and this of Man. 240 Who firft taught Souls enflav'd, and Realms undone, TV enormous Faith of Many made forOne ? That proud Exception to... | |
| William Warburton - 1742 - 220 pages
...continue in Order, a moft interefting Connection. ' Ptlit. lib. vc 10. True Mr. POPE's ESSAY oN MAN. 12.? True Faith, true Policy, UNITED ran; That was but Love of God, and this of Man. 1. 240. Now Religion differing no Change, or Depravation, when Man firft entered into civil Society,... | |
| William Ayre, Edmund Curll - Poets, English - 1745 - 426 pages
.... Who firft taught Souls enflav'd, and Realms unTh' enormous Faith of Many made for One ?• [done That proud Exception to all Nature's Laws, T' invert the World, and counter-work itsCaufe? Force firft made Conqueft, and that Conqueft Z,aw; ; 'Till Supcrjlition taught the Tyrant... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1751 - 274 pages
...prifmatic glafs on the rays of light. ,. . True faith, true policy, united ran, ,.-.. J> .;<v. t;iK That was but love of God, and this of Man. 240 . Who...; .-.'/ That proud exception to all Nature's laws, .... 'i T'invert the world, and counter-work its Caufe ? '-' •.. Force firft made Conqueft, and that... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 pages
...Wit oblique, fcfr ] A beautiful allufion to the effefts of the prifmatic glafs or. the rays of light. True faith, true policy, united ran, That was but love of God, and this of Man. 240 Whofirft taught fouls enflav'd, and realms undone, Th' enormous faith of many made for one ; That proud... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 370 pages
...between thefe two there is a clofe, and, while things continue in order, a moft interefting connection : True faith, true policy united ran ; That was but love of God, and this of Man. Now Religion fuffering no change or depravation, when Man firft entered into civil Society, but continuing... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 pages
...between thefe two there is a clofe, and, while things continue in order, a moil interefting connection : True faith, true policy united ran ; That was but love of God, and this of Man. Now Religion fuffering no change or depravation, when Man firft entered into civil Society, but continuing... | |
| Alexander Pope - English literature - 1757 - 234 pages
...right divine in Men, No ill could fear in God ; and underftood A fov'reign being, but a fov'reign good. True faith, true policy, united ran, That was but love of God, and this of Man. Who firft taught fouls enflav'd, and realms undone:. Th' enormous faith of many .made for one ; That... | |
| Alexander Pope - English poetry - 1760 - 402 pages
...thefe two, there is a clofe, and, while things continue in order, a moft mterefting connection : " True FAITH, true POLICY united ran ; *' That was but love of God, and this of Man." Now Religion fuffering no change or depravation, when Man firft entered into civil Society, but continuing... | |
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