A Collection of the Public General Statutes Passed in the ... Year of the Reign of ...G. W. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen, 1834 - Session laws |
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Act or Acts Act passed aforesaid amend appointed Assessed Authority Bank of England Certificate charged Clerk Commissioners County Court Court of Chancery Court-martial Day of March defray directed Duties entitled Estate Exchequer Bills Excise Execution Expences further enacted George the Fourth George the Third Governor granted Half Pay hereby herein-before hundred and thirty-five hundred and thirty-four intituled An Act issued and paid Justices Lands late Majesty King lawful liable Lord High Admiral Lord High Treasurer Lords Spiritual Majesty King George Majesty's Treasury Manner March One thousand Marine ment Money not exceeding Monies Number Oath Offence Officer Order payable Payment Peace Penalties Person or Persons Provided Quarter Sessions receive recited Act Regulations Reign repealed respectively Royal Marine Secretary at War Shillings Ship or Vessel Sum be issued Sum or Sums Sums of Money Tenant in Tail therein thereof Thirty-first Day thousand eight hundred Trustees United Kingdom whereas Workhouse Writ
Popular passages
Page 370 - be it further enacted, That this Act may be altered, repealed, or varied by any Act or Acts to be passed in this present Session of Parliament. CAP. LXXVI. An Act for the Amendment and better Administration of the Laws relating to the Poor in England and Wales. [14th August 1834]
Page 193 - it enacted, That this Act shall be deemed and Public Act. taken to be a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such by all Judges, Justices, and others, without being specially pleaded. CAP. XXXVII. An Act to prohibit any further Lotteries under an Act passed in
Page 514 - General, shall be and remain in force for the Term of One Year from the passing thereof, and until the End of the then next Session of Parliament. CAP. XCII. An Act for the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries, and for the Substitution of more simple Modes of Assurance, in Ireland. [15th August 1834.]
Page 79 - whatsoever, disclose or discover the Vote or Opinion of any Particular Member of the Court-martial, unless required to give Evidence thereof as a Witness by a Court of Justice or a Courtmartial in a due Course of Law. So help me GOD. I do swear, That I will not, upon any Account QUESTIONS to be
Page 79 - neither will I, upon any Account, at any Time whatsoever, disclose or discover the Vote or Opinion of any particular Member of the Court-martial, unless required to give Evidence thereof as a Witness by a Court of Justice or a Court-martial in due Course of Law. So help me GOD. FORM of OATH of JUDGE ADVOCATE.
Page 34 - neither will I, upon any Account, at any Time whatsoever, disclose or discover the Vote or Opinion of any particular Member of the Court-martial, unless required to give Evidence thereof as a Witness by a Court of Justice or a Court-martial in a due Course of Law. So help me GOD.
Page 252 - and taken to be a Public Act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such by all Judges, Justices, anil others. SCHEDULE (A.) to which this Act refers. A LIST and ACCOUNT of the CREW (including the MASTER and APPRENTICES) of the SHIP of the PORT of whereof
Page ii - IX. An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and for extending the Time limited for those Purposes respectively until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirty-five; to permit such Persons in Great
Page 9 - ment within this Realm, by Martial Law, or in any other Manner than by the Judgment of his Peers, and according to the known and established Laws of this Realm ; yet nevertheless, it being requisite for the retaining of such Forces in their Duty that an
Page 9 - to the Laws relating to the Government of His Majesty's ' Forces by Sea: And whereas no Man can be forejudged of Life ' or Limb, or subjected in Time of Peace to any Kind of Punish-» ? ment within this Realm, by Martial Law, or in any other Manner ' than by the Judgment of his Peers, and according to the