No. 6. Proclamation on foregoing precept. Whereas, a court of oyer and terminer is appoinsted to be held in and for the county of 18 on the day of therefore, proclamation is hereby made, in conformity to a precept to me directed and delivered by the district attorney of county, on the day of , 18, to all persons, bound to appear at the said court of oyer and terminer by recognizance or otherwise, to appear thereat, and all justices of the peace, coroners and other officers who have taken any recognizances for the appearance of any person at such court, or who have taken any inquisition or the examination of any prisoner or witness, are required to return such recognizance, inquisition or examination at the opening of the first day of said court. day of Sheriff of the County of 18 No. 7. Return to District Attorney's precept. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF } SS. I have executed the within precept as I am within commanded, by having duly summoned the jurors, drawn for the court mentioned therein, to appear thereat, by making immediate proclamation as therein commanded, and causing the same to be published in a public newspaper printed in said county of once a week from the receipt of said precept until the time appointed for said court, and by having the prisoners in jail brought before the said court, with all processes and proceedings in any way concerning them in my hands. do hereby I, the undersigned, sheriff of the county of certify that the following is a correct list of the prisoners now detained in the jail of said county, the time when each was committed, by what process and the crime charged. It appearing to the satisfaction of this court that judge of the said county of , county is incapable of acting in the above criminal action pending herein, by reason of [here set forth cause.] It is ordered that the same be and it is hereby transferred to the court of oyer and terminer of the said county of court, as the case may be.] , [or city No. 10. § 45. Order for Sessions. of Terms of the county court and court of sessions of the county : I do hereby order and appoint the terms of the county court, and of the court of sessions of the county of for the year 18 following, viz. : On the second Monday of January. On the third Monday of June. On the second Monday of September, and It is further ordered, that a grand and trial jury be drawn and summoned to attend each of said terms. 68. Albany Special Sessions. Order for Bench Warrant. At a court of special sessions, held at the City Hall, in the city of Albany, on the day of Present Hon. THE PEOPLE vs. 18. Recorder. The above named having neglected to appear before this court, agreeably to a recognizance given by him to appear thereat. Now, on motion of district attorney, it is ordered that a war rant issue for the arrest of said executing the same to bring the said and directing the officer before this court, if the court be then in session, and if the court is not then in session, that the said officer commit the said to the common jai of Albany county, there to remain until delivered by due course of law. CITY OF ALBANY, No. 12. Id. Bench Warrant. } COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. To the sheriff of the county of Albany, the constables of the city of Albany, the members of the police force of the city of Albany, and to the special officers of the district attorney of Albany county, and to each of you, and to the keeper of the common jail of the city of Albany: The people of the state of New York command you to take who was duly recognized pursuant to law, to appear in our court of special sessions of the city of Albany, to answer to a complaint for triable therein, and who has neglected to appear thereat, agreeably to the requirements of such recognizance, and forthwith bring h before our said court, at the City Hall, in the city of Albany, in said county, if our said court shall be at the time of such arrest in session, together with this warrant; but if the said court be not in session, you are hereby commanded to commit the said to the common jail of the county of Albany, there to remain till h be delivered by the due course of law. Witness: Hon. recorder of the city of Albany, at the City Hall, in the city of Albany, this day of 18 . that of , upon of said of hath threatened to commit a crime against the property has threatened to , in that said hath just reason to fear that the said will commit the said crime threatened. The said fore prays surety of the peace to be granted said and this malice or ill-will toward the said because said and there against the doth not from any private is afraid, and hath good reason to fear that the will commit the said crime threatened. Wherefore the said prays that a warrant may issue in due form of law against the said and that may be dealt with touching the premises as to personally appeared before me, and made oath to the truth of the foregoing complaint and information subscribed by for the purpose of obtaining surety of the peace. on day of oath aforesaid, before me, saith in said , 18, at on that occasion make examination, use of the threats above stated in the said and that this deponent hath at various times and on divers occasions within the last assert and swear that months heard the said would the said Taken before me the day and year first above mentioned. In the name of the people of the state of New York: To the sheriff, constable, marshal, policeman of county Whereas, an information has been laid before me, , greeting: in said against the person of , and alleging there is just reason to fear the commission of said threatened crime, and further praying that a warrant issue for the arrest of said accused, and that he be dealt with pursuant to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and after examining on oath said complainant examination to writing and caused the same to be duly subscribed; by which examination it appears that there is just reason to fear the commission of the crime threatened by said and reducing h These are, therefore, to command you forthwith to arrest the said so complained of, and to bring h before me, at my office in the of , within |