After three radically cured in a boy of eight years of age. It consisted first in a stiffness of the right arm, and a like affection followed later in all the extremities. By a like success, the electro-therapeutic cure of a girl five years old was consummated, in whom the muscles of the shoulder and flexors of the forearm were paralyzed and atrophied (1. c., p. 135). A little girl, aged two years, after a long exposure to the sun, lost her consciousness, and became paralyzed on the right side. months, her condition had not improved. with difficulty, and dragged the foot. She was entirely restored by Faradization, which was continued three months. After eleven years, in 1853, this girl had made visible progress in her physical development, except that the limbs of the paralyzed side remained less full than those of the other side. A complete cure by Faradization was established in three months. We owe to Dr. F. R. Bärwinkle some interesting communications on the paralyses of children treated by electrization. She walked Spinal Paralysis.--A girl, aged seven years, affected with cervical vertebritis, with obliquity of the head toward the left side and paralysis of the right sternocleido-mastoid muscle, was treated unsuccessfully, and remedial measures were suspended. An analogous case was in a boy aged six years, suffering from paraplegia of both legs following vertebral caries, with marked scoliosis, after a fall from a chair. He was subjected, without success, to Faradization for three months in thirty-seven séances. Bärwinkle obtained only once a slight result in nine cases of true paralysis. Functional Paralysis of a Hysterical Nature.In a boy aged twelve years, and of healthy parents, an obstinate irritating cough was followed by spasms of an automatic character, also paralysis, with increased extension of the legs. Seven séances, in which a steady current of moderate force was used along the spine, from the dorsal to the lumbar vertebræ of one side, while on the other side, the other conductor sent a current toward the crural nerves, with Faradization of the quadriceps extensor, worked a perfect cure. (To be continued.) FARADIZATION AND GALVANIZATION IN THE TREATMENT OF AMENORRHOEA. BY A. D. ROCKWELL, M.D., of New York. THE utility of some form of electrization in the treatment of amenorrhoea has long been recognized by the profession. This recognition, however, is decidedly vague and indefinite, and the use of electricity by the general practitioner in obstinate suppression or retention of the menses is exceptional. I transcribe from my clinical note-book a few such cases, in order that renewed attention may be called to a method of treatment that I conceive to be all-impor tant. There is no stereotyped form of application that will answer in every case, neither can we expect to be uniformly successful; but I feel assured, from a somewhat extended experience, that a judicious use of the different currents and the recognized methods of applying them will yield results far surpassing the general belief. The principal methods of application are: 1st. General Faradization. 2d. Localized Faradization (external). 3d. Localized Faradization (internal). 4th. Central galvanization. 5th. Peripheral galvanization (external or internal). The first method (general Faradization*) is indicated in those conditions of debility where a general and powerful tonic influence is called for. The treatment is, as a rule, not disagreeable to the patient if carried out with the requisite care, and its secondary effects are sometimes marvellous. Amenorrhoea associated with Anaemia-Recovery under general Faradization. CASE I.-Miss-, aged 20, was suffering from a condition of excessive debility and anæmia. She was hysterical to the last degree, and it was with the greatest difficulty that she could be persuaded to submit to electrization. These symptoms had annoyed her for about six months, during which time the menstrual flow had decreased in quantity and had become irregu lar until, some two months before I saw her, it had altogether ceased. She was at once submitted to gen *For a complete exposition of general electrization, its modus operandi, rationale, and effects, the reader is referred to Beard and Rockwell's work on "Medical and Surgical Electricity." eral electrization, and, although an exceedingly mild current was used, excessive faintness was produced, which lasted nearly twenty minutes. Subsequent applications were borne much more kindly, although the strength of the current was decidedly increased. Her menses returned after the eighth application, and during the treatment, which was continued for six weeks, the color returned to her cheeks, her step became firm and strong, her hysterical condition was entirely corrected, and at the very least it may be said that she was approximately restored to her usual health. Amenorrhoea of four years' standing, associated with slight Anasarca and marked Obesity-Menses restored and other symptoms relieved by general Fara dization. CASE II.-Miss H., 25 years old, was directed to me by Dr. T. Cock, of New York. For four years the patient had menstruated sometimes three times, sometimes but twice a year. She had increased enormously in size, her weight being 180 pounds, and there was some effusion of the legs and feet, as manifested by the indentations remaining after pressure with the finger. The patient was very plethoric, and suffered much from fulness and oppression about the head. It is proper to remark that Dr. Cock, before submitting the case to electrization at my hands, had for some time faithfully made use of the internal remedies that seemed most suited to it. The patient was annoyed by cold feet and hands and by sudden. flushes of heat. As in my experience general Faradi zation has been more successful in equalizing the circulation than any other form of electrization, I deter mined to employ this method. In this as in the former case, extreme susceptibility to the current was manifested, but depending more on an excited mental condition than on any real sensitiveness of the nervous system. The patient was under treatment from March 20 1871, to May 25, 1871, and received twenty ap plications. After the fifth séance the courses appeared and lasted two days. At the proper time during the course of treatment they reappeared and lasted some four days. The patient presented herself a few months after the cessation of the séances, and reported that not only the menstrual function continued to act regularly, but that she remained permanently better in every respect. The tendency to flushes of heat disappeared after the first menstruation, her extremities became warmer, and after the second menstruation she was entirely relieved of the watery effusion in the legs and feet. An interesting but not altogether unusual result of the treatment was a marked decrease in flesh. During the administration of the first ten applications she lost some twenty pounds, and after the séances were discontinued she submitted to the Banting system, and was rewarded by a still further decrease in weight. Amenorrhea of a year's standing, associated with Vertigo and Debility-Recovery under general Faradization. CASE III-Miss E. S., a school-girl aged 18, a patient of Dr. Nuby, was suffering from suppression that had |