Annual Report of the Health OfficerU.S. Government Printing Office, 1930 - Washington (D.C.) |
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148 Puerperal 177 Accidental 181 Accidental inhalation 1929 White Colored 198 Stab wound 202 Traumatic 36d Tuberculosis 49 Cancer 5-year period 50a Tumor abscess Acute age of deaths Annual average arranged with reference average for 5-year birth Bronchitis calendar year 1929 Cause of death causes of death-Continued circulatory system classified with reference Colored Total Month Colored Total White Colored White Colored deaths and death Deaths Cases Deaths Deaths Death rates Deaths Percent Diphtheria diseases not included District of Columbia endocarditis Epidemic Female Male Female fever Gangrene genitourinary system hemorrhage Ill-defined diseases included in Class leukemia lung Male Female Male Marital relations meningitis Month Cases Deaths Myelitis neonatorum Nephritis Nonvenereal diseases organs of special Paralysis paraplegia Pelvic percentage of deaths pneumonia population reference to race respiratory system Septicemia Showing deaths stillbirths TABLE 1A Total deaths Total diseases Total White Colored Tuberculous Ulcer White Colored Total White Colored White White White