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From H. M. Jernegan, late Prof. of Surgery of Medical Department, Boston University.

"Have tested your Lithia Water in numerous cases where acid is not well eliminated from the system, and find that it acts exceedingly well. I believe that many cases of uric acid diathesis, which give rise to rheumatism, gout, and sooner or later that form of kidney and bladder disease dependent upon uric acid, will be greatly benefited by a free use of the Lithia Water, and to such would recommend it as a table water. If liquors are to be used, no water is at once so agreeable for diluting them and so preventive of the bad consequences following their use. Lithia Water is the water above all others for the man who lives well and drinks good wine."

H. M. JERNEGAN, M. D., 700 Tremont St.

From J. R. Kippax, M. D., Professor Principles and Practice of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, Chicago Hom. Medical College.

"I consider Londonderry Lithia Water an extremely valuable adjuvant in the treatment of chronic gout, lithiasis, renal calculi and other uric acid affections. It materially diminishes the amount of uric acid, and is of decided benefit in washing out the deposits.'

From H. F. Biggar, A. M., M. D., Prof. Gynae. & Clin. Surg, Hom. Hosp. Coll. Attending Surgeon Huron St. Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio.

"I shall not, nor have I, heretofore, hesitated to prescribe Londonderry Lithia Water, and will advise the members of the Club to give it a trial."

From Kent B. Waite, A. M., M. D., Prof. Genito-Urinary Department and Operative Surgery, Hom. Hosp. College, Cleveland, Ohio.

"I have used the Londonderry Lithia Water for several years in my private practice and in the Genito-Urinary clinic. I find it the best solvent of uric acid in the market and as a table water the Sparkling Londonderry is far ahead of Apollinaris."


Charles B. Perkins & Co,. Selling Agents, 36 Kilby St., Boston, Mass.
David Nicholson, Distributing Agent for St. Louis.

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WHAT IS IT? Maltopepsine is a dry powder, essentially of Malt-Diastase, Pepsin, Hydrochloric and Phosphoric Acid, with a pleasant, sweetish acid taste.

WHAT ABOUT IT? Physician: (1) because it perfect digestive ferment.

It appeals to the good sense of the thoughtful combines the three indispensable elements of a (2) Because it has fully demonstrated its value by exacting clinical tests in many forms of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Vomiting of Pregnancy, Lyenteric and Dysenteric Diarrhoea, Sick Headache, Cholera Infantum and the Indigestive Diarrhoea of Children.


(Each f. drachm contains 10 grs. Maltopepsine.)

Is the same thing in a liquid form. It has a beautiful, clear, claret color, and is as grateful to the taste as a tart grape wine. Peculiarly adapted to the stomach and bowel ailments of children and persons who find powders objectionable.

FREE SAMPLES of the Maltopepsine (dry) will be sent by mail. A FULL PINT BOTTLE of the Elixir by express prepaid, on receipt of 50 cents, for packing and carriage.

Prepared only by THE TILDEN CO., NEW LEBANON, N. Y.

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