Highland Inn and Cottages, MERAMEC HIGHLANDS, St. Louis Co., Mo. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Perfect appointments, excellent cuisine. Moderate rates. Select private picnic or dinner parties entertained. Meramec Highlands as a Health Resort Meramec Highlands' claim as a valuable health resort is substantiated by its wealth of mineral springs-notably its Sulfo-Lithia, which is recommended as efficacious in kidney and bladder diseases, gravel, rheumatism, gout dyspepsia and liver troubles. Its warm Alkaline-Saline baths will rank high in the cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Skin and Nervous Diseases. Special attention is directed to the analysis of these waters made by Prof. Chas. O. Curtman, of St. Louis, whose report forms the basis of a paper by Dr. Wm. M. Eggleston, which appeared in a recent number of the "M EDIC FORTNIGHTLY" a copy of which will be mailed upon application. ANALYSIS OF MERAMEC HIGHLANDS SULFO-LITHIA ITHY OINTED RACTICAL A handsome 32 page Magazine, devoted exclusively to Surgery and Gynecology. are the features which International This Journal contains original matter contributed by many of America's brightest Surgeons and every live doctor should subscribe for a copy. Curtman's Chemical Lecture Notes, BY WHELPLEY. POSTPAID 81.50. Whelpley's Therapeutic Terms, Postpaid 75 cents. ADDRESS THIS OFFICE. Is superior surgical dressing in major and minor surgery, dentistry, cavital ulcerations, bed sores, burns, and all erosions of the skin or mucous membrane. It is a non-toxic, non-irritating combination of thymol-iodide, of marked antiseptic properties. As a dusting powder it is a perfect substitute for Iodoform with the advantage that it is free from disagreeable odor, and no more expensive, owing to its extreme lightness. LISTOL is supplied in ounces only, at $1.00 per ounce, prepaid on receipt of price. LOTSIL, Acetanilid. Sodium Bicarb C. P.. THE MODERN ANTIPYRETIC, EACH 5-GRAIN TABLET REPRESENTS: .3 gr. ...1 Caffeine Citrate.. Price per ounce, finely powdered, or in 5-grain PERFECTION TABLETS, 40 cents. For Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, and all Vaginal Discharges. Ex. Opium... With Ext. Hydrastis (colored) Eucalyptol and Alum. Price for package of 50 Tablets, 60 cents. Price for 100 Tablets, $1.00. ORDER A SAMPLE PACKAGE WITH LITERATURE (Mentioning this Journal.) All Goods sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price For Sale by all Wholesale Druggists. LISTOL CHEMICAL CO. Successors to CHAS. M. PUSEY & CO., Pharmaceutical Chemists, 34 Orchard Street, Chicago, Ill. THE BEST ANTISEPTIC FOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE ANTISEPTIC DEODORANT BOTH LISTERINE LISTERINE is a well-proven antiseptic agent, especially useful in the management of catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane; adapted to internal use and to make and maintain surgical cleanliness-asepsis-in the treatment of all parts of the human body, whether by spray, irrigation, atomization, or simple local application, and therefore characterized by its particular adaptability to the field of NON-TOXIC FORMULA-Listerine is the essential an- PREVENTIVE MEDICINE-INDIVIDUAL PROPHYLAXIS. DISEASES OF THE LAMBERT'S KIDNEY ALTERATIVE LITHIATED HYDRANGEA FORMULA-Each fluid drachm of "Lithiated Hydrangea" represents thirty grains of FRESH HYDRANGEA and three grains of CHEMICALLY PURE Benzo-Salicylate of Lithia. Prepared by our improved process of osmosis, it is INVARIABLY OF DEFINITE AND UNIFORM therapeutic strength, and hence can be depended upon in clinical practice. DOSE-One or two teaspoonfuls four times a day (preferably between meals). Urinary Calculus, Gout, Bright's Disease, Cystitis, We have much valuable literature upon general antiseptic treatment, lithemia, diabetes, cystitis, etc., to forward physicians on request. LAMBERT PHARMACAL CO., St. Louis Dr. J. FEHR'S "Compound Talcum"XCELENT "Baby Powder" "The Hygienic Dermal Powder" FOR INFANTS AND ADULTS. Originally investigated and its Therapeutic Properties discovered in the year 1868, by DR. FEHR, and introduced to the Medical and the Pharmaceutical Professions in the year 1873. COMPOSITION-Silicate of Mag- PROPERTIES:- Antiseptic, Anti media with Carbolic and Salicylic Acids. zymotic and Disinfectant. Useful as a GENERAL SPRINKLING POWDER, with Positive Hygienic, Prophylactic and Therapeutic properties Good in all Affections of the Skin. Sold by the Drug Trade, Wholesale and Retall generally. Per box, plain, 25c.; perfumed, 50c. THE MANUFACTURER JULIUS FEHR, M. D., Ancient Pharmacist, Advertised only in Medical and Pharmaceutical publications. HOBOKEN, N. J. A POWERFUL ANTI-FAT, ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. Prepared from the active principle of the berries of Phy- Indicated in Obesity, Fatty Degeneration of the Heart, Fatty Prescribed in ten-drop doses, half hour before and one hour Only advertised to the Medical Profession. PINEOLINE. FOR SKIN DISEASES. A delightful and efficacious Ointment prepared from the Valuable in the treatment of all forms of diseases of the Pineoline is applied two or three times daily on linen or in any other desirable way. A small sample will be sent on application. Dispensed by Druggists. For Literature, address WALKER PHARMACAL CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. "Preventive medicine should go hand in hand with the age of electricity, and he who is wise in the medical profession will shuffle out of the old ruts and get abreast of the age.-DR. N. B. SHADE, of Washington, D. C., in the MEDICAL WORLD. The Way to "Get Abreast of the Age" In Preventive Medicine Is to Subscribe for the Doctors' Magazine The National Popular Review An Illustrated Journal of Preventive Medicine, Applied Sociology, and Current Medical Sciences. EDITED BY P. C. REMONDINO, M. D. Member of the American Public Health Association and the American Medical Association; Ex-Vice-President California "The article on 'Ventilation' is very scientific and worth the subcription price."-DR. J. P. WILSON. Burlington, Iowa. "It is the very best publication of the kind I have ever seen."-DR. THOS. F. RUMBOLD, San Francisco. |