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Book Reviews (continued).

The Diseases of Society: The Vice and Crime
Problem, G. Frank Lydston, 79.
Gall-stones and their Surgical Treatment, G.
A. Moynihan, 114.

Electricity in Every-day Life, Edwin J. Hous-
ton, 115.

A Dictionary of New Medical Terms, George
M. Gould, 115.

Diseases of the Liver, Gall-bladder and Bl
ducts, H. D. Rolleston, 116.

Clinical Hæmatology, A Practical Guide to the
Examination of the Blood with Reference to
Diagnosis, John C. Da Costa, 116.

A Compend of Pathology, General and Spe ·ial,
Alfred Edward Thayer, 154.

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Nursing, A. Elwar |
Davis, 155.

One Hundred Years of Publishing, William
Wood & Co., 155.

Spectacles and Eyeglasses, Their Forms, Moun[-
ing and Proper Adjustment, R. J. Phillips.


International Clinics, A. O. J. Kelly, 156.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex: Sexual
Selection in Man, Havelock Ellis.

Gynecology, Medical and Surgical, Heny J.
Garrigues, 192.

Practical Treatise on Nervous Exhaustion,
George M. Gould, 193.

Atlas and Epitome of Operative Ophthalmol-
ogy, O. Haab and George E. de Schweinitz,

A Hand-book of Nursing, Connecticut Training
Schools for Nurses, 194.

A Compend of the Practice of Med'c'ne,
Daniel E. Hughes and Samuel Horton Browa,

Manual of Operative Surgery, John Fairbanks
Binnie, 194.

Text-book of Insanity Based on Clinical Obse"-
vations, R. von Krafft-Ebing and Charles G.
Chaddock, 195.

Twenty-third Annual Report, of the S'ate
Board of Health of the State of Rhode
Island, 196.

Politics in New Zealand, 196.

Practical Pediatrics, E. Graetzer and Herman
B. Sheffield, 196.

Annual Report of the Surgeon-General of the
Public Health and Marine Hospital Servic ›
of the United States for the Year 1904, 197.
Report of the Tuberculosis Commission of the
State of Maryland, 1902-1904, 197.
Medical Diagnosis. Special Diagnosis of In-
ternal Medicine, Wilhelm V. Leube and
Julius L. Salinger, 236.

The Ophthalmic Year-book. A Digest of the
Literature of Ophthalmology, with Index of
Publications for the Year 1903, 237.

A Text-book of Legal Medicine, Frank Win-
throp Draper, 237.

Practice of Gynecology, William Easterly
Ashton, 272.

Acute Contagious Diseases, William M. Welsh
and Jay F. Schamberg. 273.

Hollis's Epitome of Medical Diagnosis, Austin
W. Hollis, 274.

Conservative Gynecology and Electro-Thera-
peutics, G. Betton Massey, 274.
Meals Medicinal, W. T. Fernie, 275.

Book Reviews (continued).

Atlas and Hand-book of Topographic and
Applied Anatomy, O. Schultze and George
D. Stewart, 275.

Diseases of the Blood: American Elition of
Nothnagel's Practice, A. Lazarus, K. von
Noorden, and Felix Pinkus, 275.

The Diagnosis of Diseases of Women, Palmer
Findley, 276.

Diet in Health and Disease, Friedenwa d
and John Puhräh, 276.

Malaria, Influenza and Dengue, American
Edition of Nothnagel's Practice, J. Manna-
berg, Translated by Roland Ross, J. W. W.
Stephens, and Albert S. Grünbaum, 276.
A Text-book of Medical Chemistry and Tox-
icology, James W. Holland, 277.

Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Arthur N. Alling
and Ovidus Arthur Griffin, 277.

Ophthalmic Neuro-myology, G. C. Savage, 314.
A Manual of Practical Hygiene for Students,
Physicians and Medical Officers, Charles Har-
rington, 314.

Diseases of the Heart and Aorta, Thomas E.
Satterwaite, 315.

A Manual of Acute Poisoning, Together with
Methods for Use in First Aid to the In-
jured, 315.

Saunders's Pocket Medical Formulary, William
M. Powell, 315.

Syllabus of Materia Medica, Warren Coleman,

and Surgical Technique for
Nurses, Emily M. A. Stoney and Frederic
R. Griffith, 316.

Arneill's Epitome of Clinical Diagnosis and
Uranalysis, James R. Arneil', 316.

The Eye, Mind, Energy, and Matter, Chalmers
Prentice, 316.

Malformations of the Genital Organs of
Woman, Ch. Debierre, 317.

International Medical Annual. 1905. A Year
Book of Treatment and Practitioner's Index.

Clinical Treatise on the Pathology and Ther
apy of Disorders of Metabolism and Nutri-
tion, Carl von Noorden and Boardman Reed,

The Pharmacopoeia of the United States of
America, Eighth Decennial Revision, 353.
Diseases of the Kidneys, Spleen, and Hæmor-
rhagic Diseases, American Edition of Noth-
nagel's Practice, H. Senator and M. Litten,
Translation by James B. Herrick, 353.
Jackson on the Skin, George Thomas Jackson,
⚫ 354.

Hand-Book of Anatomy, James K. Young, 354.
The Treatment of Fractures, with Notes on a
Few Common Dislocations, Charles L. Scud-
der, 355.

Color-vision and Color-blindness, A Practical
Manual for Railroad Surgeons, J. Ellis Jen-
nings, 355.

The Medical Examination for Life Insurance
and Its Associated Clinical Methods, with
Chapters on the Insurance of Substandard
Lives and Accident Insurance, Charles Ly-
man Green, 355.

Hall's Physiology, Winfield S. Hall, 356.
Superstition in Medicine, Hugo Magnus and
Julius L. Salinger, 356.

Green's Pathology, T. Henry Green, 357.

[blocks in formation]

Manual of Operative Surgery, John Fairbairn
Binnie, 437.

A Manual of Diseases of the Nose and Throat,
Cornelius G. Coakley, 437.

Operative Surgery, John J. McGrath, 474.
International Clinics, A. O. J. Kelly, 475.
A Text-book of Physiology, William H. How-
ell, 475.

A Treatise on Diseases of the Skin, Henry W.
Stelwagon, 476.

Abbott's Bacteriology, A. C. Abbott, 476.
Therapeutics: Its Principles and Practice.
Horatio C. Wood and Horatio C. Wood, Jr.,

Practical Massage in Twenty Lessons, Hartvig
Nissen, 477.

A Manual of Diseases of Infants and Children.
John Ruhräh, 477.

Neurotic Disorders of Childhood, B. K. Rach-
ford, 477.

International Clinics, A. O. J. Kelly, 478.
Boston, L. Napoleon., History of the stomach
tube, devised by Philip S. Physick, M.D., of
Philadelphia, manufactured 1803, 288.
Bowel, strangulation of, during pregnancy, 257.
Bright's disease, 299.

the blood changes in, 84.

Broncho-pneumonia, pseudo-membranous, 55.
Burnet, James, A note on chloretone, 133.

Cardiac area, the, in childhood, 460.

collapse and circulation re-established by mas-
sage of heart, 70.

neuroses, some new theories of, and the
superposition of dilatation upon them. 412.
Carotid, internal, hæmorrhage from, complicating
chronic mastoiditis in a tuberculous patient,

Cellulitis, some remarks on the treatment of,

Cerebral lesions, collateral paralysis in, 107.
Cervix, cancerous degeneration of stump after
amputation of, 152.

[blocks in formation]

Ear, middle, fatal hæmorrhage of, 53.
secondary action of certain drugs in, 140.
the effect of tobacco on the, 185.
the fundus oculi in diseases of, 55.
Ears, middle, chronic catarrh of, said to be
caused by traumatism, 45.

Edmondson, James J., Transfusion (electrical):
a study of the theory and physiological ex-
periments and therapeutical application of
the transmission of curative agents through
the tissues by static electricity, 10.

the hypodermatic use of quinia in malaria,

Egbert, Seneca, The pollution of rivers and
streams, 321.

The phophylaxis of the diarrhoeal diseases of
childhood, 217.

Egg membranes in surgery, 350.
Eggs, the nutritive value of, 143.
Electricity, diseases due to, 352.
Encephalitis, disseminated syphilitic, 151.
Endocarditis, gonorrheal, 35.

gonorrhoeal, gonococci in the blood during life,
and on the valvular growths after death,

vegetative tuberculous, 173.
Enteritis, muco-membranous,
origin, 67.

of traumatic

Epilepsy and menstruation, 99.
caused by atrophy of the eye, 174.
emotional shock as causes of, 380.
the curability of, 257.

treatment of, by legation of longitudinal sinus,

Epileptic fit, the visceral equivalent of an, 32.

Erysipelas, facial, of nasal origin, 223.
Erythema, exudativum multiformes, appendicitis
as a visceral manifestation of, 147.
Ethmoid, tumors of, invading all the cavities of
the face, 140.

Exophthalmic goiter, association of gigantism,


Do private hospital patients pay? 23.

The abuse of hospitals and dispensaries, 24.
Death of a distinguished physician and author,

A department of public health, 60.

Advertising by postal cards, 62.

The inadvisability of admitting incurable cases
into hospitals, 102.

Rare complications of ophthalmic zone, 104.
The nutritive value of eggs, 143.
Gonorrhoeal irido-choroiditis, 183.

The effect of tobacco on the ear, 185.
Bad habits among school children, 227.
Municipal milk depots, 229.

The National Guard encampments, 263.
"Return" cases of scarlet fever, 263.
Adulteration of liquors, 264.

Malaria in the Roman Campagna, 264.
George Ayers Hewitt, M.D., 304.
The yellow fever epidemic, 304.

Tea and the effects of tea drinking, 305.
Fourth of July tetanus, 305.
The evils of the high collar, 306.
Epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis, 345.
Vicarious excretion, 346.

Dentists in the United States service, 346.
The recent appearance of cholera, 386.
Japan's medical service, 386.

The meeting of the Pennsylvania Medical So-
ciety, 387.

The evil effects of the excessive use of tobacco,

New cures for consumption, 428.

Diseases transmitted by the barber, 428.
Spirochete pallida, 467.

Venereal diseases in general hospitals, 468.
The treatment of arteriosclerosis, 468.
The blood changes in Bright's disease, 84.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hæmophilia, on the nature of, 379.

Hæmoptysis, the pneumococcus as a factor in,

Hæmorrhage, uterine, the significance and diag-
nosis of, 444.

Hæmorrhoids in children, 111.

Hair, abnormalities in the color of, 392.
Headache, nasal disease as a cause of, 434.
Heart, after-effects of diphtheria on the, 454.
chorea of the, 98.

neurotic, some phases of the, 379.
Hip-joint, resection of, 418.
Hollopeter, W. C., A talk about children, 163.
The febrile type of influenza as frequently seen
in young children-the management of the
same with the necessary diet and therapeu
tics, 369.

How to reduce fever, 239.

Hubbard, Dwight L., An effectual therapy in
neurasthenic and digestive disorders, 130.
Hysteria of the ear, 224.

the reflexes in, 64.

Hysterical movements, 108.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ovariotomy during pregnancy, 175.
Oxygenation, an advanced and practical method
of, 125.

Pancreatic activity, a test for, 420.
Pancreatic diseases, advances in the physiology
and pathology of the pancreas, and their
application to the diagnosis of, 152.
Panophthalmitis, enucleation for, 122.
Paralysis, general, of the insane, pathology of,

of the right facial and auditory consecutive
to secondary syphilis, 55.

Parosmia, 55.

Penis, epithelioma of, associated with leuco-
plakia, 30.

Peritonism, purpura rheumatica, and secondary
syphilis, 49.

Peritonitis, typhoid, without perforation, 296.
Petechiæ, chronic form phenacetine, 112.

Pfromm, George W., Mushroom poisoning; re-
port of four cases and one autopsy, 401.
Phemphigus with epidermic cysts, 255.
Phlebitis, nodular syphilitic, 255.
Phlegmasia of the four limbs, 295.

Pickett, William, Lost achilles knee-jerk reveal-
ing sacral tabes; the cause of a remarkable
case of retention of urine, 319.

Pituitary body, acromegaly, diabetes, and hy-
pertrophy of the, 56.

Pleurisy, acute, and its treatment, 90.
secondary to abdominal affections, 393.
Pneumonia, appendicular pain in, 150.

complicating, recovery, 450.

lobar, diagnosis of, in the child, 413.

lobar, with some unusual features, report of
a case, 453.

migratory, with cerebro-spinal meningitis, re-
Poisoning, boric acid in, 68.

by orangeine, 299.

Post-traumatic nervous accidents, 298.

Practical method of transporting fish, 350.

Pregnancy, diagnosis of, 113.

lengthened in mental disorders, 139.

ovariotomy during, 175.

Pruritus, three cases of, from the use of to-

bacco, 70.

Psoriasis, 439.

Psychoses, of thyroid origin, 33.
Purpura, Henoch's, 154.

Radio-active bodies, 33.

Randall, Edwin T., Some remarks on the treat-
ment of cellulitis, 442.


Rare complications of ophthalmic zona, 104.
Rectal diseases, anææthesia in, 300.

Rectum, bloodless resection of the, 459.
Relation of chlorides in the urine to the diges-
tive process, 257.

Renal calculi, the treatment of, due to uric acid,

pathology, influence of heredity in, 336.

Report of two cases of chronic gastric catarrh,

Rheumatism, tuberculous, 74.

Rhinitis, vegetative, 19.

Robinson, Byron, The uterine circulation: its
phases in different ages and functions of life
(pueritas, pubertas, menstruation, gestation,
puerperium, senescence, and disease), 1.

[blocks in formation]

Smith, Herbert J., Report of a case of lobar

pneumonia with some unusual features, 453.
Report of two cases of chronic gastro-intes-
tinal catarrh, 325.

Spirochete pallida, its possible relation to syph-
ilis, 380.

Spleen, calculus of the, 224.

hypertrophic cirrhosis of, without cirrhosis of
the liver, 16.

primary malignant tumors of the, 378.
Spondylosis, gonorrhoeal, 140.

Status lymphaticus and the ductless glands, 337.
Stomach, cancer of, œsophago-salivary reflex as
a symptom of, 139.
passive palpation of the, 153.

post-operative paralysis of, simulating perito-
nitis, 16.

tube, history of, devised by Philip S. Physick,
M.D., of Philadelphia, manufactured 1803,

Surgery in light of latest physiological data, 190.
Syphilis, dysmenorrhoea in, 54.

general paralysis, beginning three years after
infection, 18.

late jaundice and enlargement of the spleen in,

rare localization of nasal, 18.

the contagiousness of, 377.

Syphilitic, phlebitis, 20.

The abdominal cutaneous reflex in typhoid fever
and appendicitis in the child, 19.

The abolition of the hand-shake, 390.

The curriculum of the scientific professional col-
lege, 359.

The dangers of venereal diseases and a step
toward their prophylaxis, 374.

The elimination of the mosquitoes, 336.
The febrile type of influenza as frequently seen
in young children-the management of the
same, with the necessary diet and therapeu-
tics, 369.

The inadvisability of admitting incurable cases
into hospitals, 102.

The intra-nasal route in operating upon the nasal
accessory sinuses, 460.

The medical witness, 199.
The otitis of measles, 53.

The poison of the bee, 30.

The pollution of rivers and streams, 321.
The prophylaxis of the diarrheal diseases of
childhood, 217.

Therapeutic Notes, 20, 58, 99, 141, 176, 225, 258,
300, 341, 381, 421, 461.

The United States Pharmacopoeia, 282, 327.
The uterine circulation: its phases in different
ages and functions of life (pueritas, puber-
tas, menstruation, gestation, puerperium,
senescence, and disease, 1.

The variations of corneal astigmatism with age,

Thrush, M. Clayton, The United States Pharma-
copoeia, 282, 327.

Thyroid disease in California, 419.

gland, rapid enlargement of, 413.

structural alterations of, produced by phos-
phorus and arsenic in the treatment of
goiter, 72.

Tongue, cold abscess of the, 18.
Tonsil, actinomycosis of, 53.

(pharyngeal), the relation between stuttering
and hypertrophy of the, 19.

Tonsils, faucial, chronic hypertrophy of, 45.
pharyngeal, chronic hypertrophy of the, 279.
Torticollis following the removal of adenoids,

Trachea, obstruction of, by caseous and sup-
purating bronchial and lymphatic glands, 97.
Transfusion (electrical): a study of the theory
and physiological experiments and therapeu-
tical application of the transmission of cura-
tive agents through the tissues by static
electricity, 10.

Traumatism and tuberculosis, 172.

Treatment of epilepsy by ligation of longitudinal
sinus, 71.

Tuberculosis, advantages of sanitarium treat-
ment of, 379.

chronic pulmonary, the pulse as a prognostic
sign in, 256.

lymph node, 152.
pulmonary, 41.
renal, 256.

Tuberculous infection, books as vehicles of, 34.
Tyldesley, Harry, The treatment of renal cal-
culi due to uric acid, 89.

Typhoid fever, galloping, 137.

Typhoid peritonitis, without perforation, 297.

Unclassified troubles of women and conservative
treatment, 29.

Urine, arsenic in the, 65.

diabetic, fluorescence of, 380.
the normal acidity of, 335.

Varicella, gangrenous phlegmon in the course of,


Vocal cord, pathological curiosity on, 72.
fever, 167.

Warmuth, M. P., Injuries of the liver, and their
Waugh, William F., Treatment of cerebro-spinal
treatment, with report of a case, 372.
Xiphoid crepitation, 29.

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