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Nurse in Peace and War, 218
Hale White, Materia Medica,
Pharmacy, Pharmacology, and
Therapeutics, 629

Hall, Arthur J., Epidemic En-
cephalitis (Encephalitis Lethar-
gica), 599

Ham, B. Burnett, A Synoptic Chart

of Skin Diseases, 603
Heatherley, Francis, Modern
Methods in the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Heart Disease,

Hegner, R. W., W. W. Cort, and
F. M. Root, Outlines of Medical
Zoology, 371

Hehir, Sir Patrick, The Medical
Profession in India, 280
Hewitt, C. R., Compiled by, The
Medical Year-Book, 1924, 629
Hill, T. Chittenden, A Manual of
Proctology, 371
Hunzilser, Heinrich, Die Prophylaxe
der groszen Schilddruse, 600
International Clinics, 283, 629, 681
Irwin, William Knox, An Introduc-

tion to Surgical Urology, 459
Jamieson, Hamilton, Aids to Opera-
tive Dentistry, 536

Jeffrey, G. Rutherford, Common
Symptoms of an Unsound Mind:
A Guide for General Practitioners,

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Morley, Arthur S., Hæmorrhoids:
their Etiology, Prophylaxis and
Treatment by Means of Injection,

Morris, Roger Sylvester, Clinical
Laboratory Diagnosis, 217
Mottram, V. H., A Manual of
Histology, 277

Muir, John, A Manual of Practical
X-Ray Work, 535

Mummery, J. Howard, The Micro-
scopic and General Anatomy of the
Teeth, Human and Comparative,

Mummery, J. Lockhart, Diseases of

the Rectum and Colon, 115
Myers, V. C., Practical Chemical
Analysis of the Blood, 410
Orrin, H. C., Emergency Operations
for General Practitioners, 460
Page, C. Max, and W. Rowley
Bristow, The Aim of the Treat-
ment of Fractures in General
Practice, 602

Parkes, L. C., and H. R. Kenwood,

Hygiene and Public Health, 279
Parsons, Sir John Herbert, Diseases
of the Eye, 626

Peachey, George C., A Memoir of
William and John Hunter, 678
Pearce, Sir Alfred, Elements of
Surgical Diagnosis, 218

Pickerill, H. P., Facial Surgery, 677
The Prevention of Dental
Caries and Oral Sepsis, 370
Pirquet, Outline of the Pirquet
System of Nutrition, 121


Portmann, Georges, Ear, Nose, and
Throat Treatment in General
Practice (translated and edited
by R. Scott Stevenson), 628
Power, Sir D'Arcy, and C. S.
Thomson, Chronologia Medica,

Practical Medicine Series, 1923, 281
Pratt, Fred J., and John A. Pratt,
Intranasal Surgery, 627
Rolleston, Sir Humphry, Some
Medical Aspects of Old Age, 121
Ross, J. Stuart, Anæsthetics, 536
Ross, T. A., The Common Neuroses:
Their Treatment by Psychotherapy,

Roussy, G., and I. Bertrand, Lessons
in Pathological Histology, 281
Sampson, C. M., Physiotherapy
Technic, 276

Savage, William G., Canned Foods
in Relation to Health (Milroy
Lectures, 1923), 409

Schroder, Paul, Introduction to the
Histology and Histopathology of
the Nervous System, 601
Scudder, Charles L., Treatment of
Fractures, 626

Shaffer, Newton Melman, Selected
Essays on Orthopedic Surgery, 534
Stedman's Medical Dictionary,
Seventh Edition, 217

Stephenson, Thos., Incompatibility
in Prescriptions, 602

Still, G. F., Common Disorders and
Diseases of Childhood, 632

Stitt, E. R., Practical Bacteriology,
Blood Work and Animal Parasit-
ology, 281

Sullivan, W. C., Crime and Insanity,

Thomson, David, Gonorrhea, 117
Transactions of the American
Gynecological Society, 63
Transactions of the American
Surgical Association, 1922, 63;
1923, 681

Transactions of the College of Physi-
cians of Philadelphia, 1922, 282


Treves, Sir Frederick, The Student's
Handbook of Surgical Operations,

Turner, A. Logan, Edited by,
Diseases of the Nose, Throat, and
Ear, 625

Varley, G. H., Radium: Its Thera-
peutic Uses in General Practice,

Verlin, Successful Physician, 121
Von Blarcom, Getting Ready to be
a Mother, 633

Wallace, J. Sim, Oral Hygiene, 370
Walters, R. Rufenacht, Domiciliary
Treatment of Pulmonary Tubercu-
losis, 632

Walton, A. J., A Text-Book of the

Surgical Dyspepsias, 276

Webster, Colonel William, The
Science and Art of Anesthesia,


Ulcer, Large, Case of
(J. J. M. Shaw), Chir., 199
Ross, Sir Ronald, Thoughts on Medical
Discovery, 637

Ross, T. A., The Attitude of the
Medical Profession to Scientific
Problems: A Rejoinder, 527
Royal College of Surgeons, 122, 538,

Rupture of the Uterus following the
Administration of Pituitrin for
the Induction of Labour, Note
on a Case of (William Fordyce),
Obst., 33
Ruptured Uterus, Specimen of,
(Farquhar Murray), Obst., 113

SACRO-ILIAC Strains (Maud F. For-
rester-Brown), 392

Sarcoma, Early, Specimen of Ovary
showing (James Haig Ferguson),
Obst., 146

Whitla, Sir William, Dictionary of Sarcoma of the Femur, Specimen of

Treatment, 62

Whitman, Royal, A Treatise on
Orthopedic Surgery, 337
Williams, Leonard, Minor Maladies
and their Treatment, 119
Wohlgemuth, A., A Critical Ex-
amination of Psycho-Analysis,
Yellet, Henry, A Short Practice of
Gynecology for Medical Students,


Yellowlees, Henry, A Manual of
Psychotherapy for Practitioners
and Students, 367

(Professor Price), 450

Scaphoid, Two Cases of Fracture of

the Carpal (F. R. Brown), 449
Scapula, Case of Acute Osteomyelitis
of the (K. Paterson Brown), Chir.,
Scarlatinal Arthritis (Alexander Joe),

Scientific Problems, Attitude of the
Medical Profession to (H. Tor-
rance Thomson), 350

Attitude of the Medical Profes-
sion to: A Rejoinder (T. A. Ross),

Zumbusch, Leo V., Atlas of Scottish Society of Anesthetics, 436

Syphilis, 215

[blocks in formation]

Semilunar Bone, Dislocated, Case of,

treated by Excision (W. Quarry
Wood), Chir., 197

Sepsis, Alimentary, from the Practi-
tioner's Point of View (Chalmers
Watson), Chir., 90

Septic Otitic Thrombosis of the
Cranial Blood Sinuses and Jugular
Bulb (J. S. Fraser), Chir., 75
Seventy Years of Country Midwifery
Practice, Some Observations on
(C. E. Douglas), Obst., 81

Shaw, J. J. M., Chronic Varicose
Ulcer, Case of, Chir., 35

Chronic Varicose Ulcer of the
Leg, Case of, Chir., 199

Epithelioma of Lower Lip and
Large Rodent Ulcer; and Cu-
taneous Horn, Case of, Chir., 199
Fracture of the Orbital Plate,
Case of, Chir., 35

Shoulder Deformity, A Consideration
of the Round or Stoop (W. A.
Cochrane), 307

Sinderson, H. C., Snake-Bite in Iraq,

Cl. Rec., 620

Sippy Treatment of Peptic Ulcers
(D. Murray Lyon), 65
Skirving, A. A. Scot, Fistula between
Stomach and Gall-bladder, Case
of, Chir., 195

- Traumatic Effusion of Cerebro-
Spinal Fluid under the Scalp,
Case of, Chir., 194

Smith, Frederick K., Some Aspects
of the Diagnosis of Renal Tuber-
culosis, 125

Smith, Theobald, Some Aspects of

the Tuberculosis Problem from
the Experimental and Compara-
tive Standpoint, 176

Some Biological and Economic
Aspects of Comparative Pathology,


Snake-Bite in Iraq (H. C. Sinderson),
Cl. Rec., 620
Snapping Hip, Case of (George

Chiene), Chir., 161
Spine, Acute Osteomyelitis of the

(K. Paterson Brown), Cl. Rec., 360
Spirit of Leisure and the Spirit of

Work (James W. Dawson), I
Spleen, Report on the Treatment of

Anæmia by Administration of
(H. B. Porteous), 605

Squamoid Metaplasia of Gland Epi-
thelium, Specimen of Uterus
showing (James Haig Ferguson),
Obst., 146

Stalker, J. M., Aortic Aneurysm,

[blocks in formation]

Stenosis, Pyloric, Case of (J. W.
Struthers), Chir., 205

Stewart, Charles Hunter, see Obitu-
aries, 454

Stewart, R. Leslie, Two Cases of
Bilateral Congenital Cystic

Disease of Kidneys, 668
Stiles, Sir Harold, Acoustic Tumour,
Two Cases of, Chir., 240

Malignant Ulcer of the Tongue,
Case of, Chir., 24

"Tic Douloureux," Case of, Chir.,


Tumour of the Twelfth Thoracic
Nerve, Case of, Chir., 241
Still-Birth and Neonatal Death,
Further Observations on (Francis
J. Browne), Obst., 158

Stomach and Gall-bladder, Case of
Fistula between (A. A. Scot
Skirving), Chir., 195

Struthers, J. W., Diaphysial Aclasis,
Case of, Chir., 242

Hæmorrhage following Gastro-
Enterostomy done with Clamps,
Case of, Chir., 25

Malignant Kidney Tumours,
Three Cases of, Chir., 243
Meningeal Tumour with Cranial
Hyperostosis, Case of, Chir., 223
Osteitis Fibrosa, Case of, Chir.,25
Pyloric Stenosis, Case of, Chir.,
Stuart, W. J., Facio-hypoglossal
Anastomosis, Case of, Chir., 128
Styloid Process of the Temporal

Bone: its Variations and their
Surgical Significance (Douglas
Guthrie), Chir., 182
Submucous Fibromyoma, Large,

showing Well-marked Red De-
generation, Specimen of (William
Fordyce), Obst., 143

Supravaginal Cervix, Specimen of
Hypertrophy of (B. P. Watson),
Obst., 144

Sympathectomy, Causalgia treated by
Modified Periarterial (W. Quarry
Wood), Cl. Rec., 329

Periarterial (W. Q. Wood), Cr.
Rev., 94

Syphilis, Discussion on Congenital or
Inherited (David Lees), Chir., 97
of the Lung (W. T. Munro), 139

TAYLOR, J., Carbolic Gangrene, Two
Specimens of, 449

Fracture of the Carpal Scaphoid,
Case of, 449

Tuberculous Disease of the Left
Hip, Case of, 58

A Case of Multiple Traumatic
Perforations of the Small In-
testine, Cl. Rec., 263

Temporal Bone, The Styloid Process

of the its Variations and their
Surgical Significance (Douglas
Guthrie), Chir., 182

Tetania Parathyreopriva and Idio-
pathic Tetany, Recent Investiga-
tions on (D. Noël Paton), 541
Tetany, Idiopathic, Recent Investiga-
tions on Tetania Parathyreopriva
and (D. Noël Paton), 541
Thin, Robert, General Practice in
Medicine, 461

Thomsen's Disease, Case of (Edwin

Bramwell), Chir., 223

Thomson, H. Torrance, The Attitude
of the Medical Profession to
Scientific Problems, 350

Thomson, Henry Alexis, see Obituaries,


Thomson, J. E. G., Brodie's Abscess,

Case of, 596

Thumb, Reconstruction of, in a Hand
mutilated by Mine Explosion,
Case of (J. N. J. Hartley), Chir., 36
Thyroid Gland, Administration of,
during Pregnancy (J. Ramsay
Munro), Obst., 225

Overgrowth of an Accessory
Cervical (David M. Greig), 614
Thyroidectomy, Partial, Report of a
Case in which Functional Activity
with Overgrowth of an Accessory
Cervical Thyroid modified the
Hypothyroidism which followed
(David M. Greig), 614

"Tic Douloureux," Case of (Sir Harold
Stiles), Chir., 23

Tongue, Case of Malignant Ulcer of
(Sir Harold Stiles), Chir., 24
Toxæmias, The Association of Placenta

Prævia and the Albuminuric
(Douglas Miller), Obst., 65
Traumatic Aneurysm, Case of (George
Chiene), Chir., 196

Cataract, Case of (Angus Mac-
Gillivray), 58

Effusion of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid
under the Scalp, Case of (A. A.
Scot Skirving), Chir., 194

Involvement of Meckel's Diver-
ticulum (J. D. Gilruth), Cl. Rec.,

Perforations, Multiple, of the
Small Intestine (John Taylor),
Cl. Rec., 263

Duodenal Ulcer, Two Cases of, Traversing Wounds of the Orbit


Thomson, John, On the Symptoms

and Home Treatment of Mentally
Defective Infants and Young
Children, 285

Thoracic Nerve, Case of Tumour of
the Twelfth (Sir Harold Stiles),
Chir., 241
Thoracico-Cervical Spine, Case of
Congenital Defect of the (Gertrude
M. A. Herzfeld), Cl. Rec., 90
Thoughts on Medical Discovery (Sir
Ronald Ross), 637

Thrombosis, Septic Otitic, of the
Cranial Blood Sinuses and Jugular
Bulb (J. S. Fraser), Chir., 75

(David M. Greig), 241

Tubal Pregnancy, Specimen of
(William Fordyce), Obst., 144

- Twin Pregnancy, Notes on a Case
of (J. A. Kynoch), Cl. Rec., 332
Tuberculosis, The Effects of the Anti-
Tuberculosis Campaign on the
Diminution of the Mortality
from (Sir Robert Philip), 482
- The Complement-Fixation Testin
the Diagnosis of (A. Nimmo Smith
and Fergus Hewat), Chir., 46

Problem, Some Aspects of the,
from the Experimental and Com-
parative Standpoint (Theobald
Smith), 176

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