Lead Poisoning, Case of (L. S. P. Malcolm, W. S., Lymphadenoma,
Davidson), Chir., 32
Lees, David, Discussion on Congenital
or Inherited Syphilis, Chir., 97 Interstitial Keratitis treated by Bismuth Salts, Four Cases of, Chir., 69
Leg, Case of Chronic Varicose Ulcer of the (J. J. M. Shaw), Chir., 199 Leprosy, Case of (Sir Norman Walker), Chir., 161
Leukæmia, Case of Acute Myeloblastic (Robert A. Fleming and James Davidson), Chir., 37
Lip, Case of Epithelioma of Lower (J. J. M. Shaw), Chir., 199 Lipodystrophy, Progressive, Case of (W. T. Ritchie), Chir., 73 Low, Cranston, Urticaria Pigmentosa, Case of, Chir., 127
Lung, Some Notes on Diagnosis of Non-Opaque Foreign Bodies in (R. P. Mathers), 399
Syphilis of the (W. T. Munro), 139 Lungs, Tuberculous, Specimen of
(J. M. Stalker), 450 Lymphadenoma, Case of (R. A. Fleming), Chir., 191
Case of (W. S. Malcolm), 58
Lyon, D. Murray, Acute Nephritis, Two Cases of, Chir., 30
Diabetes, Case of, Chir., 201 The Rôle of Dieting in Medicine,
Martin, George Ewart, Application of the Bronchoscope in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Certain Affec- tions of the Chest, Chir., 129 Maternal Morbidity in the Light of Experience from the Maternity Hospital (R. C. Buist), 208
Some Observations on (W. L. Burgess), 198
Mathers, R. P., Some Notes on Non- Opaque Foreign Bodies in Lung,399 Meckel's Diverticulum, Case of (Gertrude Herzfeld), Chir., 22 Case of Inflammation of (J. D. Gilruth), 58
Case of Traumatic Involvement of (J. D. Gilruth), Cl. Rec., 265 Medical Profession, Attitude of the, to Scientific Problems (H. Tor- rance Thomson), 350
Attitude of the, to Scientific Problems: A Rejoinder (T. A. Ross), 527
Medicina Antiqua (W. G. Aitchison Robertson), 107
Medicine, General Practice in (Robert Thin), 461
Members, Election of, Chir., 20, 67,
Meningeal Tumour with Cranial Hyperostosis, Case of (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 223
The Sippy Treatment of Peptic Mentally Defective Infants and Young
MACGILLIVRAY, Angus, Anophthal-
Compound Hyperopic Astig- matism, Case of, 58
Persistent Pupillary Membrane, Case of, 58
Traumatic Cataract, Case of, 58 Mackenzie, Ivy, Reactions of the Ulnar
Nerve in Disease, 413 M'Neil, Chas., Facial Irritability, 651 MacNicol, Mary H., Multiple Arthritis
in an Infant, following Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Case of, Chir., 67
Children, On the Symptoms and Home Treatment of (John Thom- son), 285
Metaplasia, Squamoid, of Gland Epithelium, Specimen of Uterus showing (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 146
Metastases, A Case of Malignant Hydatidiform Mole with Pul- monary (James Miller), Obst., 217 Millen, G. H. S., Graves' Disease, Case of, 595 Miller, Douglas, The Association of Placenta Prævia and the Albu- minuric Toxæmias, Obst., 65
Miller, James, A Case of Malignant Hydatidiform Mole with Pul- monary Metastases, Obst., 217 Mitchell, Alex., The Treatment of Surgical Tuberculosis, 140 Mitral Incompetence, Chronic, Case
of (W. T. Ritchie), Chir., 33 Mole, A Case of Malignant Hydatidi-
form, with Pulmonary Metastases (James Miller), Obst., 217 Monster, Specimen of (Robert Chis- holm), Obst., 64
Monsters, Two (A. E. Chisholm), 198 Morgan, J. M., Brain Abscess, Case of, 198
Movement, The Principle of Active,
in Relation to Injury and Disease (John W. Dowden), Chir., 217 Multiple Arthritis in an Infant, following Ophthalmia Neonato- rum, Case of (Mary H. MacNicol), Chir., 67
Munro, J. Ramsay, Administration of Thyroid Gland during Pregnancy, Obst., 225
Munro, W. T., Syphilis of the Lung, 139
Murray, E. Farquhar, Cæsarean Sec-
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Nimmo-Smith, A., and Fergus Hewat, The Complement-Fixation Test in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis, with Special Reference to Pul- monary Tuberculosis, Chir., 46 Nutrition in Infancy, An Investigation upon the Value of Two Methods of Estimating (T. Y. Finlay), 317
Charles Hunter Stewart, 454 Henry Alexis Thomson, 272 James Lamond Lackie, 104 Nathaniel T. Brewis, 675 Obstruction, Acute Intestinal, Three Specimens of (W. A. Alexander), Chir., 74
Three Cases of Operations for (Pirie Watson), Chir., 204 Olecranon, Fracture of the, Case of (George Robertson), Cl. Rec.,
86 Ophthalmia Neonatorum, Case of Multiple Arthritis in an Infant, following (Mary H. MacNicol), Chir., 67
Orbit, Traversing Wounds of the (David M. Greig), 241
Orbital Plate, Case of Fracture of the (J. J. M. Shaw), Chir., 35 Osteitis Fibrosa, Case of (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 25 Osteomyelitis of the Scapula, Case of Acute (K. Paterson Brown), Chir.,
of the Spine, Acute (K. Paterson Brown), Cl. Rec., 360
Otitic Thrombosis, Septic, of the Cranial Blood Sinuses and Jugular Bulb (J. S. Fraser), Chir., 75
Ovarian Abscess, Double Pyosalpinx with Left, Specimen of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 116 Cyst, Specimen of Unusual Pelvic Tumour simulating (William For- dyce), Obst., 143
Cyst, Twisted, with Hæmato- salpinx, Specimen of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 115
Ovarian Tumour, Twisted, with Hæ- mato-Salpinx, Specimen of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 115 Tumours, Bilateral, Specimens of (S. J. Cameron), Obst., 115 Ovary, Cyst of, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 145
Dermoid Tumour of the, Speci- men of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 44 Showing Early Sarcoma, Speci- men of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 146
PALMAR Ganglion, Compound, Case
of (J. N. J. Hartley), Chir., 36 Paralysis, Ulnar, Case of (Gordon Bell), Chir., 33
Parathyreoids, Recent Investigations
on the Functions of the (D. Noël Paton), 541 Parenchymatous Nephritis, Chronic, Case of (C. G. Lambie), Chir.,
Nephritis, Chronic, Case of Dia- betes with (C. G. Lambie), Chir., 203 Patella, Interarticular Dislocation of the (K. Paterson Brown), Cl. Rec., 403
Case of Interarticular Disloca- tion of the (K. Paterson Brown), Chir., 196
Case of Transverse Fracture of the (A. Pirie Watson), Chir., 34 Pathology, Some Biological and Economic Aspects of Com- parative (Theobald Smith), 221 Paton, D. Noël, Recent Investigations
on Tetania Parathyreopriva and Idiopathic Tetany, and on the Functions of the Parathyreoids, 541 Pelvic Colon, Case of Resection of the, for Carcinoma (W. Quarry Wood), Chir., 197
Tumour, Unusual, simulating Ovarian Cyst, Specimen of (William Fordyce), Obst., 143 Pelvimetry, A Note on (S. J. Cameron and J. Hewitt), Obst., 137
Pelvis, One Hundred Successive and Successful Cæsarean Sections in Cases of Contracted (Samuel J. Cameron), Obst., 118 Pendulous Tumour of the Labium Majus exhibiting Unusual Feat- ures (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 149
Peptic Ulcers, The Sippy Treatment of (D. Murray Lyon), 65 Perforations, Multiple Traumatic, of the Small Intestine (John Taylor), Cl. Rec., 263
Periarterial Sympathectomy (W. Q. Wood), Cr. Rev., 94
Causalgia treated by Modified (W. Quarry Wood), Cl. Rec., 329 Phalanges, Case of Fracture of (J. W.
Dowden and Morrison), Chir., 74 Pharynx, Case of Cancer of the Lower End of the (J. M. Graham), Chir.,
Philip, Sir Robert, Discussion on Tuberculin in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Tuberculosis, Chir., 148
The Effects of the Anti- Tuberculosis Campaign on the Diminution of the Mortality from Tuberculosis, Chir., 482 Tuberculosis, Three Cases of, Chir., 26
Valedictory Address, Chir., I Pituitrin, Note on a Case of Rupture of the Uterus following the Ad- ministration of, for the Induction of Labour (William Fordyce), Obst., 33
The Induction of Labour by Quinine and (F. J. Browne), Obst., 25, 47 Placenta Prævia and the Albuminuric Toxæmias, The Association of (Douglas Miller), Obst., 65 Pleural Empyema, Chronic, Case of (Henry Wade), Chir., 29 Porteous, H. B., Report on the Treat-
ment of Anæmia by Administra- tion of Spleen and Red Bone- Marrow Extract, 605
Pregnancy, Administration of Thyroid Gland during (J. Ramsay Munro), Obst., 225
Three Cases of Fibroids associ- ated with (R. W. Johnstone), Obst., 204
Tubal, Specimen of (William Fordyce), Obst., 144
Tubal Twin, Notes on a Case of (J. A. Kynoch), Cl. Rec., 332
Tumour complicating, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 145 President, Election of, Chir., 20 Price, Professor, Gastric Specimen of, 450
Sarcoma of the Femur, Specimen of, 450
Tumour of the Breast, Specimen of, 450
Primary Anæmia, Case of (Chalmers Watson and G. J. Hughes), Chir.,
Progressive Lipodystrophy, Case of (W. T. Ritchie), Chir., 73 Prolapse and Cystocele, Case of (J. Young), Obst., 205
Hydroureter and Hydronephro- sis secondary to (James Young), Obst., 207
Prostatectomy, Case of (J. D. Gilruth), 594
Puerperal Morbidity and Mortality, 539 Puerperal Uterus with Large Fibroid
Tumour, Specimen of (William Fordyce), Obst., 143 Pulmonary Metastases, A Case of
Malignant Hydatidiform Mole with (James Miller), Obst., 217 Pulmonary Tuberculosis, The Com- plement-Fixation Test in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis, with Special Reference to (A. Nimmo- Smith and Fergus Hewat), Chir., 46
Radiology in the Diagnosis of (A. S. Macgregor), 171 Pupillary Membrane, Persistent, Case of (Angus MacGillivray), 58 Pyloric Stenosis, Case of (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 205
Pylorus, Case of Congenital Hyper- trophy of the (Norman Car- michael), Chir., 31
Pyosalpinx, Double, with Left Ovarian Abscess, Specimen of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 116
RADIOLOGY in the Diagnosis of Pul- monary Tuberculosis (A. S. Mac- gregor), 171
Reconstruction of Thumb in a Hand mutilated by Mine Explosion, Case of (J. N. J. Hartley), Chir., 36
Renal Pelvis, the Clinical Signifi- cance of the Form and Capacity of the (Henry Wade), Chir., 13 Renal Tuberculosis, Some Aspects of the Diagnosis of (Frederick K. Smith), 125
Abraham, J. Johnston, Lectures on Gonorrhea in Women and Children, 631
Abt, Isaac A., Edited by, Padiatrics, vols. i. and ii., 407
Adams, Joseph E., Acute Abdominal Diseases, 118,
Barker, Ll. F., Clinical Medicine,
Barker, Professor, Edited by, Spalte-
holz's Hand Atlas of Human Anatomy, 459
Barnes, Henry A., The Tonsils, Faucial, Lingual, and Pharyngeal, 62
Begg, A. Clarke, Insulin in General Practice, 597
Bell, Robert, Reminiscences of an Old Physician, 681
Bertwistle, A. P., A Descriptive Altas of Radiographs of the Bones and Joints, 598
Bickham, Warren Stone, Operative Surgery, 597, 677
Bishop, L. F., A Key to the Electro- cardiogram, 115
Bland-Sutton, Sir John, Orations and Addresses, 533
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Brock, Arthur J., Health and Con- duct, 336
Brown, W. Langdon, The Sym- pathetic Nervous System in Disease, 120
Bryce, T. H., Quain's Elements of Anatomy, vol. iv., Part 2, Myology, 410
Cabot, Richard C., Differential Diagnosis, Physical Diagnosis,371, 680
Calmette, Albert, Tubercle Bacillus Infection and Tuberculosis in Man and Animals, 113 Cammidge, P. J., Insulin Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, 339 Cammidge, P. J., and M. A. H. Howard, New Views of Diabetes Mellitus, 339
Chiene, G. L., Handbook of Surgery, 408
Clarke, J. H., Rewritten by, Taylor's Sanitary Inspector's Handbook, 603
Clinch, H. G., The Smoke Inspector's
Handbook on Economic Smoke Treatment, 281
Coakley, Cornelius Y., Diseases of the Nose and Throat, 283 Cope, Zachary, The Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen, 62 Cotton, Frederick, I., Dislocations and Joint Fractures, 679 Crotti, A., Thyroid and Thymus, 280 Currie, Mustering of Medical
Service in Scotland, 1914-19 (Edin- burgh, 1922), 121 Cushny, A. R., Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 458
Cyriax, Edgar F., Collected Papers on Mechanico-Therapeutics, 629 Dally, J. F. Halls, High Blood- Pressure: Its Variations and Control, 459
Darling, H. C. Rutherford, Surgical Nursing and After-Treatment, 633
Davis, Loyal Edward, Neurologic Diagnosis, 631
De Quervain, F., Goitre, 601 Doble, F. Carminow, The Urethra and the Urethroscope, 216 Douglas, C. G., and J. G. Priestly, Human Physiology, 598
Downie, J. Walker, The Early Physicians and Surgeons of the Western Infirmary, Glasgow, 602 Drinkwater, H., Fifty Years of Medical Progress, 459
Professor, Traumatismes Cranio-Cérébraux, 217
Ellis, David, Practical Bacteriology for Chemical Students, 633 Fairbairn, John S., Gynecology with Obstetrics, 455
Farr, R. E., Practical Local Anas- thesia, 116
Feer, E., Edited by, A Text-book of Pædiatrics, 115
Fergus, A. Freeland, The Ophthal moscope and How to Use it, with a Chapter on Diplopia, 536 Fisher, A. G. Timbrell, Internal Derangements of the Knee-Joint, 456
Foote, E. M., Minor Surgery, 218 Forsdike, Sidney, The Effects of
Radium upon Living Tissues, 282 Fraser, A. R., A Monograph on Gonorrhea, 215
Frumusan, Jean,
Rejuvenation: The Duty, the Possibility, and the Means of regaining Youth, 277
The Cure of Obesity, 630 Gardiner, F., Handbook of Skin Diseases, 632
Gimlette, Malay Poisons and Charm Cures, 121
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