Cranial Defects, Hyperostosis, Case of Meningeal Tumour with (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 223
Cretin, Case of a (Norman Carmichael), Chir., 32
Critical Reviews-
Periarterial Sympathectomy (W. Q. Wood), 94
A Review of Certain Aspects in the Newer Methods of the Treatment of Tuberculosis (A. Fergus Hewat), 182 Curriculum, The Medical, i.-xxviii. Cutaneous Horn, Case of (J. J. M.
Cyclops and other Deformities, Case
of (J. Kinnear), 271
Cyst of the Clitoris, Specimen of (R. C. Buist), 450
Fimbrial, Specimen of (Theodore Haultain), Obst., 113
Ovarian, Specimen of Unusual Pelvic Tumour simulating
(William Fordyce), Obst., 143 of Ovary, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 145
Twisted Ovarian, with Hæmato- Salpinx, Specimen of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 115
Cystic Fibroid, Case of (James Haig
Ferguson), Obst., 115 Cystocele, Case of Prolapse and (J. Young), Obst., 205
Hydroureter and Hydronephrosis secondary to Prolapse and (James Young), Obst., 207
Diabetes, with Chronic Paren- chymatous Nephritis, Case of (C. G. Lambie), Chir., 203 Diaphysial Aclasis, Case of (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 242
Dieting in Medicine, The Rôle of (D. Murray Lyon), Chir., 206 Dislocated Semilunar Bone treated by Excision, Case of (W. Quarry Wood), Chir., 197
Dislocation of the Patella, Case of Interarticular (K. Paterson
Double Pyosalpinx with Left Ovarian Abscess, Specimen of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 116
Uterus, Specimen of (Farquhar Murray), Obst., 113
Douglas, C. E., Some Observations on Seventy Years of Country Mid- wifery Practice, Obst., 81
Dowden, John W., The Principle of Active Movement in Relation to Injury and Disease, Chir., 217 Dowden, J. W., and Morrison, Fracture of Phalanges and Division of Extensor Tendons of Hand, Case of, Chir., 74 Duodenal Ulcer, Two Cases of (J. E. G. Thomson), 595
EASON, John, Congenital Heart Disease, Case of, Chir., 161 Eclampsia, Case of Cerebral Hæmorrhage from Case of (J. Young), Obst., 205
Effects of the Anti-Tuberculosis Campaign on the Diminution of the Mortality from Tuberculosis (Sir Robert Philip), 482
Election of Fellows, Obst., 24, 46, 64, 112, 117, 143
of Members, Chir., 20, 67, 74, 127, 162
of President, Chir., 20 Empyema in Children, The Treatment of (John Fraser), Chir., 145
Case of Chronic Pleural (Henry Wade), Chir., 29
FACIAL Irritability (Chas. M'Neil), 651 Facio-hypoglossal Anastomosis, Case
of (W. J. Stuart), Chir., 128 Farrar, P. Bellwood, Abnormal Fœtus, Specimen of, 596
Fellows, Election of, Obst., 24, 46, 64, 112, 117, 143
Femur, Specimen of Sarcoma of the (Professor Price), 450 Ferguson, James Haig, A Pendulous Tumour of the Labium Majus exhibiting Unusual Features, Obst., 149
Case of Early Chorion - Epi- thelioma, Obst., 212
Cystic Fibroid, Specimen of, Obst., 115
Double Pyosalpinx with Left Ovarian Abscess, Specimen of, Obst., 115
Ovary showing Early Sarcoma, Specimen of, Obst., 146
Twisted Ovarian Cyst with Hæmato-Salpinx, Specimen of, Obst., 115
Twisted Ovarian Tumour with Hæmato-Salpinx, Specimen of, Obst., 115
Uterus showing Squamoid Meta- plasia of Gland Epithelium, Specimen of, Obst., 146
Fibroid, Specimen of (T. Haultain), Obst., 46
Cervical, Specimen of (William Fordyce), Obst., 45
Cervical, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 64
Cystic, Case of (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 115
Necrobiotic, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 45
Tumour, Large, Specimen of Puerperal Uterus with (William Fordyce), Obst., 143
Tumours, Two Specimens of (J. A. Kynoch), 271 Uterine, with
Invasion, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 43
Uterine, with Sarcomatous De- generation, Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst., 42
Fibroids, Group of (J. Lamond Lackie), Obst., 45
Mass of (G. Herzfeld), Obst., 117 Associated with Pregnancy, Three Cases of (R. W. John- stone), Obst., 204
Fibromyoma, Large Submucous, show- ing Well-marked Red Degenera- tion, Specimen of (William Fordyce), Obst., 143 Fibromyomatous Tumour, Specimen of (S. J. Cameron), Obst., 114 Fimbrial Cyst, Specimen of (Theodore Haultain), Obst., 113
Finlay, T. Y., An Investigation upon the Value of Two Methods of Estimating Nutrition in Infancy, 317
Fistula between Stomach and Gall- bladder, Case of (A. A. Scot Skirving), Chir., 195
Fleming, Robert A., Anomalous Babinski Sign, Case of, Chir., 191 Congenital Heart Disease, Case of, Chir., 191
Hemiparesis, Astereognosis, and Hemianopsia, Case of, Chir., 28 Lymphadenoma, Case of, Chir.,
Fleming Robert A., and James David-
son, A Case of Acute Myeloblastic Leukæmia, Chir., 37
Case of Aplastic Anæmia, Chir.,
Gastro-Enterostomy done with Clamps,
Case of Hæmorrhage following (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 25 General Practice in Medicine (Robert Thin), 461
Abnormal, Specimen of Gibson, Henry J. C., Hypopituitarism
(P. Bellwood Farrar), 596 Foggie, W. E., Myopathy, Some
Foot, Case of Deformity of the (A. D.
Fordyce, William, Cervical Fibroid, Specimen of, 45
Large Submucous Fibromyoma, showing Well-marked Red De- generation, Specimen of, 143
Puerperal Uterus with Large Fibroid Tumour, Specimen of, 143
Tubal Pregnancy, Specimen of,
Unusual Pelvic Tumour simulat- ing Ovarian Cyst, Specimen of, Obst., 143
Note on a Case of Rupture of the Uterus following the Admin- istration of Pituitrin for the Induction of Labour, Obst., 33 Forfarshire Medical Association, 58,
198, 271, 449, 594 Forrester-Brown, Maud F., Sacro- Iliac Strains, 392
Fraser, J. S., Septic Otitic Thrombosis of the Cranial Blood Sinuses and Jugular Bulb, Chir., 75 Fraser, John, The Treatment of Empyema in Children, Chir., 145 Tumour, Developmental, of the Hypophyseal Stalk, Case of, Chir.,
GALL-BLADDER, Case of Fistula be- tween Stomach and (A. A. Scot Skirving), Chir., 195 Ganglion, Case of Compound Palmar (J. N. J. Hartley), Chir., 36 Gangrene, Two Specimens of Carbolic (J. Taylor), 449
Gastric Ulcer, Specimen of (Professor Price), 450
associated with Glycosuria, Cl. Rec., 82
Gilruth, J. D., Acromegaly, Case of, 58, 594
Graves' Disease, Four Cases of, 594
Meckel's Diverticulum, Case of Inflammation of, 58
Prostatectomy, Case of, 594
Case of Traumatic Involvement of Meckel's Diverticulum, Cl. Rec., 265
Glycosuria, Hypopituitarism associ- ated with (Henry J. C. Gibson), Cl. Rec., 82
Goitre, Exophthalmic,
Greig, David M., Traversing Wounds
Gulland, G. L., Addison's Disease,
Case of, Chir., 27
Guthrie, Douglas, The Styloid Process of the Temporal Bone: Its Varia- tions and their Surgical Signifi- cance, Chir., 182
Specimen of Twisted Ovarian Cyst with (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 115
Specimen of Twisted Ovarian Tumour with (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 115 Hæmochromatosis, Case of (G. L. Gulland), Chir., 27
Hæmophilia, Case of (J. M. Graham), Chir., 21
Hæmorrhage, Cerebral, from Case of Eclampsia, Case of (J. Young), Obst., 205
Following Gastro-Enterostomy done with Clamps, Case of (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 25 Hand, Case of Division of Extensor Tendons of (J. W. Dowden and Morrison), Chir., 74
Hartley, J. N. J., Cirsoid Aneurysm, Case of, Chir., 36
Compound Palmar Ganglion, Case of, Chir., 36
Reconstruction of Thumb in a Hand mutilated by Mine Ex- plosion, Case of, Chir., 36
Haultain, Theodore, Fibroid, Speci-
Hemiparesis, Astereognosis,
Hemianopsia, Case of (Robert A. Fleming), Chir., 28 Herzfeld, Gertrude, Adenomyoma, Specimen of, Fibroids, Mass of, Obst., 117
Cholecystitis, Case of Acute, Meckel's Diverticulum, Case of, Chir., 22
Thoracico-Cervical Spine, Case of Congenital Defect of the, Cl. Rec., 90
Hewat, A. Fergus, A Review of Certain Aspects in the Newer Methods of the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Cr. Rev., 182
See A. Nimmo-Smith, Chir., 46 Hewitt, J., see S. J. Cameron, Obst., 137 High-Scapula, Congenital (David M. Greig), 22
Hip, Snapping, Case of (George Chiene), Chir., 161
Tuberculous Disease of the Left, Case of (J. Taylor), 58
Hughes, G. J., see Chalmers Watson, Chir., 200
Humerus, Case of Fracture of the (J. Taylor), 449
Hutchison, Robert, Discussion on Visceroptosis, Chir., 225 Hydatidiform Mole, A Case of Malig-
nant, with Pulmonary Metastases (James Miller), Obst., 217 Hydronephrosis, Hydroureter and, secondary to Prolapse and Cystocele (James Young), Obst., 207
Hydroureter and and Hydronephrosis secondary to Prolapse and Cystocele (James Young), Obst., 207
Fimbrial Cyst, Specimen of, Hyperopic Astigmatism, Compound,
Heart Disease, Case of Congenital
(John Eason), Chir., 161
Case of Congenital (R. A. Fleming), Chir., 191 Hemianopsia, Case of Hemiparesis, Astereognosis, and (Robert A. Fleming), Chir., 28
Case of (Angus MacGillivray), 58 Hyperostosis, Cranial, Case of Menin- geal Tumour with (J.W. Struthers), Chir., 223
Hypertelorism (David M. Greig), 560 Hypertrophy of the Pylorus, Case of Congenital (Norman Carmichael), Chir., 31
Hypertrophy of Supravaginal Cervix,
Specimen of (B. P. Watson), Obst.,
144 Hypophyseal Stalk, Case of Develop- mental Tumour of the (John
Fraser), Chir., 31 Hypopituitarism associated with Glycosuria (Henry J. C. Gibson), Cl. Rec., 82 Hypothyroidism
which followed Partial Thyroidectomy, Report of a Case in which Functional Activity with Overgrowth of an Accessory Cervical Thyroid modi- fied the (David M. Greig), 614
IDIOPATHIC Tetany, Recent Investi- gations on Tetania Parathyreo- priva and (D. Noël Paton), 541 Infancy, An Investigation upon the Value of Two Methods of Estimat- ing Nutrition in (T. Y. Finlay), 317 Infants and Young Children, On the Symptoms and Home Treatment of Mentally Defective (John Thomson), 285
Dislocation of the Patella (K. Paterson Brown), Cl. Rec., 403
Dislocation of the Patella, Case of (K. Paterson Brown), Chir., 196 Interstitial Keratitis treated by Bismuth Salts, Four Cases of (David Lees), Chir., 69 Intestinal Obstruction, Acute, Three Specimens of (W. A. Alexander), Chir., 74
Due to Undigested Fruit, Two Cases of Acute (R. Charles Alexander), Cl. Rec., 617
Value of Enterostomy in Acute (K. Paterson Brown), 663
Intestine, A Case of Multiple Trau- matic Perforations of the Small (John Taylor), Cl. Rec., 263 Old-standing Adhesions of the Small, Case of (George Chiene), Chir., 195
Intussusception, Case of (F. R. Brown),
JEJEUNUM and Ileum, Simple Ulcers of the (K. Paterson Brown), 45 Joe, Alexander, Scarlatinal Arthritis, 341
Johnston, John M., The Place of the Sanatorium in the Tuberculosis Scheme, 132
Johnstone, R. W., Adenomyoma of the Uterus with Tuberculous Infection, Obst., 54
Fibroids associated with Preg- nancy, Three Cases of, Obst., 204 Uterus with Adenomyoma, Specimen of, Obst., 64
KERATITIS, Interstitial, treated by Bismuth Salts, Four Cases of (David Lees), Chir., 69 Kidney Tumours, Malignant, Three Cases of (J. W. Struthers), Chir., 243 Kidneys, Bilateral Congenital, Cystic Disease of (R. Leslie Stewart), 668 Kinnear, J., Multiple Senile Epithelio- matosis, Case of, 59
Cyclops and other Deformities, Case of, 271
Kynoch, J. A., Cæsarean Section, Case of, 449
Fibroid Tumours, Two Speci- mens of, 271
Notes on a Case of Tubal Twin Pregnancy, Cl. Rec., 332
LABIUM Majus, Pendulous Tumour of the, exhibiting Unusual Features (James Haig Ferguson), Obst., 149 Labour, The Induction of, by Quinine and Pituitrin (F. J. Browne), Obst., 25, 47
Lackie, J. Lamond, Fibroids, Two Groups of, Obst., 45
Valedictory Address, Obst., I Lambie, C. G., Chronic Parenchy- matous Nephritis, Case of, Chir.,
Diabetes with Chronic Parenchy- matous Nephritis, Case of, Chir., 203
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