An important Act was passed in 1923, under which the maximum penalty for an offence against the law is now £1000 or ten years, or both, when the case is taken on indictment; or, when dealt with summarily in an ordinary Police Court, a £250 fine or twelve months' hard labour, or both. The British Government in their report also notify the League that, as a result of investigations made by the Home Office into the operations of various illicit traffickers, no import licences will in future be issued by them to Swiss and German firms which have supplied smuggled drugs. This information is to be sent to all other Governments, since, in the opinion of the Opium Advisory Committee, smuggling can be kept in check by the full and rapid interchange of details of illegal traffic. There is to be a preliminary conference in Geneva, on 3rd November, of all States with Far Eastern territories, to consider the necessary measures for carrying out more effectively, especially as regards China, Part II. of the Hague Opium Convention of 1912. The second and larger conference, to which all members and nonmembers of the League have been invited, will follow immediately afterwards. The United States and Germany, both outside the League, will be represented. MR JAMES THOMSON, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.P. Ed., has been appointed AT the recent Examinations of the Board of the Royal College of Triple Qualification Physicians of Edinburgh, Royal College of Passes. Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, the following passed the Final Examination, and were admitted L.R.C.P.E., L.R.C.S.E., L.R.F.P. & S.G.: N. Ampalavanar, Ceylon; E. S. Brohier, Ceylon; C. J. B. Cave, Barbados, B.W.I.; Teck Y. Chia, Singapore; F. El Ahmadi, Cairo; A. S. P. Fernando, Ceylon; Eric C. Gilles, Ceylon ; Patrick Groarke, Co. Mayo; Rodney H. Holt, Haslingden; Trevor Hughes, Ruthin, N. Wales; James K. Hunter, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Herman H. James, Jamaica; Bentis S. Jayawardene, Ceylon; John W. Keighley, Blackburn; Thomas F. Kelly, South Australia; Colin M'Culloch, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Lachlan MacLean, Broadford, Skye; Roy N. M. Sydney, N.S. W.; David S. Middleton, Edinburgh; Thomas J. Muir, Dumfries; M. Perera, Ceylon; K. Poothatamby, Ceylon ; Frank P. Rust, Jarrow-on-Tyne; William Rutherford, Belfast; David Stewart, Glasgow; John P. Subramamiam, Ceylon; George H. Tarras, Fraserburgh; Victor B. van Dort, Ceylon; William G. S. Pepper, Melbourne; V. P. Thiyagaraja, Ceylon; and John A. M'Cann, Glasgow. BOOKS RECEIVED. BARCLAY, H. CLIFFORD. Elementary Anatomy and Physiology for (E. & S. Livingstone) Edition (Henry Kimpton) I2s. net. 6s. net. 30s. net. 8s. 6d. net. 4s. 6d. net. 4s. 6d. net. Ios. 6d. net. 8s. 6d. net. 6s. net. 7s. 6d. net. FINDLAY, ALEXANDER. Physical Chemistry for Students of Medicine (Longmans, Green & Co.) FULLER, A. W. Anæmia. Second Edition (H. K. Lewis & Co., Ltd.) HALL, PERCY. Ultra-Violet Rays in the Treatment and Cure of Disease (Wm. Heinemann (Medical Books), Ltd.) HEYD, CHARLES, and KILLIAN, JOHN A. The Liver and its Relation to Chronic Abdominal Infection. MACNEAL, WARD J. Structural Changes in the Appendix, GallBladder, and Liver, from the same Patient (Henry Kimpton) HUMPHRIS, FRANCIS HOWARD. Artificial Sunlight and its Therapeutic Uses (Humphrey Milford) HUTCHISON, ROBERT, and RAINY, HARRY. Clinical Methods. Eighth Edition (Cassell & Co. Ltd.) 12s. 6d. net. MAY, CHARLES H., and WORTH, CLAUD. Diseases of the Eye. Fifth Edition (Baillière, Tindall & Cox) MUIRHEAD, A. L., and BRODIE, Edith P. Materia Medica for Nurses PAUCHET, VICTOR. Practical Surgery Illustrated. Vol. I. 18s. net. 8s. 6d. net. 15s, net. (Henry Kimpton) 10s. 6d. net. (Messrs Ernest Benn, Ltd.) 18s. 6d. net. PAUCHET, VICTOR. Practical Surgery Illustrated. Vol. II. (Messrs Ernest Benn, Ltd.) 18s. 6d. net. PITT, ST GEORGE LANE FOX. The Purpose of Education RAWLING, L. BATHE. Landmarks and Surface Markings of the Human Body. Sixth Edition . (H. K. Lewis & Co. Ltd.) RIVERS, W. C. Sexuological Essays (MacCrellish & Quigley Co.) THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. Annual Report, 1923 (Rockefeller Foundation) THOMSON, F. H. The Diagnosis and Treatment of the Infectious 4s. net. 7s. 6d. net. 7s. 6d. net. 5s. net. 75. 6d. net. (Leonard Parsons, Ltd.) 4s. 6d. net. The price of Dr Hale-White's Materia Medica (Churchill) reviewed in our last issue is 10s. 6d., not 19s. 6d. INDEX NOTE. Entries with Chir. and Obst. refer to Medico-Chirurgical and ABSCESS, Brain, Case of (J. M. Brodie's, Case of (J. E. G. Thom- Left Ovarian, Specimen of Acoustic Tumour, Two Cases of (Sir Addison's Disease, Case of (G. L. Gulland), Chir., 27 Adenomata, Multiple, of the Colon, Specimen of Uterus with (R. W. of the Uterus with Tuberculous Adhesions, Old-standing, of the Small Albuminuric Toxæmias, The Associa- chamic Contracture, Case of, 58 Acute Intestinal Obstruction due Cr. Rev. Critical Review. Alumni Association, 539 Anæmia, Aplastic, Case of (Robert Primary, Case of (Chalmers Report on the Treatment of Cirsoid, Case of (J. N. J. Hartley), Traumatic, Case of (George Anophthalmos, Case of (Angus Mac- Aortic Aneurysm, Specimen of (J. M. Aplastic Anæmia, Case of (Robert A. following Ophthalmia Neona- Scarlatinal (Alexander Joe), 341 Attitude of the Medical Profession to I of the Medical Profession to BABINSKI Sign, Case of Anomalous Books received, 64, 123, 220, 284, 340, Bramwell, Sir Byrom, 122 Bramwell, Edwin, Thomsen's Disease, Case of, Chir., 223 Breast, Specimen of Tumour of the Brewis, Nathaniel T., see Obituaries Thomson), 596 the Diagnosis and Treatment of Some Notes on Diagnosis of Non- Brown, F. R., Fracture of the Carpal Interarticular Dislocation of the Simple Ulcers of the Jejeunum The Value of Enterostomy in Brown, K. Paterson, Acute Osteo- Interarticular Dislocation of the The Induction of Labour by Uniovular Twins, Case of, 271 Burgess, W. L., Some Observations CESAREAN Section (E. Farquhar Section, Case of (J. A. Kynoch), Sections in Cases of Contracted Cameron, Samuel J., Bilateral Ovarian Gravid Uterus, Specimen of, One Hundred Successive and Cameron, S. J., and J. Hewitt, A Note Cancer, Further Investigations into of the Lower End of the Pharynx, Quarry Wood), Cl. Rec., 329 Cerebro-Spinal Fluid under the Scalp, Fibroid, Specimen of (B. P. Thyroid, Overgrowth of an Chest, Application of the Broncho- scope in the Diagnosis and Chiene, George, Old-standing Ad- Snapping Hip, Case of, Chir., Traumatic Aneurysm, Case of, Chisholm, A. E., "Monsters," Two Cases of, 198 Veratrone-with Special Refer- Monster, Specimen of, Obst., 64 Cirsoid Aneurysm, Case of (J. N. J. Clinical Meeting, Chir., 21, 191 Acute Intestinal Obstruction due to Congenital Defect of the Thoracico- Fracture of the Olecranon, treated by Temporary Pressure Paralysis Patella (K. Paterson Brown), 403 Snake Bite in Iraq (H. C. Sinder- Traumatic Involvement of Meckel's Diverticulum (J. D. Gilruth), 265 Cochrane, W. A., A Consideration of Colon, Case of Multiple Adenomata Pelvic, Case of Resection of the, Congenital Cystic Disease of Kidneys, 22 Cranial Defects, Two Cases of (Henry |