| Agriculture - 1899 - 714 pages
...bv the curer. It is well to be cautions in tryinsj new breeds of pigs, as well as am-thins else, and to "prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good " ; but if this idea were carried to an extreme, people would still be breeding the scrub. More, the... | |
| Richard Carlile - Free thought - 358 pages
...the temple of the Lord;" but to do Justice, love Mercy, and hate Hypocrisy : that he commanded them to " prove all things" and " hold fast to that which is good :" and forbade them to rest their hopes of pleasing the Deity, upon the observance of rights and ceremonies,... | |
| Alexander Keith - 1835 - 464 pages
...it is ever the prescribed duty of all, who profess to believe in the gospel, to search and to try, " to prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good ;" and to " be able to give an answer to every one that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in... | |
| Voyages around the world - 1840 - 350 pages
...nothing, and it is a sound philosophy, approved by Paul long before it was introduced by Lord Bacon, "to prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good." 3* CHAPTER III. " Away, away before the breeze, Out gallant tqtuulrm swifily flies — Around us gleam... | |
| New Hampshire Historical Society - Local history - 1850 - 354 pages
...rich stores, for future reflection and active use. Following out the divine injunction, they try " to prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good." The wanderer, like the bee, lights long only when the richest flowers open, and sends or brings back... | |
| Luther Calvin Saxton - Poland - 1851 - 586 pages
...the greatest number ; and who can complain of a request BO modest and so reasonable ? Try all things, prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good, is the true rule of progression ; and M> long as reformers govern their improvements by these principles,... | |
| Education - 1852 - 844 pages
...occur, amid the mass of ordinary mind. But the great dependence for persons who will try all things, prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good, is upon those who have dedicated their thoughts, their reading, their enthusiasm, their ambition, their... | |
| Levi Woodbury - Law - 1852 - 450 pages
...some rich stores for future reflection and active use. Following out the divine injunction, they try " to prove all things ', and hold fast to that which is good." The wanderer, like the bee, lights long only when the richest flowers open, and sends or brings back... | |
| Conduct of life - 1855 - 902 pages
...investigation, which the Bereans manifested, and calls them noble on this account. It also tells us to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. The reply of Christ, therefore, when properly understood, will not be found to be inimical to the spirit... | |
| E. J. Hamill - 1856 - 390 pages
...doctrines and discipline" of any denomination, which we believe unfounded in the Word of God, commands us to " prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good." Hence " the courtesies extended" to their pastor, and " the kind regards" we have expressed for them... | |
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