MCINTOSH GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATTERY COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED McIntosh Combined Galvanic and Faradic Batteries, Table, Office, and Family Batteries, Electrodes, Electric Bath Apparatus, Binocular Microscopes, and all kinds of Philosophical We call the special attention of the medical profession to our Combined Galvanic and Faradic Batteries. These batteries have been adopted by the United States Government for use in the medical department of the army and navy. They are THE FIRST AND ONLY PORTABLE BATTERIES EVER IN cells. This is the only battery in which the zinc and carbon plates can be kept clean and always in order by simply rinsing them. An extra large cell is added to the combined batteries for the purpose of producing the Faradic current. This cell gives as much force as is ever needed, and avoids exhausting the current from the Galvanic cells. All the metal work is finely nickel-plated and highly polished, and every part is put together so that it can be easily replaced by the operator. Our batteries weigh less, occupy less space, give a current of greater intensity and quantity than any other battery manufactured. Our Illustrated Catalogue, a handsome book giving full description of all our goods, and other valuable information, sent free on application. MCINTOSH GALVANIC AND FARADIC BATTERY CO., 300 and 302 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill. NERVE-TONIC, STIMULANT AND ANTISPASMODIC. FORMULA.-Every Fluid-Drachm represents FIVE grains EACH-Celery, Coca, Kola, Viburnum and Aromatics. INDICATIONS.-Impotency, Spermatorrhea, Loss of Nerve. Power (so usual with Lawyers, Preachers, Writers and Business Men), Nervous Headache, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Dysmenorrhea, Hysteria, Opium-Habit, Inebriety, Prostatitis, Dyspepsia, and ALL LANGUID or DEBILITATED Conditions of the System.-Indispensable to restore a patient after alcoholic excess. DOSE.-One or two teaspoonfuls three or more times a day, as directed by the Physician. ALETRIS CORDIAL UTERINE TONIC AND RESTORATIVE. PREPARED FROM THE ALETRIS FARINOSA OR TRUE UNICORN. INDICATIONS. -Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Leucorrhea, Prolapsus Uteri, Sterility, to PREVENT Miscarriage, etc. DOSE.-One teaspoonful three or four times a day. Unrivaled as a Uterine Tonic in Irregular, Painful, Suppressed Excessive Menstruation IT RESTORES NORMAL ACTION TO THE UTERUS, AND IMPARTS VIGOR TO Where Women have aborted during previous Pregnancies, or in any case where abortion is feared, the Aletris Cordial is indicated, and should be continuously administered during entire gestation. ACID MAN NATE A MILD, SAFE AND PLEASANT APERIENT. Prepared from Manna, Purified Cathartic Acid, and Fruit Juices. INDICATIONS.-Constipation, Biliousness, Congestions, Etc. INDISPENSABLE AS AN APERIENT FOR WOMEN DURING PREGNANCY. In teaspoonful doses, 3 times a day, it favors the SECRETION and EXCRETION of bile, and gradually removes the congested and torpid states of the liver, and keeps the bowels in a regular and soluble condition. DOSE.-ONE or MORE teaspoonfuls as directed by the Physician. S.H. KENNEDY'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF PINUS CANADENSIS A NON-ALCOHOLIC LIQUID. WHITE A MOST VALUABLE NON-IRRITATING MUCOUS ASTRINGENT. INDICATIONS.-Albuminuria, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Night-Sweats, Hemorrhages, Profuse Expectoration, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Leucorrhea, and other Vaginal Diseases, Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Scalds, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Etc. When Used as an Injection, to Avoid Staining of Linen, the WHITE Pinus should be Used. Recommended by DR, J. MARION SIMS, and other Prominent Physicians. RIO CHEMICAL COMPANY, ST. LOUIS. LONDON. PARIS Samples FREE to any Physician who will pay Express charges, and mention this Journal. Manufactured by E. SCHEFFER, Louisville, Ky. SACCHARATED PEPSIN of the standard strength of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia. CONCENTRATED PEPSIN, Eight times the strength of the Saccharated. E. Scheffer claims for his preparations uniformity, absence of odor and taste, and particularly stability. His Pepsines are not impaired by age, do not lose their digestive power, and do not assume an offensive odor when exposed to the air. E. TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. QUERU'S RICORD CAPSULES. From the Formula of DR. RICORD, of Paris, Compound of Copaiba, Pepsine, Bismuth, Magnesia, and Norwegian Tar. Dr. RICORD says: By associating the Balsam of Copaiba with Pepsine and Sub-azotite of Bismuth, the drastic properties of the Balsam and the disorders which it conveys to the digestive organs are annihilated, and have obtained the most desirable results from these Capsules. The tonic action of the Tar aids the anti-blennorrhagic properties of the Balsam, and at the same time the proportion of Tar in these Capsules produces a simular result; it completely covers the odor and taste of the Balsam of Copaiba, and vice versa, the odor and taste of the Tar are so attenuated as to be scarcely traceab e. By this adjunct the eructations and nausea are obviated The superiority of these Capsules over the ordinary ones is— 1. They produce no eructation or nausea. 2. Do not affect the digestive organs. 3. Neutralize the Cathartic properties of the Balsam Copaiba. E. H. TRUEX, Prop'r, No. 298 Pearl St., New York. LEMENTARY PRINCIPLES Ог ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS, WITH 135 ILLUSTRATIONS. PREPARED BY C. M. HAYNES, M. D. Designed for the use of Students and Physicians. This volume of 420 pages ontains in a clear, concise form the elementary principles of Magnetism, Franklinism, Galvanism, and Faradism. Price, post-paid, $2. THE M'INTOSH GALVANIC AND FARADIC CO., 300 and 302 Dearborn Street, Chicago, In Electric Light Aging Process As applied in Refining and Purifying BRANDRYE. Explanatory of Brandrye, "Fruity," Grand Champagne Style, for the Sick only. BRANDRYE is a spirituous beverage, a substitue for Brandy, Rye, Scotch, Bourbon, or Irish Whiskies, mor nutritious, digestible, and purer than any thing of the kind ever made. It is disti led from rye and ba ley malt, and the juice of wine-making grapes, a I being fermented together. The fermentation of the grapes generates more or less tartaric acid, which we claim acts upon the other food matter in the mash, and the spirit distilled is more wholesome than the ordinary distillates of grain. It is delicious in taste, and its very palatability in use by the sick is a tremendous advantage over the whiskies and other spirits now prescribed by physicians, which to the sick (always hard to suit) is a boon. The Edison Ele tric Light Process, as applied, has, for the first time in the knowledge of man, put sunlight and summer-heat inside a barrel of liquor, and matured it as fruit and flowers are ripened. It will make as good a Milk Punch or Hot Beverage as the highest grade Grand Champagne Cogna Br ndy, and is a great deal more nutritious and digestible. It is unsurpassed for making jelly, etc., for the sick, both in flavor and richness, besides being perfectly pure. We court investigation, looking to the physicians, the sick, and the debilitated for our support, entirely ignoring the liquor trade, who are not allowed to sell it. Every b ttle is numbered and registered, and can be traced direct to the United States Bonded (Internal Revenue) Warehouse. REFERENCES: Our references are among the best physicians, etc, in the United States, mostly resident in the cities of New York and Brooklyn. We do not publish their names because of the preference of most of them not to appear in advertisements, and having special permission from a goodly number, will give their addresses to any wishing to investigate personally. Mr. Parsons, the chemist of Messrs. W. H. Schieffelin & Co., and other chemists, analyzed the Brandrye in 1884, immediately after the roasting by the Edison Electric Light Process, and found that the Fusel Oil, etc.,o riginally in the new Brandrye, nearly four per cent. were reduced to one-tenth of one per cent. by the Electro roasting. Thirty days after the roasting no trace of the Fusel Oil could be found. STIMULANT-EMULSION. BRANDRIOLI! The only Stimulant-Emulsion "known," made from nothing but The Finest Cod Liver Oil, Rye Brandy, (Very Palatable, "No oily taste"), AND ICELAND MOSS. This Emulsion is perfect, and will bear reducing with water should it be too rich for the patient; is most nutritious and digestible; cures the worst cough or cold, and will help consumptives to enjoy life. The purity of the Rye Brandy used in Brandrioli is guaranteed by the Edison Electric Light Process. All poisonous matters (Fusel Oi, etc.), are entirely destroyed. The Cod Liver Oil is made from only sound selected Livers. Brandrioli cures Coughs, Colds, and kindred maladies, and hoarseness in singers, etc., and relieves Pulmonary troubles generally. Is remarkable in its emollient and healing qualities; the .ungs, throat and internal organs are healed, inflammation allayed etc., by its soothing properties. A perfect pneumonia preventive and cure when taken in time. For Clergy men's sore throat it is particularly efficacious. Innumerable references given if desired. (10B) U. S. PURITY GUARANTEE CO., 210 Front St., New York. 6-2 24-18 15 00 16 00 The above cut represents the Stephens patent Saddle Bags, the most compact, strong, and only entirely water-proof bag made. GEO. K. HOPKINS & CO., Wholesale Druggists, MURKIN & HUNT, |